Friday 5th March 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
A huge well done for all your hard work and effort with home learning. I am so proud of you all and I can't wait to see you next week! Have a wonderful Feel Good Friday!
Thursday 4th March 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
World Book Day
Happy World Book Day! Please see below for activities!
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Afternoon Task - Expressive Arts and Design
In this lesson, we will start to explore different pitches through imaginative play. We will also keep exploring note durations and keep our sense of pulse strong through physicalisation of the beat.
Click here for the lesson.
Tuesday 2nd March 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Afternoon Task - Understanding the World
WALT: Look closely at a flower and identify different parts
In this lesson, we join Miss Sidenius in learning about the different parts of a flower. We use our knowledge to create an observational drawing or painting of a flower, making sure to include all of the different features that we can see. To extend this lesson, you could spot different parts of a plant or flower while out on walk. Does a tree have all of the same parts? Click here to join the lesson.
Monday 1st March 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Afternoon Task - Understanding the World
WALT: Understand how some people celebrate St David's Day.
Today is St David's Day. What the clips on Cbeebies then tell your adult everything you have learnt about St David's Day. Click here to watch the clips.
Friday 26th February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Click here for the tricky words song.
Click here for the phonics songs.
Afternoon Task - Physical development
Click here for a cosmic kids yoga session.
Thursday 25th February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Afternoon Task - Understanding the World
Join Andy on an adventure learning about fruit bats. Tell you adult all that you have found out about fruit bats. Click here for the adventure.
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Afternoon Task - Expressive Arts and Design
In this lesson, we will start to explore the garden through singing games and rhymes. We will develop our sense of pulse and our understanding of note duration. Click here for the lesson.
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Afternoon Task - Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design
Learning about the birds in our environment
Have a look at the information below about birds. You do not have to read about each bird, just the ones that interest you! Do you see any of these birds from your window or when you are out for a walk? After reading it with your adult, tell them what you have learnt about birds. Choose two birds and see if you can make a different home each for them. You can use twigs and leaves from outside or you can draw a picture of their homes.
Monday 22nd February 2021
I hope that you all had a good week last week! This week we will be learning all about Spring and looking at animals and plants.
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Afternoon Task - Understanding the World and Physical Development
Explore the changes that happen in spring
In this lesson with Miss Hughes, we learn the features of Spring and understand why these changes occur. After the lesson, look for the features of Spring by going on a walk with your grown up and taking photos. Click here for the lesson.
Friday 12th February 2021
Well done for all your hard work this half term! I am so proud of you all and very impressed with all the learning you have been sending in. You are all super learning CHAMPS! I hope that you all have a wonderful half term.
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Click here to see the message from the staff to you all.
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Weekend Maths Challenge
Take a look at Mrs Watson’s Weekend Maths Challenge - email your answers to
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Click here for the tricky words song.
Click here for the phonics songs.
Click here for phonics play (user name: jan21. Password:home)
Click here for ictgames.
Afternoon Task - Understanding the World and Physical Development
Join Andy and the Ethiopian wolves on an adventure. Tell your adult what you have learnt about wolves. Click here for the episode.
Cosmic Yoga
Click here and join Jaime for a special yoga adventure ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.
Thursday 11th February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Internet Safety
Click here to watch the CBBC lesson.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Afternoon Task - Understanding the World
Have a go at making pancakes! You can use the recipe below to help you if you wish.
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Internet Safety
Click here to watch the CBBC lesson.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Afternoon Task - Understanding the World
Click here or have a look with your adult at the information below about pancake day. After looking at the information tell your adult what you have learnt about pancake day.
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Safer Internet Day
Today, as part of learning how to be safe on the internet, there are two presentations below to share with your child. Please look at them before you share them, you can use one or both or simply have a discussion with your child about how to be safe when using the internet.
Tuesday Afternoon Task - Understanding the World
To make sure that we have some healthy options for our pancake toppings join Mrs Sidenius to learn about different fruits and vegetables. Click here to join the lesson.
Monday 8th February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
P.E. with Miss Layman
Enjoy your lesson with Miss Layman! Remember to email any photos to her on
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Monday Afternoon Task -Expressive Arts and Design
Mr Wolf loves eating pancakes! What is your favourite food? Draw a picture of your favourite food and write a sentence about e.g My favourite food is... because...
