Geography Subject Leader: Mr Hakner
Curriculum Aims
At Gade Valley, our geography education is designed to inspire in pupils' curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. It encourages pupils to be explorative thinkers, building an awareness of how Geography shapes their lives and encourages them to become active citizens who have the skills and knowledge to improve the world around them.
Gade Valley strives to:
How We Teach Geography
In Early Years, geography is taught via the Early Learning Goals linked to the Specific Area ‘Understanding the World’. During their time in Early Years, the pupils will listen to stories set in different locations and participate in topic led work about the world they live in.
In Years 1 – 6, geography is taught in a half-termly block of lessons. This timing of these blocks are flexible depending on the content being covered and the skills being developed. Each unit of work has been carefully written using the guidance of the National Curriculum and planned using the scheme Kapow Geography. The skills and knowledge statements, which can be found in the document below, is also used to support teacher's planning. At Gade Valley, we also exploit cross-curricular links where possible within our units. For example, many classes have linked their English, Art, D&T and many other subjects to their Geography topics. In addition, the school also has whole school initiatives such as 'Take one country' days which occurs during the Summer term.
Our teaching of geography at Gade Valley is based upon the Gade Valley Principles of Teaching and Learning. This provides guidance for teachers to ensure that learning is effective. These include, providing clear learning goals, maximising learning time, challenging the pupils and ensuring the environment is stimulating and enhances pupil's learning. In addition, teachers will also use effective AfL (assessment for learning), both at the start of a new topic and throughout the teaching process as well as providing the pupils with practical resources such as atlases and access to the World Wide Web. Throughout Geography lessons, these principles are adhered to and this means that pupils develop the core skills from the Geography curriculum and the skills and knowledge document.
Key Developments and Information for 2024/25
Up to October 2024, the following measurable impact includes:
To see the learning in Geography, please visit the Geography page on the Celebrating Our Curriculum section.