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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Our Class Teacher is Miss Clark
Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Happe

Non Negotiable Parent Leaflet

Meet the Teacher Presentation

Dear Parents and Carers, thank you so much for all of your generous gifts. Mrs. Happe and I have truly enjoyed teaching your children. We hope you enjoy the final photos. The pupils and I had fun trying to form the shape of a number 4 to celebrate the end of the year and then we had ice-lollies! Wishing you all a wonderful summer break. Kind regards, Miss Clark and Mrs. Happe

Year 4's Sunrise Drinks

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🌞 Sunrise Drinks - A Sip of Sunshine in Every Bottle! 🌞

Are you ready to give your taste buds a thrilling adventure? Introducing Sunrise Drinks – the coolest, yummiest, and most refreshing drinks ever!

Why Sunrise Drinks?

🍓 Fruit-tastic Flavors! Dive into the delicious world of strawberry, mango, and tropical punch. It's like a fruit party in your mouth!

✨ Super Refreshing! Whether you're playing sports, reading a book, or just hanging out with friends, Sunrise Drinks will keep you feeling cool and energized.

🌈 Fun and Colourful! Our drinks are as bright and fun as you are. Each cup is bursting with color and flavor!

Art: the pupils chose a word pertinent to them, linking to our English and science topic 'Save the Bees'. They made shadow sculptures inspired by Sue Webster.

Year 4, have been playing sitting volleyball. The pupils encouraged and supported each other like true CHAMPS.

To kick start sports week, Year 4 participated with other local schools in the DSSN games at Laureate School. This consisted of a carousel of fun sports activities, such as: football, golf, archery, badminton, quidditch and hockey. The pupils used all of their CHAMP skills when completing the games and demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship qualities.

In science, our new topic is Living Things and their Habitats. We have started to create our own dioramas using paint, 3D effects and colour immersion.

This week we were inspired by the artist Magdalene Oduno. We used chalk to plan our bee habitats, which will be the basis of our final piece. We took our learning outside to develop our ideas.

This week, the pupils have been consolidating their times tables knowledge through a variety of games and challenges. They have been playing Times Tables Rockstars, maths quizzes, Lego maths and pick a number games to multiply by.

Hazard Alley is a safety centre dedicated to saving lives. The pupils enjoyed an immersive, experiential learning experience. They were motivated and confident when engaged in life sized scenarios such as: fire safety, internet safety, water safety, personal safety and first aid, to name a few.

PE fractions: This week, Year 4 have been enjoying the glorious sunshine and inventing their own workouts. They used their knowledge of fractions to determine how many exercises their peers should do. It was lots of fun.

This week in science, we have been learning about the digestive system and its functions. The pupils used everyday items to replicate how the various digestive organs work.

In this high-octane percussion activity, the pupils had the opportunity to create their own unique rhythm and dances. The workshop encompassed musicality and movement combined. Year 4 were attentive and motivated while they learned how to make their own STOMP style routines individually and collaboratively as part of a group.

In English, Year 4 are writing autobiographical fantasy stories. To enhance our story telling we have created individual dioramas depicting the different settings that the pupils plan to write about. Some pupils created an enchanted, magical and eerie forest. Some pupils created a mystical and ancient citadel. Others created a dark, scary and malevolent cemetery with a portal to a luminous and alluring castle.

In maths, Year 4 have been playing times tables tennis! They have been working in pairs, to compete consecutive shots to consolidate our times tables fluency. The pupils enjoyed engaging in mathematical rallies and challenged themselves by using stop watches to beat their recall times.

For PSHCE this week, we have been putting on our positive thinking caps! The pupils were thinking about a variety of coping strategies to use when faced with adversity. They discussed different methods such as: box breathing, speaking to an adult, taking notice, getting outside, reading, affirmations and connecting with friends. We incorporated the 5 ways to Wellbeing and the Zones of Regulation.