As an extra challenge you could design your pancake with your favourite toppings. You can use the sheets below to help you or just draw a picture of a pancake with some delicious toppings.
Friday 5th February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Weekend Maths Challenge
Take a look at Mrs Watson’s Weekend Maths Challenge - email your answers to
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Thursday 4th February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Thursday Afternoon Task
Understanding the World
Click here to watch Andy and the Komodo dragon. Can you tell your adult some facts you have learnt about the Komodo dragon?
Expressive Arts and Design
Have a go at making a paper lantern!
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Wednesday Afternoon Task - Communication and Language
Well being
As part of ‘well-being’ week. Please discuss the below with your child:
Sometimes people are afraid of dragons- they do look a bit scary!
Is there anything that you are scared of or worry about?
What can we do when we feel worried about something or challenged by something? (talk about it, draw a picture of how it makes us feel, believe in ourselves, keep going)
Chinese New Year
Click here to listen to the story, or read the story below, then have a go at recreating the race using your toys from home.
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Lots of you drew lovely pictures of dragons yesterday, you could label these instead of drawing a new one if you wish.
Tuesday Afternoon Task - Expressive Arts and Design
Dragon Dance - using a blanket or a piece of material, try and create a dragon dance. You could learn the song that Mrs Speer and I sang and then make up your own moves to go with it. Have fun performing!
Monday 1st February 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? There is a special guest! Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to You will find out who it is on Thursday.
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Weekend Maths Competition -see Friday 29th January for details. Remember to send your answers in today if you wish to take part.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game or giggling graphemes (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Monday Afternoon Task - Understanding The World
Watch the clips ‘preparing for Chinese and Lunar new year’ and ‘celebrating Chinese New Year’. ( Leave the story clip as we will look at this later in the week). Talk to your adult and tell them everything that you have learnt about Chinese new year. Click here to watch.
Friday 29th January 2021
Thank you for all the lovely work you have been sending in via Tapestry or email. We are so proud of you all - you are CHAMP learners!
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? There is a special guest! Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to You will find out who it is today.
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Weekend Maths Challenge
Take a look at Mrs Watson’s Weekend Maths Challenge - email your answers to
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Giggling Graphemes Phonics Play- Click on the link. The user name is: jan21. The password is: home.
For the tricky words song click here.
Friday Afternoon Task - Communication and Language. Physical Development.
In the story 'What the Ladybird Heard’ the two baddies tried to steal a cow. Play Kim's game by laying out different objects on a tray or on a flat surface. Cover with a cloth. Grown ups take one away. Lift off the cloth. Children tell you which one has gone.
Click here to join in with a cosmic kids adventure
Thursday 28th January 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? There is a special guest! Click here to watch it!
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to You will find out who it is on Thursday.
Golden tickets
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Thursday Afternoon Task - Understanding the World
In this lesson with Miss Hughes, we will learn the role of a police officer. We will consider what they do on a daily basis and imagine ourselves as police officers by investigating a crime. We will end the lesson with a list of clues that you can use to investigate the crime further in your home by interviewing your teddies! Click here to watch the session. |
Wednesday 27th January 2021
Secret Reader
Who could the secret reader be?
Go to the Home Learning page and click on the star for Secret Reader. Listen to the story and send your guesses over to You will find out who it is on Thursday.
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Maths Challenge - if you don't have a dice at home please just choose some numbers to double. If you would like an extra challenge you could choose numbers from the hundred square to double.
Click here to play the doubles game.
Wednesday Afternoon Task - Expressive Arts and Design. Communication and Language.
Making Maps In the story the two baddies make a map of the farmyard in a cunning plan to steal the cow (even though it doesn’t go well!) Have a go at making a map of the farm like the baddies using positional language! You could have a go at recording your cunning plan on your grown-ups phone or tablet. How might your voice change if you were pretending to be one of the baddies? |
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Maths Challenges
Choose from below. You do not need to print these out, drawing your own ladybirds will be fine. Remember if you want to, you can draw your own ladybirds and choose your own numbers to double.
Tuesday Afternoon Task - Expressive Arts and Design. Communication and Language.
Decorating biscuits- Using the instructions below can you have a go at decorating your biscuit to look like a ladybird?
Monday 25th January 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Monday Afternoon Task - Expressive Arts and Design. Communication and Language.
