Friday 5th March 2021
* Don't forget to email a picture of your planner to by 10 today to be in with a chance of winning*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly *
Thursday 4th March 2021
* Make sure you get your Golden Ticket entries in by 10:00 tomorrow. Email a picture of your planner to*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* I hope you enjoy the World Book Day activities today *
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
* Make sure you get your Golden Ticket entries in by 10:00 on Friday. Email a picture of your planner to*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly *
Today's comprehension is a myth entitled 'The legend of Isis and Osiris'. There are three challenges to choose from and the answers can be found at the end of each document.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 27)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Tuesday 2nd March 2021
* Make sure you get your Golden Ticket entries in by 10:00 on Friday. Email a picture of your planner to*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension is all about the Chinese year of the Ox. There are three challenges to choose from and the answers can be found at the end of the documents.
In today's lesson we will be continuing to learnt about settlements. We will be thinking about the needs of early settlers and then be identify how different settlements fulfill these needs. You will first needs to read the information from the PPT (I have also attached a PDF version). During this you will need to complete the sorting activity and then at the end there is a task for you to complete using the document below.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 27)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Monday 1st March 2021
* This is the final week of our virtual Golden Ticket competition. Let's try and get as many entries as possible in. Email a picture of your planner to*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly *
Today's comprehension task is all about the fable 'The boy who cried wolf'.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 27)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
For today's lesson we are going to be learning about the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling. Follow the link and complete the activities.
Friday 26th February 2021
* Remember to get your Golden Ticket entries in by 10:00 today. Email a picture of your planner to*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly *
Today's comprehension task is all about how to grow your own spring daffodils.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 26)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Thursday 25th February 2021
* It was great to see you on the Zoom call yesterday and I am really looking forward to seeing you back in school on the 8th *
* Remember to get your Golden Ticket entries in by 10:00 on Friday. Email a picture of your planner to*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension is a play script from Oliver Twist. There are three challenges to choose from and the answers to each challenge are at the end of the document.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes (You are doing really well this week. Keep up the good work)
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 26)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes (Let's have lots of entries for the Golden Ticket)
Wednesday 24th February 2021
* I am really looking forward to seeing you all on today's Zoom call at 11:30. *
* Remember to get your Golden Ticket entries in by 10:00 on Friday. Email a picture of your planner to*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly *
Today's comprehension is a persuasive text all about the new 'Star Cruiser 2.0'.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes (Keep up all your hard work!)
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 26)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
* Remember our Zoom call tomorrow at 11:30. I look forward to seeing you all there. *
* Remember to do plenty of reading at home and get your Golden Ticket entries in by 10:00 on Friday. Email a picture of your planner to*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension is all about USA president Joe Biden. There are three challenges to choose from and the answers for each challenge can be found at the end of the documents.
This half-term we will be learning all about different types of settlements and why people settle in different locations. To begin our learning, I would like you to visit the following website and complete the activities on it.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes (Keep up all your hard work!)
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 26)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Monday 22nd February 2021
* Welcome back Year 4. I hope you had a lovely half-term *
* Let's start the term off well with lots of entries into the Golden Ticket this week. Make sure you get your entries in by 10:00 on Friday. Email a picture of your planner to*
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension is in the form of a letter entitled 'Dear adventurer'.
Photography Challenge
As Spring is fast approaching and the weather is getting milder, now is a great time to get outside. Therefore, this half-term we will be having a photography challenge in Year 4. What I would like you to do is take some interesting photo's whilst you are out and about and send them in to me. The best ones will be displayed in our classroom for when you return to school. I would like you to be creative with you pictures. You will need to get permission to use any equipment which is not yours and please don't send in pictures of people unless you have their permission. I look forward to seeing your pictures.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes (Let's start the new term by getting back to the top of the leaderboard!)
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 26)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Friday 12th February 2021
* Thank you for all your hard work this half-term. Make sure you enjoy your week off. *
* Get your Golden Ticket entries in by 10:00 today to be in with a chance of winning. Email a picture of your planner to*
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension is entitled 'The final challenge'.
In today's lesson we are going to complete our computing topic learning all about Web page creation. Visit the link below and click on lesson 6: Think before you link!
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes (Let's get back to the top of the leaderboard this week!)
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 19)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Thursday 11th February 2021
* Only 1 day left to get your Golden ticket entries in. Email a picture of your planner to*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
As we are reading Danny champion of the world for our Once Upon a Time story, today's reading comprehension is all about Roald Dahl. There are three challenges for you to choose from and the answers for each can be found at the end of the documents.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes (Let's get back to the top of the leaderboard this week!)
