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Our Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor please contact Jenny Calverley (Clerk to Governors) on 01442 391324. 

If you wish to contact us please do so by emailing us at

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Our Instrument of Government is:


  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 5 Co-opted Governors

School governors work on a voluntary basis and are central to the life of the School. The Governing Body is made up of parent governors, teacher governors, County Council appointments, and co-opted members. The governors meet on a regular basis to discuss such things as finance, curriculum, personnel issues and issues relating to the use of the school premises. At all times the Headteacher and the Governors work closely together. The day to day running of the school is devolved to the headteacher.

Our Governors, their Committees and Category

NameCommittee / Governor RoleCategoryTerm of OfficeRegister of Governor's Interests
Daniel BarronFinance / Premises HeadteacherOngoingNo conflicts
Vacancy Chair of Governor  
Ian Briscoe 

Finance & Premises Committee

Pupil Premium & Sports Premium Governor

LEA Governor06.02.23- 05.02.27No conflicts
Annie Kavanagh Staff - Teaching Governor 01.04.22 - 31.03.26No conflicts
Jonathan TwidleHealth & Safety GovernorCo-Opted Governor01.09.21-31.08.25No conflicts
Gillian HurtFinance / Premises Committee
Safeguarding Governor
Co-Opted Governor02.09.21 - 01.09.25No conflicts
Maureen BartonSEN GovernorCo-Opted Governor02.09.22 - 01.09.26No conflicts
Katie Reading Parent Governor30.04.2024 - 01.05.2028No conflits
Richard Punter Parent Governor30.04.2024 - 01.05.2028No conflicts
Gerard van der Westhuyzen Staff / Associate Governor01.09.20No conflicts
Jenny CalverleyClerk to Governors  School Business Manager at Gade Valley School

Attendance Record for Governing Body Meetings 2022/2023


Governors in office during the relevant period and still serving


Governors in office during the relevant period and still serving


Attendance Record for Governing Body Meetings 2022/2023


Governors in office during the relevant period and still serving

Date of Meeting






Mr Daniel Barron






Mr Jon Chapman






Mrs Stephanie Smith






Mrs Brenda Simson






Miss Annie Kavanagh






Mr Jonathan Twidle






Mrs Gillian Hurt






Ms Roshnee Patel






Mr Ian Briscoe










Not in post