GOAL Day- Year 4 had lots of fun today. We played venn maths classification games and hide and seek in the woods. The pupils were all attentive and motivated learning CHAMPs.

The pupils looked absolutely fantastic for World Book Day! We thoroughly enjoyed all of the days activities and participating in the World Book Day parade.

Our new topic in science is Scientist and Inventors. This week, we have enjoyed learning all about the Primatologist 'Jane Goodall.'

In P.E, we have had a lot of fun performing tuck, pike and cat leaps for our gymnastics topic!

We had lots of fun during the skateboarding workshop. We learnt how to ride, jump and perform tricks. It was challenging but Year 4 were perseverant and worked well to help each other.

We had a fantastic trip to the Roald Dahl Museum and learnt lots of strategies to implement in our creative writing.

In DT, we have been looking at mechanical systems. The pupils have been motivated when making a slingshot car. We raced our cars to see which ones had the least air resistance.

Our topic in computing is 'Programming A.' We learnt how to accuratley code a sequence of letters. The pupils were attentive and motivated.

We used our We Read book 'The Explorer' as inspiration for our GOAL Day. The pupils' learnt how survive in the wild. We thought about what type of food we might have to forage for if we found ourselves in the Amazon Rainforest, how to make a shelter and how to safely build a fire. We had lots of fun!

In French this week, Year 4 have been learning the different weather phrases. The pupils made up their own 'weather raps' and performed in a 'Britains Got Talent' style competition.

This week, in English the pupils have been writing and performing a Christmas riddle.

Year 4 used a range of materials, to test which one was the best for soundproofing. They tested: foil, paper, paper towels and cloth. They made sure that their investigation was fair by only changing one variable (the materials) the dependent variable was the amount of sound that they could hear. We ensured that the test was fair by using the same range of sound. We found that tin foil was the best for soundproofing and surmised that this was because the vibrations bounced off the foil and that the material was not permeable.

This week, we have used our creative flare to make Christmas windows. The pupils were attentive and motivated when designing their special decorations.

In science this week, we investigated how surface area affects the volume of sound. We made paper cones to test our hypothesis that the larger the cone, the bigger the volume. We took our learning outside and found that our predictions were correct.

In P.S.H.C.E, for Anti-Bullying week, we have been discussing what bullying is. We investigated the different types of bullying, how to recognize them, what to do if we experience bullying and who we should talk to. Each year Anti-Bullying week has a different theme to raise awareness. This year the theme was ‘odd socks.’ We designed and decorated a pair of socks in our own personal style. It was a fun activity for an important issue.

Our new topic in science is 'Sound'. This week, we have been investigating how sounds are made! We used different musical instruments to associate different sounds with something vibrating. Then, we conducted a 'sound walk' in the school. We observed and logged which parts of the school were the loudest and which areas were the quietest!

This week, Year 4 have been counting fractions on a number line. The pupils enjoyed working collaboratively to deepen their understanding.

Year 4 really enjoyed performing their harvest song - The Harvest Samba

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Year 4 have enjoyed singing along with the rest of the school, to celebrate Harvest Festival!

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Year 4 have enjoyed singing along with the rest of the school, to celebrate Harvest Festival!

We have had a fantastic day at Hudnall Park. The pupils were attentive when making their journey sticks, perseverant when orienteering, helpful throughout the day and confident when working as a team!

This week we have been learning how to estimate and calculate lengths of measurement. We took our lesson outside and had lots of fun!

In our French lessons this week, we have been learning how to count to 20. We then made our own mathmatical games, by throwing the dice and using the four operations to answer questions in French.

In Maths, we have been learning how to multiply and add. We played a bowling game to set our calculation out. It was lots of fun.

In DT, we have been connecting series and parallel circuits.

Welcome to our Year 4 page. This week, the children have all settled back into school with full enthusiasm and gusto! As you can see, we have certainly been enjoying the wonderful weather. In P.S.H.C.E, the pupils have been learning about team building, with a focus on how to be a good 'team player'. They worked collaboratively to develop a variety of strategies which would encourage and help each other.