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 19)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Wednesday 10th February 2021
* Lets make sure we get as many entries as possible into the golden ticket competition this week. Email a picture of your planner to*
* I look forward to seeing you all on our Zoom call at 11:30 today *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly *
Today's comprehension is all about the Anglo-Saxon god Woden (or Odin).
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes (Let's get back to the top of the leaderboard this week!)
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 19)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Tuesday 9th February 2021
* Lets make sure we get as many entries as possible into the golden ticket competition this week. Email a picture of your planner to*
* I look forward to seeing you all on tomorrow's Zoom call at 11:30 *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension task is all about planet earth. There are three different challenges to complete and the answers to each can be found at the end of the documents.
Internet Safety Day
Today is Internet Safety Day. For today's lesson I would like you to visit the BBC website at 11:00 using the link below to watch a live lesson. I have also attached the activity sheet that goes with the lesson.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes (Let's get back to the top of the leaderboard this week!)
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes (Spelling rule 19)
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Monday 8th February 2021
* Lets make sure we get as many entries as possible into the golden ticket competition this week. Email a picture of your planner to*
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly. *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension is an adventure story entitled 'Diary of a Voyager'.
In computing this week, we are continuing with our learning about how to create websites. In today's lesson, you will be learning to create hyperlinks to navigate around your website. Click the link below and select lesson 5: Follow the breadcrumbs, to complete today's task.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes (Let's get back to the top of the leaderboard this week!)
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Friday 5th February 2021
* Make sure you get your Golden Ticket entries in by 10:00 today. *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
For your comprehension today you will be answering questions about a text called 'The man who bought a mountain'. There are three different challenges to choose from and the answers can be found at the end of each document.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 20 from Year 2 section)- 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Thursday 4th February 2021
* It was lovely to see you all on our Zoom call yesterday. I hope you enjoyed our special guest *
* Make sure you send a picture of your planner to by 10:00 on Friday*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension is a setting description entitled 'The town of Egarim'.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 20 from Year 2 section)- 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes (Let's get everyone in the golden ticket this week!)
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
* Remember our Zoom call today at 11:30. I look forward to seeing you all there. *
* Make sure you send a picture of your planner to by 10:00 on Friday*
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
As you are watching the assembly, here are some questions to try and answer.
*How do you like to express yourself creatively? How does it make you feel?
*If you could design your own hat (or other item of clothing) to express yourself, what would it be like and why?
*Why not have a go at your own Draw your Feelings activity?
*If you had magical powers, what spell would you cast?
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
* Make sure you send your entries to by 10:00 on Friday*
* Make sure you visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly. *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension is all about dolphins. There are three challenges for you to choose from and the answers to each challenge can be found at the end of each document.
In History this week, we are learning about religious beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons and how their beliefs changed. Visit this sit to begin your learning.
Now use the information on the PPT below to fill in the missing words on the task.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 20 from Year 2 section)- 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes (Let's get everyone in the golden ticket this week!)
Monday 1st February 2021
* Congratulations on getting our highest number of entries in for the golden ticket last week. Let's keep this going and beat our record again this week! Make sure you send your entries to by 10:00 on Friday*
* Congratulations also for coming 1st in TTRockstars! A special mention for Oscar Gates, who was the top Rockstar this week, and also Ryan St Holmes, who passed 2 million points. *
* Make sure you visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest assembly. *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension is entitled 'Dear Detective' and is all about some escaped penguins.
In computing today you will be creating your own Google web page. Visit the link below and select the lesson 'How does it look?' to find out how.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 20 from Year 2 section)- 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes (Let's get everyone in the golden ticket this week!)
Friday 29th January 2021
* If you have read 5 times, make sure you send a picture of your planner to by 10:00 today to be in with a chance of winning. *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
Today's comprehension task is based on the Chinese myth: The Dragon Kings.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 25)- 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Thursday 28th January 2021
** Check our page tomorrow for a message from Mrs Russ and a very special guest **
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Make sure you get you Golden Ticket entries in by Friday at 10:00 *
* Visit the Secret Reader part of the website to see the first video. Can you work out who it is? Send your guessing in by 10:00 today. *
* Visit Mr Barron's briefing page to see his latest assembly *
Today's comprehension focuses on Greta Thunberg. There are three challenges to choose from and the answers can be found at the end of each document.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 25)- 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Wednesday 27th January 2021
* Don't forget our Zoom call today at 11:30 *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Make sure you get you Golden Ticket entries in by Friday at 10:00 *
* Visit the Secret Reader part of the website to see the first video. Can you work out who it is? Send your guessing in by 10:00 Thursday. *
Today's comprehension is entitled 'How Thunor got his hammer'.
