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Religious Education at Gade Valley Primary School

RE Subject Leader: Mrs Wiltshire

Curriculum Aims

At Gade Valley, we aim to ensure that all pupils develop as tolerant young people : with respect and understanding of the views of others, including the beliefs and practices of religions and other worldviews.  We aim to enable pupils to become religiously and theologically literate so they can engage in life in an increasingly diverse society. Our curriculum ensures pupils develop knowledge and understanding of sources of wisdom and their impact whilst exploring personal and critical responses.


At Gade Valley, we strive to ensure pupils:

  • know, understand and explore the significance and impact of sacred texts, other sources of wisdom and ways of expressing meaning
  • express ideas and insights about the nature of beliefs, values and practices and their impact upon the identity of individuals and communities
  • recognise and explore the diversity which exists within and between religious tradition
  • express with increasing discernment their personal reflections, critical responses and connections to faith and belief enquiring into philosophical, moral and ethical issues
  • engage with the questions and answers offered by religions and worldviews concerning ultimate questions and human responsibility
  • develop the skills requires to engage with others in dialogue and to cooperate in society with respect and compassion


How we teach RE
RE teaching at Gade Valley will provide pupils with a systematic knowledge and understanding of Christianity, several principal religions and other worldviews which give life value. Lessons will not be about telling pupils what religious views they should have but rather assist them in gaining shared human understanding, developing their personal identity and supporting them in searching for meaning in the context of evaluating different viewpoints.

At Gade Valley, teachers follow the Plan Bee scheme. Teachers also ensure that the Gade Valley Principles of Teaching and Learning are fully implemented within each session: this ensures that learning is effective through challenging the children, maximising learning time and providing clear learning goals.


Over each term, pupils in Key Stage 1 will receive approximately 10 hours of RE per term and pupils in Key Stage 2 will receive approximately 13 hours per term.  Some classes will have weekly lessons but others who use a topic approach may block the lessons into a specific week.  In the Early Years, RE is delivered flexibly according to the statutory requirements of the EYFS.


Throughout their time at Gade Valley, our pupils take part in many activities to develop their learning, including; trips to local churches, carol concerts and nativity performances. We also hold regular religious themed assemblies led by school staff and visitors from the local community.

Key Developments and Information for 2022/23

Up to December 2022:

  • All pupils have in Nursery - Year 6 have been involved in Christmas celebrations, with the EYFS and KS1 participating in a Christmas performance and KS2 in a Lantern festival
  • All pupils in Reception - Year 6 made a diva lamp as part of a Diwali enrichment day. 
  • All pupils in Nursery - Year 6 have participated in a Christmas performance
  • Within R.E. sessions, all pupils receive dedicated curriculum time for reflection, discussion, dialogue and debate
  • Pupils within the early years foundation stage have had the opportunity to explore religious artefacts and learn more about cultural and religious festivals through stories, role plays and celebrations
  • Pupil voice (in Key Stage 1 and 2) showed that:
    • 100% of the pupils surveyed enjoyed learning about RE.  
    • 100% of pupils said they can get help if they need it. 
    • 100% of pupils said teachers' feedback helps my learning in RE. 


Key Information for 2021/22

  • By the end of Key Stage 1, a majority of pupils are working at the expected standards. 
  • By the end of Key Stage 2, a large majority of pupils are either working at the expected standard or at greater depth. 





To see our learning in R.E, please visit the R.E page on the 'Curriculum Blogs' section.

Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education

Religious Education Skills and Knowledge Progression