Create your own farm either using your toys or by drawing or even painting. See if you can retell the story from today!
Friday 22nd January 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
Well done for completing another fantastic week of learning Reception! Thank you for all the tapestry uploads and emails we have received; it has been wonderful seeing all of your learning. If you haven't had a chance to share your learning with us remember you can email us on or upload pictures onto your child's tapestry learning journal.
Next week one of the activities will be to decorate biscuits. If you wish to do this activity you will need the following: plain biscuits, red food colouring, black ready made icing in a tube or block (or raisins could work instead of the black readymade icing)
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Friday Phonics Games
The Dinosaur Eggs word game
Make a Match Phonics Play- Click on the link. The user name is: jan21. The password is: home.
Friday Maths Game. Click here to play fair shares.
Friday Afternoon Task - Expressive Arts and Design. Physical Development.
Have a go at making you own penguin by following the instructions below. Don't worry if you don't have googly eyes at home, I just drew the eyes on.
Click here to join in with cosmic kids penguin yoga adventure.
Thursday 21st January 2021
Have you seen Mr Barron's Briefing from Wednesday? If not click here
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Thursday Afternoon Task - Understanding the World
WALT: understand the issue of global warming on the polar habitat. In today's lesson, we join Miss Sidenius in learning about the impact of global warming on the polar habitat. We focus on the impact that this will have on the wildlife and carry out an ice experiment to demonstrate the changes occurring due to global warming. Click here for the session.
Wednesday 20th January 2021
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Dear Children,
I am feeling a bit sad and confused. I hope you can help me. The other penguins are saying that I am not a real penguin. I feel like a real penguin because I can dive (although I am not the best at it) and I can catch fish. I sometimes catch even bigger fish than the other penguins.
Can you find out a bit more about penguins for me to see if I am one? When you have found out, remind your adult of why you think I am a penguin. You could even draw me a picture.
From Blue Penguin.
Please find out about penguins- your child can watch Andy's Wild Adventures (click here) or you can use the presentation below to help. After watching Andy or reading the presentation ask your child to tell you if Blue penguin is really a penguin and how do they know if he is?
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Did you see Mr Barron’s Briefing on Monday? Click here to watch it.
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
We are learning about Antarctica. Ask your adult to read the presentation below to you. Afterwards can you tell your adult three or more things you have learnt about Antarctica. |
Monday 18th January 2021
Thank you for sharing your work with us either on Tapestry or via the class email. It has been wonderful seeing all the fantastic learning you have been doing at home!
Did you see Mr Barron’s Briefing on Friday? Click here to watch it.
Today is Winnie-The-Pooh day, so our learning activities will be based upon Winnie-The-Pooh.
Reading and Phonics
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website-flashcards speed trial game (user name: jan21. Password:home) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Have a teddy bear picnic with all your teddies. Make sure they have all got enough food, see if you can make sure they all have the same amount by counting what is on their plate. It would be a good idea to draw a map to show the teddies where they have to go. I have included a copy of Winnie-The-Pooh's map below but you can design your own.
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below, or on the phonicsplay website (explained in today's phonics video) or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Friday Phonics Tricky Words Song Click to hear song.
Phonics Play- Click on the link. The user name is: jan21. The password is: home.
The games I would like you to play are 'flash cards speed trial' and 'picnic on pluto'. You can select either phase 2 or phase 3 to play these games.
Jigsaw – Dreams and Goals- Piece 1 - Follow the links and listen to one or both of the stories.
Try this challenge: Fill a small bowl of small objects e.g raisins and peas (or whatever you have to hand) and blindfold your child. Can they only pick out only the raisins?
Questions: How did you find that challenge? How did it make you feel? What sorts of things do we everyday that are tricky? Do you ever have any problems with your friends? How do you sort these out?
Let’s Think: Talk about how sometimes we may come across things that are hard.
Discuss how we could overcome them. If we were to do the challenges again, what could we do to help us achieve them? What sorts of things do we everyday that are tricky? Do you ever have any problems with your friends? How do you sort these out?
It's time for some Yoga. Have a go at this cosmic kids session; Sonic the Hedgehog.
Thursday 14th January 2021
Watch Mr Barron's Briefing
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Click here to play the forest phonics game
Literacy Challenge No need to print, please complete on paper.