This week in Science we are going to be learning about the process involved when water changes state between solid, liquid and gas. Please complete this quiz before watching Mrs Watson's lesson today.
Once you have done the quiz, watch the lesson below.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 25)- 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Tuesday 26th January 2021
* Don't forget our Zoom call, tomorrow at 11:30 *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest briefing *
* Make sure you get you Golden Ticket entries in by Friday at 10:00 *
For today's comprehension you have the choice of 3 challenges. Each text is entitled 'Scare at Shadow Fair' and the answers can be found at the end of each document.
English today is a practical lesson! All the KS2 teacher's have been busy making Rice Krispie cakes. Watch the video below to see how we did it.
Your task is to bake something. You may wish to create Rice Krispie cakes like we did or create something completely different. Remember to keep track of how you did it as you will need this information later in the week. You may also like to take pictures of you creating your masterpiece.
In today's computing lesson, we will be continuing our learning about Web page creation from the Oak National Academy. Follow the link below and complete the lesson entitled 'Copyright or CopyWRONG?'
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 25)- 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Monday 25th January 2021
For comprehension today we are not going to be using our CGP books. Instead I have attached short text entitled 'Whodunnit? The case of the broken vase' with some accompanying questions.
In History, we are continuing our learning about Anglo-Saxons. In today's lesson we are going to learn about Anglo-Saxon art and culture. Visit the following website to find out more.
Now read the information on this PPT to find out more about Anglo-Saxon art and crafts.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 25)- 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Friday 22nd January 2021
* If you have read 5 times, make sure you send a picture of your planner to by 10:00 today to be in with a chance of winning *
* If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to see his latest briefing*
Today's comprehension lesson is a newspaper extract about the Bletchley Park Codebreakers. It can be found on page 26 of your CGP books.
In computing today we are going to continue our learning about Web page creation. Please click the link below to visit the Oak National Academy page and complete lesson 2: How would you lay out your web page?
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 1) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Thursday 21st January 2021
* Yesterday's Zoom meeting has been rescheduled for today at 10:00 *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to view his latest briefing *
* Remember to send your golden ticket entries to by 10:00 on Friday*
*If you are on Accelerated Reading then you can complete the quizzes for the books you have read. Your logins are in your planners. Accelerated Reader website*
Today's comprehension is an extract from 'Peter Pan' by J.M. Barrie and can be found on page 24 of your CGP books.
In R.E today, we are continuing to learn all about why Easter is important to Christians. We will learn about the Last Supper and what the Eucharist is. Please watch the video of Mrs Watson below.
Once you have finished the video, you will be reading an information sheet about what the Eucharist is and will answer questions about it.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 1) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Wednesday 20th January 2021
* Don't forget today's Zoom meeting at 11:30 *
* Remember to send a picture of your planner to once you have read 5 times to be in with a chance of winning! *
Today's comprehension task is an extract from the information book 'Reign of Sea Dragons' which is all about creatures which lived in the ocean at the same time as dinosaurs. It can be found on page 22 of you CGP book.
Today in Science, we are going to be learning about freezing, melting, and reversible changes of state. Listen to the video below of Mrs Watson. What can make materials change state?
Our home learning today is to match different materials with their melting points in degrees Celsius. Make sure you attempt to match each material to its melting point first, before checking your answers on the second page!
Below is a video of Mrs Watson doing a melting experiment with chocolate. Watch below, and if you have the materials at home then try it yourself!
For any further learning about freezing and melting, please visit
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 1) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Tuesday 19th January 2021
* Don't forget our Zoom meeting tomorrow at 11:30. I hope to see you all there *
* Remember to send a picture of your planner to once you have read 5 times to be in with a chance of winning! *
* CONGRATULATIONS on winning last weeks Battle of the Bands competition. Please find the results below or visit the TTRockstars section of the website. *
Today's comprehension is an extract from the story 'The girl who walked on air' by Emma Carroll and can be found on page 20 of you CGP books.
