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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Burtt

Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs O'Beirne

Year 1 Non-Negotiables for Writing, Reading and Maths

Welcome Meeting

Year 1’s Popping Popcorn. Come and buy some popping popcorn, it’s the best in town.

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GOAL Day: we made our own obstacle races and we had to work as a team to work out how to get as much water from one side to the other.

In Science, we have been learning about summer. We used objects to make shadows from the sun. We learnt that the sun was the light source and the object blocked the sun to make the shadows.

In Maths, we used arrays to help us write multiplication sums.

In Computing, they have been learning how to make their own animations. They had to put in set algorithms to make their characters move.

Our caterpillars have been munching through their food and have now got a lot bigger.

Look at our hairy caterpillars that we made by using egg boxes and grass seeds.

We planted our sunflower seeds. We remembered what we had learnt in science about what is needed for a plant to grow. Thank you to one of the nans, in our class, for providing us with the seeds, soil and pots.

In maths, we have been learning about money. We walked to Pruden’s bakery where we used money to buy a teddy bear biscuit.

In RE, we have been learning about the festival Diwali. We made our own rangoli patterns.

In English, we used ipads to research facts about honeybees. This helped us to write our fact files about them.

In Science week, we had to complete an investigation. We tested which nappy held the most water.

We had great fun in the STOMP workshop. We had to follow a routine just using our hands and feet.

On Thursday, we went to Hertfordshire Zoo. We got to see lots of different animals, eat our lunch, walk around the dinosaurs and go on the climbing apparatus.

This week we visited Pizza Express. We learnt about the different ingredients, hygiene when cooking, made a pizza and then got to enjoy eating it.

In DT, we have been looking at healthy food and where it comes from. We made potato salad and enjoyed eating it, some more than others.

We thoroughly enjoyed our Community Police afternoon. We saw a police dog, sat in police cars and put on riot outfits.

We had our own Baby Bear’s Birthday party. We enjoyed eating Daddy Bear’s Huff Puffs and Mummy Bear’s jam sandwiches.

We enjoyed dressing-up for World Book day.

For World Book Week we read the Mr Wolf and the Three Bears. We wrote what we needed for a party and recipes for the different food Mr Wolf and Grandma Wolf made for Baby Bear’s party.

In Maths, we have been learning to double. We used counters and wrote the addition number sentence. Some of us challenged ourselves to show the multiplication number sentence as well.

In English, we had been writing how to make pancakes. We had to write the ingredients, equipment and method but the favourite part was to eat them. They were YUMMY!

In PE, the children used lots of different skills they had been learning in their previous lessons to travel across the apparatus.

The children had a great time in their scooter workshop. They learnt how to stop using the break, how to put on their safety gear and some tricks they could do.

Our GOAL Day, we had bear stories outside, we went on a bear hunt and then made our own bears using natural resources.

In our GOAL day we went on a bear hunt.

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In art, we used primary colours and mixed secondary colours to create a piece of artwork.

In computing, we pretended to be robots. We had to give precise instructions (algorithms) to make the robots move.

In Science, we were learning about different body parts. We found our own way of recording what we knew and had learnt in the lesson.

In PE, we have been learning to be rabbits and jump on and off different apparatus safely.

All dressed up for our Christmas performance. We had so much fun acting on stage and singing the songs. Thank you for coming to watch us.

We walked to the post-box and posted our letters that we had written to Santa in English.

In DT, we made our houses that we designed for a teddy bear. They had to have a roof, door and windows.

Dressing the Tree. In Year 1, we made snowmen for our decorations. They had to have a hat, scarf, arms, buttons and a carrot for their nose.

GOAL Day! The children enjoyed being outside completing a range of activities. They went on an autumn hunt, made people using leaves and sticks, leaf and bark rubbing, had biscuits and hot chocolate, made clay hedgehogs and finally sat around the campfire.

On Friday, we had Buddy Reading with Year 4.

We made Poppies for the whole school Remembrance Day display in the hall.

We had a fantastic Pirate Day. We made and ate sandwiches and biscuits and also made Mrs Burtt walk the plank!

Our Harvest song: Dingle Dangle Scarecrow and Here is the Tractor.

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Our Harvest celebration song Cauliflower’s Fluffy.

