PSHCE Subject Leader: Mrs Steadman
Curriculum Aims:
At Gade Valley School, PSHCE is embedded across all year groups. Within this curriculum the pupils learn PSHCE through the 'Jigsaw' scheme. The curriculum is adapted to needs of classes and the needs of our pupils. We endeavour to equip our pupils with life-long skills and to thrive in any situation.
Gade Valley strives to:
How we teach PSHCE:
At Gade Valley, PSHCE is taught using the Jigsaw approach. As a school, we chose to use the scheme as a framework for delivering high quality learning opportunities. The framework is broken down into half-termly puzzles which ensure all areas of PSHCE for the primary phase are covered. Our PSHCE Curriculum is carefully sequenced to demonstrate progression through all year groups. Each puzzle has clear assessment criteria, which all teachers follow. This enables teachers to ensure the majority of their class are achieving age-related expectations.
All PSHCE lessons include the Gade Valley Principles of Teaching and Learning. This ensures all teachers are mindful of pupils learning styles, provide effective challenge for all pupils (ensuring all their individual needs are being met) and good learning behaviours are displayed. Each Key Stage work on the same Jigsaw theme at the same time, this enables each Puzzle to start with an introductory assembly, generating a whole school focus for adults and pupils alike. Teachers are then able to teach the lessons either through weekly lessons or in a focused block of lessons. Throughout the year, pupils are given opportunities to demonstrate the skills they have learnt through special PSHCE days. In the autumn term, they are encouraged to provide gifts for families that are less fortunate than they are in their local community as well as communities around the world.
In the Early Years, PSHCE lessons are taught through all areas of learning. Both Nursery and Reception classes have daily circle-time to develop social and emotional skills. Through child-initiated-learning, pupils are provided with opportunities to further develop these skills.
Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)
Statutory Relationships and Health Education is included within our whole-school Jigsaw PSHCE Programme. At Gade Valley, we value PSHCE as one way to support pupil’s development as human beings, to enable them to understand and respect who they are, to empower them with a voice and to equip them for life and learning. Effective SRE can make a significant contribution to the development of the personal skills needed by pupils if they are to establish and maintain relationships. In addition, it provides opportunities for pupils to understand the difference between safe and abusive relationships and equips them with the skills to get help if they need it.
As a school, SRE is taught through Jigsaw's ‘Changing Me’ Puzzle which provides teaching and learning intentions for each year group. To ensure progression, we use Jigsaw and tailor it to our pupil’s needs. The mapping document: Jigsaw 3-11 and statutory Relationships and Health Education, shows exactly how Jigsaw and therefore our school, meets the statutory Relationships and Health Education requirements. This programme’s complimentary update policy ensures we are always using the most up to date teaching materials and that our teachers are well-supported.
The Jigsaw Programme is aligned to the PSHE Association Programmes of Study for PSHE.
Drug and Alcohol Education
The Drug and Alcohol Education programme at our school reflects the school ethos and demonstrates and encourages the following values. For example:
Key Information for 2024/25
To see our learning in PSHCE, please visit the PSHCE page on the 'Curriculum Blogs' section.
PSHCE Overview 2024-2025