In PSHE we are continuing to think about Dreams and goals. Last session I asked you to think about a large dream for the future. In today's session, we are going to be thinking about our dreams and goals for the year ahead by setting New Year's resolutions. The first thing you need to do is look at the PPT below which encourages you to reflect on the year that has just past. This will then help you think about your dreams and goals for this year. You task is to create your own set of dreams and goals for the year.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 1) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Monday 18th January 2021
* Battle of the bands vs Strumming Steadman 11:00 - 12:00 *
* Make sure you are reading 5 times a week to be in with a chance of winning a Golden Ticket! *
* Visit Mr Barron's page to watch his latest briefing *
Today's comprehension is a non-fiction text which focuses on Chinese new Year. It can be found on page 18 of your CGP books.
For History, we are continuing our learning about Anglo-Saxons and the Scots. First I would like you to visit the following website which has information about when and why the Anglo-Saxon's came to Britain.
Now I would like you to look at the PPT below which explains about Anglo-Saxon shields.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - Battle of the bands vs Strumming Steadman 11:00-12:00
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 1) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Friday 15th January 2021
* Make sure you send a picture of your planner to by 10 a.m. to be in with a chance of winning!*
For computing, we are going to be learning about Web page creation from the Oak National Academy. I would like you to click on the link below and complete the first lesson entitled 'What makes a good website?'
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 4) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Thursday 14th January 2021
* It was lovely to see you all yesterday on our Zoom meeting *
* Keep an eye out for Mr Barron's assembly today on Mr Barron's Briefings page *
* TTRockstars Battle of the Bands with Year 6 11:00 - 12:00 *
* When you have read 5 times, remember to send a picture of your planner to by Friday at 10 a.m. to be in with a chance of winning!*
We are starting a new topic this term focusing on the Christian festival of Easter. Today, we begin our learning all about Palm Sunday. Watch the video below to learn the story of Jesus' triumphant return to Jerusalem.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - Battle of the bands Vs TWild West (11:00 - 12:00)
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 4) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
We are continuing our learning about solids, liquids and gases this week. Today we will be learning about gases and investigating gases!
Watch the video below of Mrs Watson teaching us about gases, specifically carbon dioxide.
If you have the equipment at home, try to have a go yourselves! The last activity for science today is linked below – a true or false quiz. Email me at with some photographs of your work and your quiz score.
Quiz link -
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - Battle of the bands Vs Tapping Two's (9:30 - 10:30)
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 4) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
For today's session we are going to be continuing our learning about Anglo-Saxons and the Scots. Visit the following website to find out about how the Anglo-Saxons ruled.
One of the things we learn about from the above website is that King Offa used the first pennies and on the pennies was Anglo-Saxon runes. Your task is to use the attached document to write your name and a secret message using Anglo-Saxon runes.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - Battle of the bands Vs Giddy Galley (9:30 - 10:30)
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 4) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
For today’s computing lesson, we are going to be learning about algorithms and programming. An algorithm is a set of instructions that we give to a computer to complete a task. I would like you to visit the following site and play the game Rapid Router.
In order to complete this activity, you will need to create a list of instructions for the object to follow. The levels start of straight forward but get progressively harder.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 4) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Our PSHE topic this half term is dreams and goals. You have already achieved so much in your lives, from learning to walk to writing your name. For today’s task, I would like you to think about what your dreams and goals are for the future such as becoming an astronaut, travelling to different countries or becoming a professional athlete. I would then like you to think about what steps you will need in order to achieve you goal. I would like you to create a poster celebrating your goal and include your steps to success on it.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 4) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Our history topic this half term is Anglo-Saxons and the Scots. For this lesson I would like you to look at the information on the bbc website and complete the quiz. I would then like you to create a fact-file about one of the Saxon kings.
Daily Tasks:
TTRockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (spelling rule 4) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes
Good morning Year 4!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday! This half term we will be learning about states of matter, which are solids, liquids and gases. The very first thing I would like you to do is an online quiz I have made for you! Please follow this link, complete the quiz and write down your score for later.
For our home learning today, I would like you to play a sorting game. Please download the PowerPoint below. You will need to be on a desktop computer so you can move the pictures of different materials into whether they are a solid, liquid or a gas.
Then Please watch the video below showing Mrs Watson explaining what solids, liquids and gases are.
Lastly, you can then watch this video explaining more about solids, liquids and gases.
Our work today is below. Print out the worksheet and cut out all the squares on the right hand side of the sheet. Match each state – solid, liquid or gas – to a material and to its correct particle arrangement.
Please email me your scores for the quiz, along with pictures of your work or your PowerPoint at
Daily Tasks:
TT Rockstars - 15 minutes
Spelling Frame (Spelling rule 4) - 15 minutes
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes