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Design & Technology at Gade Valley Primary School

D&T Subject Leader: Miss Steadman


Curriculum Aims:

At Gade Valley we follow the ‘Design, Make, Evaluate’ approach to the teaching of D&T, as outlined in the National Curriculum. We intend to provide all pupils with plenty of opportunities throughout each key-stage to develop the technical skills of construction, mechanisms, textiles and cooking and nutrition through an engaging and practical curriculum.

In addition, the school aims to develop the pupils use and understanding of technical vocabulary associated with this subject. This is so that the pupils can articulate the skills that they have applied, the equipment that they have used and describe the materials and features of the product that they have made.

We aim to carefully monitor and evaluate progress through the use of a bespoke skills and knowledge progression map for each year group. This map will be used for planning and assessment to ensure that pupils are acquiring the appropriate D&T skills and knowledge.
It is the intended impact of our D&T curriculum that the pupils are inspired and want to learn more. We hope that the pupils will use their D&T skills in everyday life and be able to reflect upon what they have learnt throughout the year.


How we teach DT:

Each class teaches at least one D&T topic per term and pupils are encouraged to be consistently reflective and experimental throughout their learning. When designing their product, pupils will research and refine their ideas through detailed designs and prototypes. During the making process, teachers model technical skills and highlight good practice and safety skills. Finally, in the evaluation stage pupils will be considering what worked effectively and how they can improve the impact of the overall appearance and usability of their product.

In addition to the regularly taught design and technology lessons, we provide many meaningful links for the pupils to demonstrate the skills that they have learnt. In the past we have collaborated as a whole school to take part in cross-curricular days such as ‘Take One Country’, ‘The Boat Race’ and the ‘Enterprise project’ whereby the pupils had to design and make a product to sell. So far this year, we have come together as a school to make clay hands for Diwali day celebrations and clay poppies for Remembrance Day.

All D&T lessons include the Gade Valley Principles of Teaching and Learning, which are a set of non-negotiables for each lesson, for example,  AFL techniques will regularly inform teaching and learning. Throughout D&T lessons, pupils are also encouraged to develop their core skills of literacy and maths. In the Early Years, D&T opportunities are provided throughout expressive arts and design activities during daily busy fingers and child-initiated learning sessions.


Key Developments and Information for 2022/2023:

Up to July 2023

  • In the 2022/2023 academic year the large majority of pupils achieved age related expectations or above.
  • Pupil voice says that most pupils:
    • Feel supported by their teachers in DT
    • Enjoy the practical elements of lessons
    • Have enjoyed learning new cooking skill
  • All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 took part in a D&T activity for Remembrance Day.
  • Learning reviews have shown that pupils are developing skills and knowledge. 
  • Year 6 created boats and tested them on the canal.

Key Information for 2021/2022:

  • All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 have took part in a D&T activity for Diwali Day.
  • All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 took part in a D&T activity for Remembrance Day.
  • When talking to pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2, they expressed their enjoyment at taking part in DT lessons, particularly the practical sessions. They felt supported and encouraged by their teachers and understood how the feedback they are were given moved their learning forward.
  • Learning reviews showed the development of the D&T skills and knowledge criteria through pupil booklets.  The booklets have also showed that pupil's are using their CHAMP skills within lessons.
  • Pupils developed cooking and nutrition skills.  For example, pupils in Year 1 visited Pizza Express which helped to develop cooking skills and an awareness of ingredients.  Pupils in Year 2 visited a local fruit and vegetable shop before preparing a healthy dish.  Pupils in Reception learnt how to make sandwiches in preparation of a teddy bear's picnic.
  • In the 2021/2022 academic year, the very large majority of pupils achieved age related expectations or above.
  • The school Eco-council organised a healthy eating initiative - all pupils were involved in designing displays for the dining room.
To see our learning in D & T, please visit the D & T page on the 'Curriculum Blogs' section.

Design & Technology National Curriculum

Design and Technology Overview

Design & Technology Skills and Knowledge Progression
