* Look out for Mr Barron's new briefing this morning? Click here to watch it!
* You have until 10am this morning to email in your planner photo for the Golden Tickets competition.
* Will we remain at the top of the TT Rock Stars leader board? Keep playing to help our team!
* A huge well done for all your hard work and effort with home learning. I am so proud of you all and I can't wait to see you next week! Have a wonderful Feel Good Friday!
* Have you watched Mr Barron's briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Have you entered the Secret Reader competition yet? The deadline is at 10am this morning. Click here to listen. Good luck!
* Remember to read five times this week and then email in your planner photo by 10am tomorrow morning.
* Keep playing TT Rock Stars. I wonder if we can remain in the top spot on the leader board!
* Have a wonderful World Book Day!
* Have you watched Mr Barron's briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Have you entered the Secret Reader competition yet? Click here to listen!
* Remember to read five times this week and then email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning.
* Can we remain in the top spot on the TT Rock Stars leader board? I'm sure you will try your best!
Using your purple CGP English book, I would like you to complete p68 and p69 ‘Stories'. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
TT Rock Stars - 15 minutes.
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes. Please practise the Year 2 rule 30 (common exception words). You may also like to practise any of the Year 1 spelling rules which you haven't completed yet.
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes. Please use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
* Have you seen Mr Barron's briefing yet? Click here to watch it!
* Look out for the new Secret Reader this morning. Click here to listen!
* Remember to keep reading so that you can enter the Golden Tickets competition this week.
Using your purple CGP English book, I would like you to complete p66 and p67 ‘What happens next?' Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
TT Rock Stars - 15 minutes.
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes. Please practise the Year 2 rule 30 (common exception words). You may also like to practise any of the Year 1 spelling rules which you haven't completed yet.
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes. Please use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
* Huge congratulations for remaining at the top of the TT Rock Stars leader board! What an achievement! I'm so proud of you! Also, a special well done to Beki Lightspeed for being our top scorer!
* Well done to Bella for winning a delicious Wonka Bar! Remember to keep reading five times a week so that you are in with a chance of winning one too!
* Look out for Mr Barron's new briefing this morning. Click here to watch it!
Using your purple CGP English book, I would like you to complete p64 and p65 ‘Making Assumptions'. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Take a look at Mr Barron's new briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember that you have until 10am this morning to send in your planner photos showing that you have read 5 times this week.
* Well done for all your hard work and perseverance this week. I can't wait to welcome you back to school on Monday 8th March!
It's back! Following lots of positive feedback from our last 'Feel Good Friday', we have decided to do it again! We are so proud of how you have displayed all the Gade Valley CHAMP qualities throughout your time at home. As a thank you and a recognition of your hard work, we hope you enjoy these fun activities. Keep your eyes peeled for ‘Feel Good Friday’ next week!
Using your purple CGP English book, I would like you to complete p62 and p63 ‘Thinking About Words'. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Have you watched Mr Barron's briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Have you entered the Secret Reader competition yet? The deadline is at 10am this morning. Click here to listen. Good luck!
* Remember to read five times this week and then email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning.
* Keep playing TT Rock Stars. I wonder if we can remain in the top spot on the leader board?
Using your purple CGP English book, I would like you to complete p60 and p61 ‘Putting things in order'. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
TT Rock Stars - 15 minutes.
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes. Please practise the Year 2 rule 4 about the 's' sound spelt with the letter 'c'. You may also like to practise any of the Year 1 spelling rules which you haven't completed yet.
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes. Please use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
* Have you watched Mr Barron's briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Have you entered the Secret Reader competition yet? Click here to listen!
* Remember to read five times this week and then email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning.
* Can we remain in the top spot on the TT Rock Stars leader board? I'm sure you will try your best!
Using your purple CGP English book, I would like you to complete p58 and p59 ‘Explaining Why'. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Have you watched Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Look out for the new Secret Reader this morning! Click here listen!
* Remember to read five times this week and then email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning. I was so proud of you for earning the most Golden Tickets during half term! Well done!
* Can we remain in the top spot on the TT Rock Stars leader board? I'm sure you will try your best!
Using your purple CGP English book, I would like you to complete p56 and p57 ‘Finding Information - Non-Fiction'. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful half term and that you had lots of fun!
* I'm looking forward to seeing you during our weekly Zoom call this morning at 11:30am!
* Look out for Mr Barron's new briefing this morning. Click here to watch it!
* Have you taken part in Mr Barron's walking challenge over half term? Remember to let me know how you got on!
* Remember to read five times this week and then email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning. Let's see if we can have the highest number of Golden Tickets. You were very close last time!