Year 4 Curriculum letter Spring 1

Year 4 Curriculum Letter Summer 1

Year 4 Curriculum Letter Summer 2

Year 4, have been extremely enthusiastic and true learning CHAMPS! So, to celebrate the end of the year we had ice -lollies on the field and played a variety of games, including designing our own obstacle courses. I have really enjoyed teaching Year 4 and seeing them all grow. Thank you for your generous gifts and kind words. I hope you all enjoy the summer holidays and make amazing memories with your families.

In DT, we have designed and made our own bread. We were attentive, perseverant and exceptionally enthusiastic!

Year 4, had an amazing day at the Verulamium Museum today. We learnt all about the town of Verulamium and the Roman way of life. The pupils' held artefacts, played traditional Roman games, dressed up in togas and learnt about the 2,000 year old mosaics.

Year 4, have had a fun-packed Sports Week. The pupils' have shown great confidence, determination and displayed amazing Olympic and Paralympic Values.

Today, Year 4 have been working collaboratively to plot coordinates on a grid.

To celebrate Women in History, Year 4 have been learning about Mary Seacole. We discussed how she used traditional herbal remedies to cure sick soldiers in the Crimean War. We then went outside and found our own medicinal plants.

Outdoor Learning! We have been taking our Maths lessons into the play area. We were attentive and perseverant when learning how to measure items in the playground!

Year 4's Doggy Delicacies - delicious treats for your furry friends!

Year 4's Doggy Delicacies! Homemade, healthy treats for your furry friends.

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Our topic in French is ' Les Fruits.' This week, Year 4 have been confident and attentive when discussing which fruits they like and dislike.

We have had a fantastic time this week, celebrating the Kings Coronation. Year 4, have participated in lots of activities including: making collaborative artwork, collages, nature crowns and commemorative writing.

This week in Science, Year 4 have been looking at different types of teeth and their functions.

We have been continuing with our topic of 'resilience' in P.S.H.C.E. We have been discussing how our inner voice can be a powerful positive tool and speaking kindly to ourselves can help our wellbeing. The pupils came up with their own slogans and presented them to the class.

Well done to Year 4 and Year 3, on their stellar perfomance in our production of Jack and The Beanstalk. The children were confident, perseverant and worked really hard to deliver an amazing show. They were absolutely fantastic!

We had a wonderful afternoon, at our science and music workshop yesterday. The children played the WOOFYT, which is the wooden instrument you can see in the images. It works by pumping air through various compartments to create different pitch and tone. It mimics the engineering and sound of an organ.

In History, we have continued with our Anglo-Saxon topic. The pupils were motivated and attentive when making their Sutton-Hoo helmets.

This week in P.S.H.C.E, we have been discussing how to be resilient and what it means to be brave. The pupils made 'bravery' cups. We discussed different scenarios, where they have had to be brave and how they overcame their fears. We added these to our bravery cups.

The children had a fantastic day for World Book Day, there were lots of exciting activities and we even had a special V.I.P guest during our assembly.

What a fantastic first week back! Year 4 have enjoyed learning about the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons and Scots as part of our new History unit.

This week is national 'Feel Good week.' Year 4 have been discussing different emotions, why we have them and how to navigate 'difficult' emotions. We worked collaborativley to design our own posters with different strategies to 'Feel Good!'

This week in Math's, the pupils have been learning about fractions of amounts and equivalent fractions. Today, Year 4 enjoyed playing an interactive game to find fractions of money.

In Geography the pupils have been learning about The Water Cycle. We have been ivestigating precipitation and condensation. We learned about different types of clouds and how to identify nimbus, cirrus and altocumulus clouds.

Year 4 Curriculum letter Autumn 2

Year 4 Non-Negotiables for Writing, Reading and Maths

Year 4 Welcome Meeting

This week in Math's, Year 4 have enjoyed playing place value games, which have helped the pupils to develop their teamwork, fluency and reasoning skills.

