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Computing at Gade Valley Primary School

Computing Subject Leader: Miss Kavanagh

Curriculum Aims

At Gade Valley School, we want our children to grow up with the skills to use technology safely and discerningly; to have the life skills that enable them to use it confidently but appropriately. As computing is an increasing part of life today, it is essential that all pupils gain the confidence and ability that they need in this subject, to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world. The use of ICT will enhance and extend children’s learning across the whole curriculum whilst developing motivation and social skills. Our vision is that the use of these technologies will enrich the experience of all pupils and that these resources will help to provide an environment without boundaries, where opportunities can be explored in safety and confidence.

Our Computing curriculum aims to develop pupil’s computing skills, knowledge, understanding and capability through taught computing lessons and to provide opportunities for pupils to apply and consolidate their capability across all curriculum contexts as well as to provide an environment where access to ICT resources is natural and commonplace. We place emphasis on the teaching of coding (also known as programming) as it is a large part of the computing curriculum. We want even our youngest children to enjoy problem solving; to be confident to have a go, embrace when they have made a mistake and then have a go at correcting it. Using programmes such as Scratch and Beebots gives our children the forum to do this.

The Internet is an amazing source of information, which enhances learning in many ways. Being ‘e-safe’ means teaching our children what to do when faced with difficult situations online, such as seeing inappropriate material and if they experience cyberbullying. We use materials by Kidsmart, Thinkuknow, CBBC Stay Safe and Google Internet Legends to teach our children to be digitally aware. We follow the rule - 'Be SMART online!'.


We believe that our Computing curriculum will enable:

  • Most pupils to achieve age-related expectations at the end of each academic year.
  • Pupils to have a positive experience of ICT, appreciating its relevance in our society and encouraging them to see it as an essential tool for learning, communication, finding information and for controlling and understanding their environment.
  • ICT to be presented as a creative and fascinating process in which children are encouraged to use their own initiative, imagination, reasoning and investigative skills.
  • All pupils to become thoughtful users of ICT - developing their ICT capability to the best of their ability.
  • Pupils learn to use ICT to support their learning, both individually and collaboratively.
  • A reflection of the standards achieved against the planned outcome 


How We Teach Computing

At Gade Valley, we have a  computer suite of 30 computers as well as 16 iPads and 8 Chrome Books, which ensure computing is taught using a range of different devices. Computing is embedded throughout the curriculum and iPads/Chrome Books are routinely used to enrich curriculum provision. This portable equipment ensures that technology can be transported into the classroom to support wider curriculum areas whilst consolidating core elements of the Computing curriculum.

Specific IT and Computing lessons are timetabled weekly in the computing suite. During these sessions, pupils have access to their own computer. These sessions cover the skills and experience required to develop IT and Computing capability. At Gade Valley, our Computing sessions are taught through the  National Centre for Computing Education scheme. This scheme enables the children to cover a wide range of topics. We have sequenced these topics to ensure that our pupils learning takes place within a broad and balanced curriculum.  Each Computing lesson assesses pupil’s prior understanding and skills and aims to build on this. Teachers also ensure that the  Gade Valley Principles of Teaching and Learning are fully implemented within each session: this ensures that learning is effective through challenging the children, maximising learning time and providing clear learning goals. Wherever possible, the teaching of Computing is done through cross curricular subject links. For example, many classes have linked their English, History, Geography and Art to their Computing topics.  

In the Early Years, children have the same access to a weekly Computing session which focuses on the specific Early Learning Goals. Learning about technology is deepened with children in Reception so that they have a basic understanding of algorithm, use of the internet and the parts of a computer/iPad and their different functions. Additionally, pupils in the Early Years are taught the fine motor skills to effectively use technology. 



At Gade Valley, E-Safety is a pivotal part of our Computing Curriculum. We ensure that pupils are aware of the possible risks when using the internet through a rolling programme of assemblies and specific lessons, as well as making sure the rules promoting e-safety are displayed near every computer area. We introduce E-Safety to pupils in EYFS and regularly make reference to it during their Computing lessons and specific E-Safety weeks. In Years 1 and 2, we enable the pupils to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private, by teaching them to identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or inappropriate contact on the internet. In Key Stage 2, we develop their understanding of how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. Our pupils learn to recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour and can identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

Parents/carers and children are given any support necessary to keep them safe online both inside and outside of school.


Key Developments and Information for 2023/24

Up to March 2024, the following measurable impact includes:

  • A whole school Internet Safety Week (Monday 5th February 2024- Friday 9th February 2024). This was based on the topic "Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online".
  • Each class completed a range of activities including discussions, identifying risks online and understanding behaviours online. A whole school assembly introduced the week to all the pupils.
  • Micro Bits have been used in Year 5 lessons. Pupil voice carried out has shown that the pupils have enjoyed the Micro Bits and they have developed their programming skills.
  • The learning of pupils in Computing has been shared in class assemblies and Friday celebration assemblies. 
  • E-Safety section on the website has been updated with the HfL online safety newsletters.
  • Programming Club was offered to all pupils in Year 4- Year 6 with a focus on developing their own games on Scratch as well as using the Micro Bits. 
  • A Computing club was offered to all pupils in Year 3- Year 6 during the Autumn Term, where they could share their skills and learning with others. 