Using your CGP English book, I would like you to complete p54 and p55 ‘A Nature Walk’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Keep an eye out for Mr Barron's briefing this morning. Click here to watch it!
* You have until 10am this morning to email in your planner photos showing that you have read five times this week. Let's see if we can have the highest number of Golden Tickets. Good luck!
* Keep playing TT Rock Stars and hopefully we can remain in the top spot on the leader board today!
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p32 and p33 ‘The monkeys and the crocodile’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
Keep fit and active using GoNoodle and Cosmic Kids Yoga. You may also like to join in with PE with Joe Wicks (the Body Coach). Have fun!
TT Rock Stars - 15 minutes.
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes. Please ensure that you have practised Year 2 rules 25 and 26 (apostrophes). You may then practise any of the Year 1 spelling rules of your choice.
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes. Please use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? I hope you will join in with the challenge! Click here to watch it!
* Have you seen the latest Secret Reader yet? Click here to watch and guess the reader! You have until 10am this morning to enter.
* Remember to read five times this week and then email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning. Let's see if we can have the highest number of Golden Tickets. You were very close last week!
* Keep playing TT Rock Stars and hopefully we can remain in the top spot on the leader board!
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p30 and p31 ‘The Selfish Giant’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
In DT, we are learning to design pancake toppings in preparation for making pancakes tomorrow. You can use the template below, or you can draw your designs on a plain piece of paper. Remember to write down the ingredients you will need for each topping! There is also an extension challenge which you may like to complete. Happy designing!
* Keep an eye out for Mr Barron's new briefing today. Click here to watch it!
* Have you seen the latest Secret Reader yet? Click here to watch and guess the reader!
* Remember to read five times this week and then email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning. Let's see if we can have the highest number of Golden Tickets. You were very close last week!
* Keep playing TT Rock Stars and hopefully we can remain in the top spot on the leader board!
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p28 and p29 ‘Slippers at school’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* There's a new Secret Reader today. Click here to watch and guess the reader!
* Remember to email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning to show that you have read 5 times this week. The email address is golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk.
* On Friday 12th February, we will be making pancakes so you will need plain flour, milk, eggs and your favourite toppings!
Today at 11:00am, I would like you to watch the BBC Live Lesson about E-Safety. The link to the BBC Live lesson is here, however you can also watch it on CBBC. It is for 25 minutes. I have attached an activity sheet which you can use alongside the lesson.
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p26 and p27 ‘Animals’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
TT Rock Stars - 15 minutes.
Spelling Frame - 15 minutes. Please ensure that you have practised Year 2 rules 25 and 26 (apostrophes). You may then practise any of the Year 1 spelling rules of your choice.
Reading with an adult - 15 minutes. Please use any books from home. You can also access free eBooks on the Oxford Owl website.
* I'm looking forward to seeing you during our weekly Zoom call this morning at 11:30am!
* Huge congratulations for climbing to the top of the TT Rock Stars leader board last week! What an achievement!
* Look out for Mr Barron's new briefing this morning. Click here to watch it!
* There's still time to enter Mrs Watson's Maths challenge of the week. You can find the video below.
* Please remember, that we will be making pancakes on Friday 12th February so you will need plain flour, milk, eggs and your favourite toppings!
Today I would like you to complete the reading comprehension 'Pancake Day'. There are 3 challenges to choose from. 1 star is challenge 1, 2 stars is challenge 2 and 3 stars is challenge 3. The answers are also included so that you can check your work afterwards. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
Today is our final 'Commotion in the Ocean' themed Art lesson. So far, you have learned how to draw a whale, turtle and dolphin (click to revisit each video). Today, you can choose to learn how to draw either a puffer fish or an octopus. If you are feeling really motivated, you could learn how to draw both!
For an extension, you may like to then create your own ocean scene containing the animals that you have learned how to draw. I'm looking forward to seeing your creations!
* Keep an eye out for Mr Barron's briefing this morning. I wonder how many of you have been awarded a Golden Ticket for reading 5 times this week? Unfortunately only 8 children in our class earned one last week. Remember that you have until 10am to send in your planner photo if you haven't already! It would be fantastic to have another Year 2 Wonka Bar winner! Go Year 2!
* Have you been playing TT Rock Stars every day? Remember to try and play for 15 minutes each day. We were in 3rd place on the leader board last week! Can we continue to climb up the leader board this week? You can do it!
* There is another challenge from Mrs Watson which you may like to try. You can find out more information in the video. Well done to Kuba, Archie, Anabelle, Harley, Emmie, Yasmin, Autumn and Harry for completing last week's challenge.
* Next week, we will be focusing on Pancake Day. Therefore, on Friday 12th February you will need plain flour, milk, eggs and your favourite toppings!