KS2 Lantern Festival

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In computing we have been investigating 'Creating Media.' The children have made thier own podcasts, we have added jingles and thought about the digital components requireed for a good podcast.

We sang Rocking around the Christmas Tree and added some of our own dance moves.

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Our wonderful Christmas Tree- Year 4 created festive Robin decorations which looked absolutely amazing.

Year 4 have had a wonderful day learning all about the Ancient Greeks and Greek Mythology. We have compared the lives of Athenian and Spartan children, made laurel wreaths, designed Greek Pottery using the Greek alphabet and tasted food from this period of history.

Today, Year 4 have been looking for patterns between the pitch and volume of a sound and the shape of the wave it produces.

Today, Year 4 joined the Circus! We were perseverant and throughly enjoyed developing our spectacular cirucus skills.

Year 4 have created their own clay masterpieces in the style of contemporary artist Yayoi Kusama.

This week, Year 4 have been exploring the artwork of Orla Keily, and have started to produce their own work in her unique style.

Harvest Festival- We sang Harvest Samba with Year 3.

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In Science we have been learning about Electricity.

The children made their own switches and connected them to bulbs. We then investigated the affect a switch has on a bulb when the switch is  open or closed.

Year 4 have had a fantastic day at Hudnall Park! The day started with making journey sticks, and learning how to read bearings on a compass. After lunch, Year 4 enjoyed group activities and orienteering

Year 4 have had a fantastic day at Hudnall Park! The day started with making journey sticks, and learning how to read bearings on a compass. After lunch, Year 4 enjoyed group activities and orienteering.

This week, Year 4 have been exploring climate in the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and contrasting weather in these regions with the weather in the U.K. All of the children had the opportunity to produce their own weather report.

This week, Year 4 have been learning how to construct an electrical circuit. We focused on how to work safely with electricity, how to choose the appropriate equipment, and how to construct the circuit.

Our Learning Journey 2021-2022

This week the children have been working really hard in their groups for our DT project the Great British Bake Off. All the children really impressed me with how hard they worked and with the quality of the work they produce. Here are a few pictures from our bread making.

Year 4 have really enjoyed competing in sports week. They have all shown brilliant Olympic and Gade Valley values and should be proud of themselves.

Year 4 have enjoyed learning all about water for science day. They worked well together to complete the water pipeline challenge where they had to transport water from one side of the playground to the other using a variety of items. They also explored what happens when water mixes with skittles.

This week in Year 4 we have begun our learning about The Romans. We learnt that they are famous for creating intricate pictures called mosaics using small square tiles. We were inspired to create our own Roman mosaics.

Year 4’s Jubilee video

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This week in Maths we have taken our learning outdoors. The children have been learning about ordering decimals. They generated their numbers by completing long jumps and then ordered and compared their results.

Year 4 had great fun during their GOAL day this week. The children explored shape, wrote instruction for a new game and even visited Gadebridge park to explore settlements.

This week we have been visited by baby ducklings! We enjoyed spending time with them, watching them waddle around our classroom and even holding them. Below are a few pictures of our time with them.

Goldilocks and The Three Bears- We really enjoyed performing the play. Here are some pictures of the performance.

Go Outside And Learn - Survival. Year 4 had a fantastic day learning outside today. We were imagining we had been stranded on a desert island and had to survive. We learnt about the things we needed to survive including food, water and shelter. Below are some pictures from our day.

This week the children of Year 3 and 4 went on a fantastic trip to the Roald Dahl Museum. We had lots of fun learning about Roald Dahl's life and exploring all the interactive activities the museum had to offer. We also explore Great Missenden where Roald Dahl was inspired to write lots of his stories. Below are some photos from the day.

This week in Year 4 we have been learning about measurements in Maths. We began by learning about time including how to calculate time intervals using the frog method and then moved on to learning about area and perimeter. Below are some examples of the children's work.

