At Gade Valley we strive to prepare children for the future and become lifelong learners, we do this through our CHAMP skills. Confident, Helpful, Attentive, Motivated and Perseverant.
Our aim is to use the outdoor environment to enhance these skills by providing a safe place for the children to play, explore and face challenges that could not be replicated in the classroom.
“Resilience is the ability of an individual to adapt to change and stressful situations successfully, in a healthy and constructive manner” – Sarah Blackwell (2015)
Our woodland provides the perfect environment to support a range of outdoor learning for the children in all age groups. The outdoor area provides opportunities for children to explore nature on their doorstep and develop their own sense of adventure and well-being.
The children will have the chance to explore different areas of the curriculum such as Maths, Literacy, Art and Science through hands-on, engaging activities in the fresh air. Being in the woodland is not just learning about plants and wildlife but gaining a better understanding about how to look after the environment around us. Our children will be encouraged to take risks, engage in problem solving activities and create their own challenges. the children will have an opportunity to experience different activities where making mistakes is accepted, learnt from, and gain a sense of achievement when completing activities.
GOAL Days 2023 - 2024
Spring Term
After reading our book of the week: The Tiger Who Came To Tea, the children were very excited to hunt for tigers in the woods. They all found their own picture of a tiger and then tried hiding by using leaves and sticks as camouflage.
For our GOAL day we were inspired by National Storytelling Week. We used the story of “The 3 Little Pigs”. We created the characters using natural resources, then we made the 3 houses. Finally, we re-told the story in our outdoor theatre.
As part of our Science topic ‘Animals including Humans’ the children went to the woods and recreated a the human skeleton using natural resources. We then made some spelling games using PE equipment on the playground. The children played each other’s games and practised using different spelling strategies within these.As part of our Science topic ‘Animals including Humans’ the children went to the woods and recreated a the human skeleton using natural resources. We then made some spelling games using PE equipment on the playground. The children played each other’s games and practised using different spelling strategies within these.
Autumn Term
For our GOAL day we had a fantastic day (even though it rained all day!). We collected different coloured leaves to make our own fire picture. We went for a walk around our woods as well as creating artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. The next day, we had a fire in the woods that Mr Barron helped us to build.
GOAL Days 2022 - 2023
Year 6
During our trip to Hudnall Park, we were challenged to make shelters that were waterproof.
Learning Outside 2021-2022