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Learning in Summer 2024

In Summer 2, each class participated in an 'Enterprise Sale'. Each year group was given £20 of capital by the school. The pupils and their teachers then decided on a product of service to sell. 

All the money raised will be spent on resources to enhance the pupils learning!

Well done Gade Valley!

Year 6 Advert

Still image for this video

Learning in Autumn 2023

In Year 1, the pupils have been using objects to make groups of 2 and then write an addition sentence.

In Year 2, pupils have been learning how to add and subtract 2 digit numbers. They have used their knowledge of 100 number squares to help them to add and subtract.

In Year 3, the pupils have been learning to recognise different coins and add together different amounts of money.

In Year 6, the pupils have developed their understanding in several concepts this term. They have used the 'Working Wall', in the classroom, to help them to remember key details. 

Learning in Summer 2023

Year 6 Enterprise Video

Still image for this video

Year 5 Enterprise Video

Still image for this video

This term, the whole school enjoyed taking part in an Enterprise Competition! Each class had to design, make and sell a product. Well done to Year 3 who won with their fantastic pizza restaurant! 

The pupils really benefitted from this experience as they were able use to a wide range of real life Maths skills! Well done Gade Valley! 

Learning in Spring 2023

In Reception, the pupils have been working on their number formation. They used bright colours to create a fantastic piece of work!

In Year 1, the pupils have been learning to add and divide numbers using practical resources.

In Year 5, the pupils have been learning about 2D Shape. They have also been solving divisions which require the use of the 'bus-stop' method. 

Learning in Autumn 2022

The classrooms looked fantastic during Celebration Evening. Please take a look at the slideshow below which includes pictures of several Maths displays and 'Working Walls' from around the school.  

In Year 6, the pupils have been learning to multiply, add, subtract and divide fractions. They have also learned how to covert between mixed numbers and improper fractions and how to add mixed numbers.

In the Nursery, the pupils have been learning to name and draw 2D shapes using shaving foam!

Learning in Spring

In Reception, the pupils have been learning to cut fruit in half! Delicious and fun!

In Year 1, the pupils have been learning to add and subtract 1 or 2 from a given number.

In Year 2, the pupils learnt about fractions of shapes whilst decorating their pancakes with different toppings on Pancake Day. They used fractions such as ½, ¼ and ¾.

In Year 5, the pupils have been learning about fractions. They have represented different fractions using diagrams, practised multiplying fractions as well as converting between mixed number and improper fractions. On their GOAL day, they created pictures using natural resources in the woods and tried to include different shapes and different types of angles in their pictures.

In Year 6, as part of our 'Go Outside And Learn Day', the pupils learned about the mean, median, mode and range. We gathered sticks, measured them accurately and performed a range of calculations to find the statistics we needed.

Learning in Autumn 2

In Nursery, the pupils have been learning to recognise and name 2D shapes and are beginning to recognise and represent numbers. They are also beginning to create graphs using pictures and have been learning to use Unifix to measure their feet.

In Reception, the pupils have been learning how to match numerals to quantities. They enjoyed rolling the dice, counting out the correct number of bears and demonstrated good one to one correspondence.

Year 2 have been learning how to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers. They used Base 10 to help them solve the calculations.

Year 3 have been learning different methods to add and subtract. They have learned to subtract using the frog counting up method and add using partitioning. 

Year 4 have been learning a range of new Maths skills this half term, including presenting data and using written methods for multiplication and division.

Year 5 have been learning how to measure and draw different angles using a protractor. They have also learned different formal written methods for multiplication and division this half term.

In Year 6, the pupils have been learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. 

Learning in Autumn 1

In the Nursery, the pupils have been exploring, using and recognising shape. 

In Reception, the pupils have focused on learning and using numbers to 10. They have practised counting to 10 and have sung lots of counting songs. The pupils have learnt to recognise numerals to 10 and have used 'Unifix' cubes to count out amounts. They have also been building counting into their everyday routines. During the day, each child uses a token to ‘vote’ for the book they would like to read at home time – then the class counts the votes to see which book is most popular!

In Year 1, the pupils have been enjoying learning how to order numbers and have used cubes to make number bonds to 5. 

In Year 2, the pupils have been learning to name and describe different 2D shapes. They enjoyed making the shapes using lolly sticks and then counted how many sides and vertices each shape had.

In Year 3, the pupils have been learning about place value in 3 and 4 digit numbers. They used a range of objects, which they found outside in our woodland area, to represent different numbers. 

In Year 4, pupils have been learning to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. They completed a fantastic outdoor trail!

In Year 5, the pupils have practised using mental methods to subtract numbers. This included the counting up to the next 10,100 or 1000 using the 'Frog method'. Pupils have also practised converting between the 12 hour and 24 hour clock.

In Year 6, the pupils have been learning how to use BODMAS to solve both multi-step number sentences and word problems.  

2020-21 Learning Journey

Maths Displays in the Summer Term!

Year 3 Data Handling

In Year 3, the pupils collected data about their favourite ice-creams. They represented the data in tally charts, pictograms and bar charts. 

Year 2 Fraction Pancakes

For Pancake Day, the Year 2 pupils created fraction pancakes. They learned about halves, quarters and thirds. Don’t they look delicious!

Year 1 Skills Carousel

Year 1 enjoyed a skills carousel where they focussed on developing their understanding of number bonds, repeating patterns, addition and subtraction. 

Year 4 Pancake Day

For their Pancake Day celebrations, the children were given a list of ingredients and were asked to find the cheapest price, at a range of supermarkets, for their shopping list. They also collected data about which topping they preferred on their pancakes and presented this using a tally and bar chart!

Autumn Term : Maths in our classrooms!