Year 4 have really enjoyed sharing stories with children from other classes as part of Book Week. All the children were really attentive and caring towards the younger children.

In geography, the children were learning about how water is treated before it arrives at our homes. They were set a challenge to clean a cup of dirty water using a range of equipment such as sieves and filters.

Explanation texts The children in Year 4 have been working hard to create explanation texts about the Water Cycle. They have thought carefully about the different processes and features of an explanation text to create their work which is displayed in our class.

Melting chocolate This week in science, the children have been learning about melting and freezing points. They conducted their own investigations to find the melting point of chocolate.

The Water Cycle This week in Year 4 we have been learning about the Water Cycle. The children learnt to use the correct terminology to describe the process and created their own flow-charts, some of which can be seen below.

Merry Christmas from Year 4: It has been a fantastic first term in year 4. The children have worked really hard and are a credit to the school. Thank you for all of my very kind presents and cards. I hope you all have a fantastic break and I look forward o welcoming the children back in the New Year.

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Riddles in the Dark

This week the children have had great fun learning to write riddles. We read the chapter 'Riddles in the Dark' from The Hobbit and then had our own competition between Bilbo and Gollum. Below are some of the children's riddles. Can you solve them?


I whirl past the streets,

over ground and under ground,

gears turning hear me shriek,

don't fall in my path or you will not return.

What am I?

(Jackson and Kasey)


I have a mouth but I don't speak,

I have fingers that I don't move,

I hide in my box in the summer and come out in the winter.

What am I?

(Poppy and Cooper)


I dark but dead by night,

I follow you to give me a fright,

You can never break me,

and never make me.

What am I?

(Isabella and Logan R)

The Science of Sound

This week the children have been learning about how we hear sound. They have used what they have learnt to create their own programmes entitled 'The Science of Sound'. Below is an example of one of our programmes. 

Science of Sound

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Diwali Dance Workshop

This week the children were taught a fantastic Diwali dance. The class worked really hard to learn all the different steps and really enjoyed themselves. Below are a few photos from the session.

Hudnall Park

This week Year 4 went on a fantastic trip to Hundall Park. The children (and adults) learnt a range of map reading skills including how to read a compass, how to create a journey stick and even how to make your own compass using the sun. All the children really enjoyed the day and were attentive and motivated throughout the day. 

Growth Mindset Workshop

This week the children took part in a Growth mindset workshop. Ian, who ran the workshop, and I were extremely impressed by the fantastic attitude the children demonstrated. In the session the children were shown how to draw Gromit using Ian's picture and instructions to help. They were encouraged to learn from their mistakes and persevere when they found the task challenging. Here is their finished artwork.

Maths treasure hunting

This week the children took their learning outside. They had to use their ability to add and subtract 10s, 100s and 1000s to solve a series of clues which had been hidden in the woodland. The children showed a great understanding and really enjoyed their time outside. 

Super Scientists

This week the children have been learning all about static electricity. They learnt how it is caused and then completed a range of experiments to see it in action. Here our a couple of our class professors with 2 of our favourite experiments.

Floating tissue paper

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Water bending

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Wow what a fantastic start to Year 4! The children have worked hard and have settled in really well. This week they have been creating wanted posters and bandit nicknames for themselves. Here are some of their pictures.

Goodbye from Mr Hakner and Mrs Reeve

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St Alban's Museum

The children had a brilliant day today at St Alban's Museum learning all about the history of the Romans in Britain. All the children were a attentive and motivated and were a credit to the school. Below are a selection of pictures of our time at the museum as well as some of the children enjoying the path afterwards. 

The Romans

This week the children having been having lots of fun making edible Roman roads using chocolate, custard and biscuits. Below is a selection of pictures of the children working together to make their Roman roads as well as some instructions they created to go with them.

Sports Week 2021

I have been really impressed with the children this week. They have all shown fantastic sportsmanship and the CHAMP qualities. It has been lovely to hear them cheering for each other. 