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In Science, we had to create a house for the 3 pigs using materials that we thought would be suitable to stop the wolf blowing it down.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Hudnall Park. We completed many activities and they managed to last to 9.30 before asking when lunch was.

We have been learning many different skills such as how to share, problem solve, work as a team, build and make music.

Mrs O’Beirne kindly brought in her dog called Barney. We learnt that we had to be calm and quiet, ask before we stroked him and how to look after him.

In Science, we sorted materials by their properties.

In Computing, we used the mouse to help us draw pictures.

In English, we have been verbally saying our sentences and then putting them in the correct order to read the sentence.

In Maths, we have been using different resources to help us with our number bonds to 5.

We had a lovely afternoon with Year 2 celebrating Roald Dahl day. We completed lots of different activities linked to the story ‘The BFG.’

We have had a fantastic year in Year 1. All the children have shown they are true CHAMPS. We are extremely proud of them all. Thank you for all your support and the generous gifts. Have a brilliant summer holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in September. The chidREN enjoyed their rocket lollies.

We celebrated Bastille day by re-creating Henri Matisse art work.

Some our work displayed for Open Evening.

In Science, we carried out an experiment to see which biscuit was the best for Mr Barron to dunk in tea.

In Art, we have been learning different ways to make paper become 3D. We then used the skills we had learnt to make our ‘Trees of Life.’

We enjoyed releasing our butterflies into the wild.

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In Science, we worked in a group to show the differences between spring and summer.

Music Wow Day! We had great fun making castanets and dancing to flamenco music.

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A fantastic sports week had by us all.

We had a great time seeing the birds of prey this morning. They flew over our heads and we got to hold Dotty. We learnt lots about the different owls.

Our caterpillars have got fatter and are starting to move to the top of the pot to start to make their cooons.

In Maths, we went outside looking for 3D shapes.

We got a special delivery yesterday of caterpillars. We are excited to see what happens.

In Science, we have been looking at plants. We turned egg boxes into caterpillars and grew some grass seed.

Our TV advert for the Enterprise sale on Friday 19th May at 3.15. Come and help the bees at Year 1’s Burtty Bee stall.

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Some of our posters we designed for our Enterprise Sale.

In PSHCE, we have been learning about what makes a good friend. We made our own friendship potion.

We are all ready to celebrate the King’s Coronation in front of the parents. We thoroughly enjoyed wearing our crowns, waving our flags and singing our song for the King.

We collected natural resources from the woods to make our crowns. Look how lovely they look!

We had a fantastic time with Year 2 at the Radlett Centre watching the Smeds and the Smoos!

We enjoyed holding the ducklings. We had to be really careful and quiet so we do not frighten them.

In Art, we have been learning how to tye dye our t-shirts that we brought in from home.

Shirley spoke to us today about how to cross the road safely. We learnt that we need to Stop, Look, Listen and Think before we cross the road.

Bart Gee came to speak to us about anything is possible even when things might be difficult. We learnt how to hold a pencil using two hands and how to move across the floor when you can’t bend your legs and use your hands.

Happy Mother’s Day to our lovely mummies.

In DT, we have been looking at preparing food so we made potato salad. We loved it!

In PE, we have learning to dance around the maypole.

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GOAL Day: In the morning, we made Smeds and the Smoo’s alien biscuits, drunk pink milk, made aliens with year 2 using natural materials. In the afternoon, we completed different activities with year 2, reception and nursery. We made paper rockets, painted aliens, rockets with the bricks, alien drawings and alien faces. We had great fun!

World Book Day: we looked amazing in our costumes. Thank you for making such an effort with your costumes.

Book Day: we created our own planets, dot to dot pictures and salt dough aliens.

Book Week: we enjoyed ‘Buddy reading’ with the other classes in school.

We enjoyed using the different areas to consolidate our learning.

PSHCE: look at our lovely flowers. The leaves show the steps we need to make to reach our GOALS.

We enjoyed working outside finding graphemes we had been learning in the our phonic lessons.

GOAL DAY: GOAL DAY: We went on a honeybee fact finding hunt, we made honey sandwiches, we chalked hexagons on the playground to make a tessellated honeycomb and made our own bee hive for our garden using tin cans, toilet rolls, paper and sticks.

In English, we have been re-writing the story ‘FUNNYBONES.’ We wrote the beginning and end the same but changed what happened in the middle.

In Computing, we pretended we were robots, we had to give precise instructions to make us move across the playground.