* Have you see the latest Secret Reader? Click here to go to the page. The deadline is 10am this morning.
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to email in your planner photo by 10am tomorrow morning to show that you have read 5 times this week. The email address is golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk. Good luck!
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p24 and p25 ‘Flat Stanley’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
As part of Wellbeing Week, I would like you to complete the 'This is me!' activity below. You may also like to complete the 'Daily acts of kindness' challenge over the next week or so. Remember that you are all amazing and that I am very proud of you all!
* Have you see the latest Secret Reader? Click here to go to the page.
* Did you watch Mr Barron's briefing on Monday? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning to show that you have read 5 times this week. The email address is golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk. I hope that we'll have another Year 2 Wonka Bar winner!
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p22 and p23 ‘Habitats’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* It was great to see so many of you during our Zoom call yesterday! I hope you enjoyed playing Mr Barron's fun games!
* Remember to look out for the new Secret Reader at 10am. Click here to go to the page.
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning to show that you have read 5 times this week. The email address is golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk. Can another member of the class win a Wonka Bar on Friday? I hope so!
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p20 and p21 ‘Sports’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* It's our class Zoom call at 11:30am this morning. I look forward to seeing you then!
* Remember to email in your planner photo by 10am on Friday morning to show that you have read 5 times this week! The email address is golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk. Congratulations to Ben for winning a Wonka Bar on Friday!
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to look out for the new Secret Reader. Click here to listen to the story and to find out how to email in your guess!
Today I would like you to complete the reading comprehension 'The year of the Ox'. There are 3 challenges to choose from. 1 star is challenge 1, 2 stars is challenge 2 and 3 stars is challenge 3. The answers are also included so that you can check your work afterwards. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
In DT, I would like you to make your own Chinese paper lantern. You can watch the video below to find out how to create one. Remember, you can decorate it before cutting! You may also like to use the PDF instructions and template below if you wish. Enjoy!
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Have you watched this week's Secret Reader? Click here to listen to the story and to find out how to email in your guess!
* Remember to email in your planner photo by 10am this morning to show that you have read 5 times this week! The email address is golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk.
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p18 and p19 ‘On the farm’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
Keep fit and active using GoNoodle and Cosmic Kids Yoga. You may also like to join in with PE with Joe Wicks (the Body Coach). Have fun!
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? There is a special guest! Click here to watch it!
* Have you watched this week's Secret Reader? Click here to listen to the story and to find out how to email in your guess!
* Remember that tomorrow is the deadline for planner photos showing that you have read 5 times this week. Send your photos to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by 10am tomorrow.
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p16 and p17 ‘Our Solar System’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
In Geography today, we are going to be learning about maps, atlases and globes. I would like you to watch the video, complete the maps quiz and then play the compass game. Click here for the learning.
* Secret Reader is back! Click here to listen to the story and to find out how to email in your guess!
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to send your photos of your planners to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by Friday at 10am so that you can enter the Golden Tickets competition if you have read 5 times this week.
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p15 ‘The United Kingdom’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to send your photos of your planners to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by Friday at 10am so that you can enter the Golden Tickets competition if you have read 5 times this week.
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p14 ‘The Tear Thief’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Remember our class Zoom call today at 11:30am. I'm looking forward to seeing you all!
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to send your photos of your planners to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by Friday at 10am so that you can enter the Golden Tickets competition if you have read 5 times this week.
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p13 ‘Making a bird feeder’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
In Art, we are continuing to learn how to draw animals that live under the sea. This is linked to our topic ‘Commotion in the Ocean’. Using the video below, learn how to draw a dolphin with Rob Biddulph.
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to send the photos of your planners to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by 10am this morning so that you can enter the Golden Tickets competition if you have read 5 times this week.
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p12 ‘Plum’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
Keep fit and active using GoNoodle and Cosmic Kids Yoga. You may also like to join in with PE with Joe Wicks (the Body Coach). Have fun!
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to send the photos of your planners to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by tomorrow at 10am so that you can enter the Golden Tickets competition if you have read 5 times this week.
Using your CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p11 ‘Tim's diary’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
In Geography today, we are going to be exploring the five oceans. I would like you to watch the two videos and then complete the 'Test your knowledge of oceans' quiz. Click here for the learning.
* Remember to send the photos of your planners to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by Friday at 10am so that you can enter the Golden Tickets competition if you have read 5 times this week.
Using your new CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p10 ‘Amy Johnson’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Check out the TT Rock Stars Battle of the Bands results here.
* Remember to send the photos of your planners to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by Friday at 10am so that you can enter the Golden Tickets competition if you have read 5 times this week.