Sports day 2021- Year 4 Flat Races

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Year 4 Relay Race

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Year 4 Middle Distance Run

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Summer 2


This week, the children have been enjoying the return of swimming at Gade Valley. I have been impressed by the children's ability and attitude during these sessions. 


Additionally, the children have been creating work based on the classic children's tale Charlotte's Web. On Friday they created Kenning Poem and performed them to the rest of the class. 

Kenning Poems

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Summer 1

This week the children have been working hard recording their class assembly. They all did a fantastic job. Here are the children singing ‘Lean on me’ as part of our assembly.

Lean on me

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This week we have been investigating area and perimeter in Maths. The children have been measuring objects on our playground and calculating their area and perimeter.

In addition to our Maths learning, we have also been learning about the city of Pompeii as part of our Roman topic. The children have been creating their own Mount Vesuvius.

This week the children have begun learning about the Roman Empire. They have learnt all about Roman Mosaics and were inspired to create their own ones.

Spring 2
This week the children have continued their learning about 'The secret sky garden' and we were inspired to create our own kites. 
The children have also continued to care and water their sunflowers which are getting bigger everyday.

What an exciting 1st week back we have had. The children have been busy learning about the book 'The secret sky garden'. 

In Literacy they have created posters to encourage people to look after our environment. 

In Science and DT we have been busy planting sunflower seeds and creating grassheads. 
We have also created our own secret sky garden above our heads using flowers that we made from coloured napkins. 

We have been having fun developing our orienteering skills.

In English, we have been writing diary entries about our school day.

In PE we played boccia. The aim of the game is to get your balls as close to the yellow target as you can. Each colour has a different point. red 1, blue 5 and yellow 10. The children worked really well in their teams!

Welcome to our Year 4 Class Assembly!

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Guided Reading

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Once Upon a Time

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Take 5

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PE - running skills

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PE - football skills

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PE - tennis skills

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PE - basketball skills

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Our topic this half term is All Around the World. We enjoyed researching different countries and creating fact files about them.

In Art, we have been researching animals around the world. We created a collaborative piece of a lion focussing on colour and we have drawn animals with the focus of symmetry, proportion as well as light & dark areas.

In computing, we enjoyed creating our own personal wordles about our school.

We have been great mathematicians, adding and subtracting multiples of 10,100 and 1000 as well as counting in multiples of 25.

In English, we have been reading the story Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers and have enjoyed writing our own mindfulness poems inspired by the poem ‘A Love Letter To The Stars’.

Our learning journey for 2019/2020

For World Book Day, we designed a new front cover for our some of our favourite books.

We had great fun participating at a speed stacking event.

In Science the children have been learning to use thermometers to take the temperature and record their findings accurately.

In P.E, we have been learning different types of dance from around the world. This week, we have been learning the Haka .

We had fun identifying birds in our local area for Birdwatch Day. We researched and made fact files for some of the birds we saw.

We made posters to promote awareness for E-Safety Week!

This week we have been learning to make sequences in gymnastics. We had to include a starting position, two rolls, three jumps, two balances and an ending.

This week we have been writing an explanation of how the Water Cycle works. We worked really hard on our presentation.

For homework, the children produced posters explaining how the Water Cycle works. We are really impressed by the quality of their work and proud of how much effort they have put in.

We have been working hard adding and subtracting numbers with 10,100 and 1000. We are proud of our achievements.

This week we have started our new topic 'States of Matter'. We have been learning about the structure in a solid, liquid and a gas.

We had great fun this week thinking about who inspires us and who are our heroes. We enjoyed creating colourful posters about them.

We had great fun making our tree decorations for our Dress the Tree Assembly.

In maths, We have been working hard adding and subtracting fractions as well as finding equivalent fractions. We also challenged ourselves to convert improper fractions to mixed fractions. We are proud of our achievements.

We had a fantastic time learning new skills during our skipping workshop.