In PSHCE, we talked about what makes a good talking partner. We had to work with our partner to decorate our welly boot.

In Science, we have been learning about how we change from a baby to an elderly person. Thank you to the mummies that came into school so we could discuss what we had learnt.

In Maths, we practised addition and subtraction sums, and forming our numbers correctly.

In English, we completed different activities to consolidate our learning.

We had lots of fun in our Christmas performance.

In English, we wrote letters to Santa. We then walked to the postbox to post them. We heard a little jingle when we posted them and saw some elves waiting to collect them.

In Maths, we have been learning to add and subtract 1, 2 or 3 from a given number.

We thoroughly enjoyed the skipping workshop.

In our 'Dressing the Tree' assembly, we sang 'Little Donkey' with Year 2.

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Our Fantastic Gade Valley Christmas Tree!

Our Christmas Tree decorations. We had a triangle shape piece of card, we used green string for the pine needles, coloured string for the tinsel and pompoms for the baubles.

We have been reading ‘The Emperor’s Egg.’ We have learnt lots about the penguins habitat, what they eat and how they look after their chicks.

Today is National Friendship Day so we made friendship bands and friendship potions.

We had great fun at our circus workshop. We learnt how to juggle and spin plates.

This week our chairs sent us a letter saying they had quit. The children wrote letters to persuade them to come back but we did have to work on the floor or bend down at the tables. The next day we were very excited to see that the letters had worked and our chairs were back.

Singing our Harvest Festival song- Dingle Dangle Scarecrow.

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We enjoyed our Teddy Bear’s Picnic today.

In English, we have been writing an invitation, shopping list and instructions of how to make a jam sandwich.

In Art, we listened to music to help us create line pictures.

Our trip to Hudnall Park, we used our knowledge about materials to help make homes for animals. The children said they loved it all.

In English, we made and ate porridge so we could think of some adjectives to describe what it looked, tasted and smelt like.

We used big paper and highlighters to practise our spellings.

In Maths, we used cubes to make number bonds to 5.

In Science, we went on a material hunt.

We worked together to order numbers 1 to 20.

Here are our portraits of The Queen.

Our Learning Journey 2021-2022

Enjoying the warm weather with an icepop.

In Science and PSHCE, the pupils have been learning about life cycles. We had our own caterpillars that we watched go through the four different stages.

We had a lovely trip to the Zoo. There were so many different animals to see and places to explore.

Sports Week: we have had lots of fun completing different sporting activities and we have shown the Olympic and Para-Olympic values.

In Geography, we found out facts about the four UK countries.

The pupils had a great time completing the water challenge today. They had to work out how to get 10 litres of water from one side of the playground to the other. We worked out that some containers were better than others and it was important to pour the water carefully. We kept going for 20 minutes but only managed to get 1 very muddy litre to the other side.

In English, we have been reading the story 'The Crunching Munching Caterpillar.' We worked in groups to sequence the story,include time words and key vocabulary.

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee assembly.

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We read the story The Queen’s Knickers and based our English and Maths on the book.

For the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, we made cakes, decorated them and then got to eat them. Even Mrs Burtt enjoyed eating hers.

In Music, we played instruments to the rhythm of the song.

In DT, we used levers and pivots to help Jack climb up the beanstalk.

Goal Day: Year 1 found a letter in the woods, it was from the giant. He needed help to get back to his castle because Jack had chopped it down. We used sticks and wool to make a ladder but we didn't think it would be strong enough so we planted some beans and sunflowers for the giant. We also drew pictures of what we thought the giant might look like.  

In English, we have been re-writing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We also had to make front covers for our books.

On Thursday we got to hold the ducklings. We thought they were cute, fluffy, fast in the water, tickly and lovely. They made us feel happy and excited.

On Tuesday, we walked to Pizza Express in town. We learnt about how Margarita Pizzas got their name, what ingredients are used, we became pizza chefs and best of all we got to take a pizza home to share with our family.

We enjoyed reading our books during DEAR (Drop Everything And Read)

In phonics, we had to find real and nonsense words using the digraphs we had learnt in the week.

In DT, we looked at different books. We had to find if anything moved in the book and how they moved.

This week we found an egg in the woods. In English, we wrote stories about why and what it could be. Then on Friday the eggs hatched and left lots of chocolate.