Using your new CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p9 ‘The Enchanted Wood’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Remember our class Zoom call today at 11:30am. I'm looking forward to seeing you all!
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it!
* Remember to send your photos of your planners to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by Friday at 10am so that you can enter the Golden Tickets competition if you have read 5 times this week.
Using your new CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p8 ‘No teacher’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
In Art, we are continuing to learn how to draw animals that live under the sea. This is linked to our topic ‘Commotion in the Ocean’. Using the video below, learn how to draw a turtle with Rob Biddulph.
* Tapping Twos, your next TT Rock Stars Battle of the Bands is against Year 5! Please log on between 11:00am - 12:00pm and support our band! The results will be announced on Monday so watch this space!
* When you have read 5 times, remember to send a photo of your planner to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by this morning at 10am so that you can enter the competition.
Using your new CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p7 ‘A trip to the shop’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
Keep fit and active using GoNoodle and Cosmic Kids Yoga. You may also like to join in with PE with Joe Wicks (the Body Coach). Have fun!
* There are no TT Rock Stars Battle of the Bands today.
* Have you seen Mr Barron's latest briefing? Click here to watch it.
* When you have read 5 times, remember to send a photo of your planner to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by Friday at 10am so that you can enter the competition.
Using your new CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p6 ‘Get Well Soon’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
In Geography today we are going to be exploring the seven continents. I would like you to watch the two videos 'Mapping the World' and 'The Equator', and then complete the 'Test your knowledge of the world' quiz. Click here for the learning.
* Tapping Twos, your next TT Rock Stars Battle of the Bands is against Year 4! Please log on between 9:30am - 10:30am and support our band!
* When you have read 5 times, remember to send a photo of your planner to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by Friday at 10am so that you can enter the competition.
Using your new CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p5 ‘Seasons’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
We are continuing learning about things Muslim people celebrate this week by learning about the story of Moses, which is an important religious story for not only Muslims but Christian and Jewish people too. Please watch the video below of Mrs Watson explaining what the day of Ashura is, why Muslim people celebrate it and why the story of Moses is remembered on the day of Ashura.
* Tapping Twos, we have another TT Rock Stars Battle of the Bands this morning. This time we are against Year 6! Please log on between 11am - 12pm and support our band!
* When you have read 5 times, remember to send a photo of your planner to golden.tickets@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk by Friday at 10am so that you can enter the competition.
Using your new CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p4 ‘The Owl and the Pussy-cat’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences.
* Remember our class Zoom call today at 11:30am. I'm looking forward to seeing you all!
* Tapping Twos, we have a TT Rock Stars Battle of the Bands against Year 3 today at 9:30am - 10:30am. Please log in at this time and take part to support our band! Results will be posted here.
* Keep an eye out for Mr Barron’s new briefing today. Click here to go to his page.
Using your new CGP Reading Comprehension book, I would like you to complete p3 ‘Making Lemonade’. Remember to refer to the text to help you and to answer the questions in full sentences. For example, ‘I think a recipe is...’.
In Art, we are learning to draw animals that live under the sea. This is linked to our new topic ‘Commotion in the Ocean’. Using the video below, learn how to draw a whale with Rob Biddulph.
Keep an eye out for Mr Barron’s assembly today on his briefings page!
Using your new CGP Reading Comprehension book that you collected from school yesterday, I would like you to complete p2 ‘How to grow a seed’. Remember to refer to the text to help you. As the text is quite short today, you may also like to try the extra challenge below called ‘Sunflower plant life cycle’.
In PSHE this half term we are learning about dreams and goals. At the beginning of a new year, people often like to set a goal for themselves. This is called a New Year’s Resolution. I would like you to make your own New Year’s Resolution for 2021! Some examples are to keep your bedroom tidy, to learn a new skill like riding a bike or to read every day. You can draw a picture of your goal and/or write about what you would like to achieve and how you are going to do it. Will you need your CHAMP skills to achieve it? I have attached a template which you may like to use.
Have you noticed how the three stories this week have been linked to our new topic ‘Commotion in the Ocean’? Challenge - can you describe any similarities and differences between the stories?
Read the non-fiction text 'Happy New Year!' and answer the questions about it. If you don't have a printer, you can read the text and questions from the screen. There are three challenges to choose from.
In Geography, our new topic is 'Commotion in the Ocean'. I would like you to visit BBC Bitesize (click to take you to the page) to play Pirate Bunnies World Adventures. During your adventure, you will hop on Captain Carrot’s ship and explore the world. Can you remember the names of the seven continents and five oceans?
Read the text 'A Monster Surprise' and answer the questions about it. 1 star is Challenge 1, 2 stars is Challenge 2 and 3 stars is Challenge 3.