Key Developments and Information for 2022/23                                                                

Up to July 2023, the following measurable impact includes:

  • In the 2022/23 academic year, the large majority of pupils achieved age related expectations or above.
  • A whole school Internet Safety Week (Monday 6th February 2023-Friday 10th February 2023). This was based on the topic "Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online."
  • Each class completed a range of activities including discussions, identifying risks online and understanding online behaviours.
  • Learning Walk completed during Internet Safety Week- showed the pupils were fully engaged in their learning and could talk confidently and knowledgeably about E-Safety.
  • Evidence of work shows that the pupils are taking part in a range of activities and are able to use different programmes to create an end product. For example Year 5 pupils designed their own E-Safety leaflets and Year 3 pupils created a working piano using the programme Scratch.
  • Pupils have enjoyed using a range of different computer programmes and have learned a range of new skills.
  • Pupils in Years 2-6 have been offered an after school Computer Club, where they can develop their computing skills and share with pupils in other year groups.
  • Pupils in KS2 have been offered an after school Programming Club, where they can develop their programming skills using the computer programme Scratch.
  • All pupils in the school have access to a computer, Chrome book or iPad.
  • In observations carried out by the subject leader, it is evident that pupils were highly engaged with their learning and demonstrated good subject knowledge.
  • Pupils were encouraged to use the correct technical vocabulary and could define the key vocabulary in each lesson.
  • Evidence of work showed that pupils took part in a range of activities and that they had developed a good understanding of the basic skills progression document.
  • Cross-Curricular learning was evident in all classes.
  • Pupil Voice showed that all pupils, who were interviewed, enjoyed their Computing lessons and  find their work challenging but achievable.
  • Pupils feel that teacher's explanations are clear.
  • They prefer lessons which are more active.
  • All pupils asked could talk about E-Safety in a knowledgeable way and could explain clearly what they needed to do if they were concerned about any online issues. 
  • E-Safety section of the website has been updated with the termly E-Safety Newsletters.


Key Developments and Information for 2021/22 

  • In the 2021/22 academic year, the large majority of pupils achieved age related expectations or above.
  • Pupil voice shows that the pupils are really enjoying the new scheme of work.
  • Pupils talk enthusiastically about their Computing sessions and enjoy showing other pupils their work.
  • A weekly after school Computing club has been set up for pupils in Year 2- Year 6.
  • Evidence of work has shown that the pupils are able to apply their computing skills across a variety of lessons.
  • Pupils have improved their basic computing skills such as typing, creating PowerPoints and searching correctly on the internet. 
  • A whole school Internet Safety Week (Monday 7th February 2022-Friday 11th February 2022). This was based on the topic "All Fun and Games? Exploring respect and relationships online."
  • Each class completed a range of activities including discussions, identifying risks online and understanding online behaviours.
  • Learning Walk completed during Internet Safety Week- showed the pupils were fully engaged in their learning and could talk confidently and knowledgeably about E-Safety.
  • Evidence of work shows that the pupils are taking part in a range of activities and are able to use different programmes to create an end product. For example Year 6 pupils designed their own web pages and Year 3 pupils created a working piano using the programme Scratch.
  • Implemented new scheme of work from National Centre for Computing Education.
  • Pupils have enjoyed using a range of different computer programmes and have learned a range of new skills.
  • Pupils in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) have been offered an after school Computer Club, where they can develop their computing skills and share with pupils in other year groups.
  • All pupils in the school have access to a computer, Chrome book or iPad.
  • In observations carried out by the subject leader, it is evident that pupils were highly engaged with their learning and demonstrated good subject knowledge.
  • Pupils were encouraged to use the correct technical vocabulary and could define the key vocabulary in each lesson.
  • Evidence of work showed that pupils took part in a range of activities and that they had developed a good understanding of the basic skills progression document.
  • Cross-Curricular learning was evident in all classes.
  • Pupil Voice showed that all pupils, who were interviewed, enjoyed their Computing lessons and  find their work challenging but achievable.
  • Pupils feel that teacher's explanations are clear.
  • They prefer lessons which are more active.
  • All pupils asked could talk about E-Safety in a knowledgeable way and could explain clearly what they needed to do if they were concerned about any online issues. 
  • E-Safety section of the website has been updated with the Autumn Term E-Safety Newsletter.


Key Information for 2020/2021

  • In the 2020/2021 academic year, the large majority of pupils achieved age related expectations or above.
  • Pupil voice (KS2) says that all pupils:
  • Really enjoy computing
  • Feel that teachers and support staff give clear explanations and provide appropriate support.
  • The vast majority feel challenged in lessons.
  • In the Spring Term, all pupils took part in “E-Safety” week, a national week of activities where children learn to be safe online. This resulted in Each class producing a range of work based on how to keep safe online.
  • The subject leader completed a Learning Walk during E-Safety Week. Pupil voice during this week showed that children from all classes could explain the key ways to keep safe online and knew what to do if they experienced online issues. 


To see our learning in Computing, please visit the Computing page on the 'Curriculum Blogs' section. 

Computing National Curriculum

Computing Skills and Knowledge Progression