For 'Take One Country', we have made trinket bowls inspired by Greek geometric patterns.

We had fun sharing a book with other children during Buddy Reading today!

This week, we have been learning to tell the time to the minute. We made analogue clocks to helps us.

Look at some of our super maths! We have been very confident at solving subtraction sums this week. We are very proud of ourselves!

We had great fun creating our 'Growth Mindset' comic strips about our experiences on facing challenges and overcoming them.

In Computing and Topic, we had a go at creating a report on our chosen countries. We loved writing and finding out lots of interesting facts.

In maths, we have been learning to solve addition sums using the compact column method and the expanded written method. We are proud of ourselves for our hard work and perseverance.

This week we have started our new topic 'All Around the World'. We each chose a country to research and drew flags that represent the countries. Here are some we created.

Our journey from last year.

This week, we have been drawing on our own knowledge about the digestive system. We mind mapped facts we know, facts we thought we know and what we liked to know.

We have been historians and have been working as archaeologists. We have been collecting our own evidence from some Angolan Saxon artefacts.

We have been learning about Anglo Saxon Britain and have made posters about place names and their meaning.

Our Year 4 mathematicians have been working hard this week solving number problems involving decimals and adding 4 digit numbers.

Book Week: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. For book week, we had a workshop at our local library and we started rehearsing for our play. We looked at the different features of a play script and had a go at taking on the role of different characters.We also produced posters advertising our Year 3 &Year 4 performance.

We wrote thank you letters to Hazard Alley for thanking them for our amazing experience at their centre.

Here are some pictures from our trip to Hazard Alley. We had such a superb time!

We created colourful Growth Mindset posters to help us to keep motivated when things are tricky.

This term, we have been lucky enough to take part in Tag Rugby with Hemel Stags. We have really enjoyed developing our rugby skills.

During National Storytelling Week, we read the book Matilda by Roald Dahl & acted out different scenes from the film. We shared our work with Year 6 during Buddy Reading.

For National Storytelling Week, we wrote diary entries from the point of view of Matilda, to explain the moment when she first discovered her amazing superpowers.

During E-Safety Week, we created posters to explain how to stay safe on the internet.

This week, we have been learning about the Water Cycle. We made flowcharts to explain what happens in each stage of the cycle.

Year 4 have been busy making their own Christmas decorations for 'Dress the Tree'.

Yesterday, we learnt about democracy in Ancient Greece. We acted out being part of the Eccelsia which was the assembly of Athenian men who met together to vote on laws. We learnt if they wanted to speak,they had to stand on a stone called a Pnyx. When the Athenians voted they used white pebbles to say yes and black pebbles to say no. We used white and blue counters to represent voting. We also discussed what system of democracy we have in the U.K and how this compares to the system in Ancient Greece.

We had fun taking part at a sports festival this week.

Year 4 buddies up with Year 2 during 'Buddy Reading'.

Here is some of our fantastic writing inspired by Roald Dahl Week!

In Maths, we have been reading and comparing 4 digit numbers. We had fun generated our own 4 digit numbers.

In science, we have been thinking about how electricity is being generated.

We started our new topic,'Around the World' and we have been learning about identifying countries in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere as well as identifying lines of longitude and latitude.

Year 4 collaborated with Year 3 and we have been acting out an extract from Fantastic Mr Fox.

We've been reading an extract from Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl and have been practising reading with expression with our learning partner.


Spellings : Following our spelling scheme, new spellings will be given out on Monday at the beginning of each new unit. The children will have two weeks to learn their spellings and they will be tested at the end of the second week (these will be based on patterns covered in our phonics/spelling lessons).

Homework activities : Given out on Fridays, for handing in by the following Wednesday.

Reading : It is important that a range of texts are read at home and try to do this every day. Whilst reading with your child, I would encourage you to draw attention to: punctuation, grammar, sentence structures, vocabulary choices and the organisation of writing (i.e. paragraphing and layout). 