Maths Challenge Have a go at completing at least three pea smashes!
Create a simple supermarket/shop. Add empty boxes and make price labels up to 5p. Use real 1p coins (if you have any or use paper coins) to buy the items. Play with your child initially to model the language for transactions. How much does the… cost ? That will be 3 pence please. Count out the coins one, two, three. Repeat for other transactions.
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
When you have read 5 times remember to send a photo of your reading record to by 10am each Friday, so that your Golden Ticket is entered into the competition.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Have a go at writing words to go with these pictures. For an extra challenge you could write a sentence.
Healthy Eating; We are going to learn to identify foods that are healthy and foods that are not healthy. Click here to watch the lesson with Miss Hughes. What is the importance of a healthy diet? What is the importance of different food groups? At the end of the lesson, draw your own plate of healthy food, or stick pictures from a magazine on a paper plate.
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Listen to the story of Supertato either from the video yesterday or the PowerPoint below today’s Literacy video. Have a go at playing the roll and retell game.
Use building bricks to make a home for Supertato. Think about how tall and wide it needs to be to fit supertato inside. As an extra challenge you could ask your adult to show you with a ruler how tall and wide your house is. If you don’t have a ruler you could use bricks to measure it (make sure they are all the same size!) If you don’t have bricks at home you could use lego or you could draw a picture of supertato’s house.
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards below or watch the Wednesday 6th January video of me doing our flashcards.
Listen to me read the story of Supertato by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. Then tell your adult your favourite part of the story. Finally look at the Evil Pea picture below, can you spot what he has done and talk to your adult about what you think the answers are to the questions.
Have a go at creating your own SuperTato. Use a potato (or any other vegetable). Give your vegetable a face. Don't forget a cape!
What are your vegetable's super powers? For example:
1. Super squishing power
2. Power to make people smile
3. Super tickler
Take your SuperTato/vegetable around your house to help out with some of the jobs, such as tidying your bedroom or putting away the dishes. What other helpful things could they do?
Look out for Mr Barron's assembly on his briefing page. Next week we will be reading the story 'Super Tato'. It would be great if you could have a potato ready to decorate. We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to more learning next week.
Please read for 10-15 minutes each day. You can use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
Practise your phonics by either using the flashcards from yesterday or watch the Wednesday video of me doing our flashcards.
Zog needs a rest! Can you design your very own creature who would make a very good ambulance? It could be another type of dragon or a creature you have made up. Draw your dragon or creature and give it a name. What special abilities does it have to help the doctors to treat their patients?
It's time for some Yoga. Have a go at this cosmic kids session; it's a Winter story.
Thursday 7th January
Hello Reception!
I hope you enjoy your learning today. You will be practising your phonics, creating patterns and learning about the season Winter.
Have a good day and keep warm!
Today we would like you to practise your phonics using the document below called ‘practise your phonics’. Then watch the phonics video for today which is all about the phoneme v. On some paper have a go at writing the phoneme v and then write v words to go with the pictures below. Remember to segment the words to help you write them. For an extra challenge you could write sentences instead of words to go with the pictures.
The lion is feeling cold in his cave. Can you draw him a scarf with a repeating pattern? See the examples below.
Afternoon Task - Understanding the World
Signs of Winter
Have a look at and talk about the pictures in the document below. Ask your child: If we went on a winter walk now, what do you think you would be able to see? For your challenge - can you draw a picture of what you would see on your walk? You could draw trees, robins, gloves and scarves, holly and so on. As an extra challenge you could label or write a sentence about what you have drawn.
Listen to the story of Zog and the Flying Doctors by Julia Donaldson.
Ask your child can they remember and tell you about the patients in the story: Who were they? What was wrong with them? How did they get better?
Afternoon task
Communication, Language and Literacy/Understanding the World
Make your own role play flying doctors’ base. Ask your child to suggest where this could be – you could look at images from the book for ideas; maybe it will be a cave, a forest, castle ruins, etc. Tell your child that they are going to pretend to be one of the flying doctors. Read out the scenarios on Resource Sheet 1: A doctor’s checklist and encourage your child to suggest the correct treatment to give to their patients. Teddies or dolls could be used as the patients, each with a card stating what their problem is and your child should act out how to treat their ailments.