Look what hatched in the classroom 🐣🐥

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In English, we have been writing poems about our Mums for Mother’s Day.

In Computing, we have been using the Beebots to learn about algorithms and de-bugging.

In Art, we used elastic bands and different equipment to tie into knots on the material and then placed into the colour dye we had chosen.

In PE, we have been using ribbons to make a dance routine up.

GOAL Day: Something strange happened in our playground today. What could it be?

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GOAL Day: We had a visit from something from outer space. We had a great day with all the different activities we completed throughout the day.

In maths we have been using different resources to make an analogue clock.

In English, we wrote invitations, recipe that included the ingredients, equipment and method and we had to include imperative verbs. Then on Friday we got to make and eat them. Yum!

We had our own storyteller for Word Book day.

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World Book Day in Year 1.

In History, we are looking at inspirational people. We learnt about Mae Jamison and how she persevered to reach her dreams.

In Computing, we had to follow the bee-bot directions.

In e-safety week we discussed how to stay safe on-line and who talk to.

We have been independently practising and applying our phonics to make and write words.

In Science, we drew and labelled the different parts of the body.

In Art, we had to roll and pinch the clay to make a sculpture.

In music we have been learning about the rhythm in the song ‘In The Way We Walk’.

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In Art, we were inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy to create our own land art.

In PE, we had to change our bodies to make different shapes and positions.

We would like to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you back in 2022.

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In DT, we have been rolling, joining, sticking and creating snowmen, angels and Santa’s.

In Maths, we had to work as a team to make a snowman then roll the dice to be able to stick the correct accessories.

Thank you for coming to watch our play.

We used clay and different materials to make snowmen for ‘Dress the Tree.’

In English, we wrote letters to Father Christmas and then we walked to the postbox to post them. We heard the Elf’s bells when the letter dropped into the box.

In Maths, we completed a variety of activities to consolidate our learning.

In Maths, we ordered penguins and used the words ‘shortest and tallest’ to verbally describe what order we had put them in.

We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating Diwali. We had to learn a new dance and put ribbons on our hands to show the fireworks.

In Art, we celebrated Diwali. We made clay hands and decorated them, we used 2D shapes and powder paint to make rangoli patterns.

In Maths, we were counting in 2’s we also made group of 2’s. As a challenge, we wrote the number sentence.

In Science, we had to answer the question ‘What would be the best material to make an umbrella for the bear? We carried out an investigation to find an answer to the question. We found out that the cling film and plastic bag would be the best.

In DT, we made our chairs for our bears. We had to choose the equipment we needed and work out how we could join the parts together. We worked on our own or with a partner.

In Science, we chose the items we thought were waterproof. We then carried out an investigation to see if we were right.

In DT, we made sandwiches for our tea party.

We invited the bears to join us at our ‘Tea Party’ and they helped us to eat the sandwiches and cakes we had made.

We had a lovely time on our trip to Hudnall Park. We made sculptures, a mouse house and habitats for other woodland animals. We also saw a video of a badger who had visited the woods.

In English, we re-wrote the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

In Maths, we have been solving subtraction sums.

In Science, we went on a material hunt around the school.

Well done for receiving CHAMP and Handwriting certificate.

In PSHE, we talked about what makes us feel safe.

In Maths, we have been learning to write our numbers and order them.

Well done for receiving the Handwriting and CHAMP of the week certificate and for working hard in PE.

We have had great fun learning this week.

Our Learning Journey 2020/2021


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Well done to the children for receiving their certificates this week.

Well done to the children for receiving their certificates in recognition of their dedication to the Olympic and Paralympic Values.

We had great fun in Sport’s Week. We showed all of our CHAMP qualities.

We were very excited today because our caterpillars hatched so we released them.

Butterflies being released.

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We worked together to make a boat, a house and seesaws using the building bricks.

Today’s running races. They were all true CHAMPs. Well done!

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Relay race.

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Well done to the children who received their certificates for reading, CHAMP of the week, handwriting and 100 housepoints.

In English, we went outside to write our own caterpillar story. We then made front covers.

In Maths, we have been using equipment to make groups of 5’s and sharing equal amounts.

Well done to the children who received their certificates this week for Handwriting, CHAMP, 100 House points and reading.

In Maths, we have been sorting odd and even numbers and counting in 2’s.

In English, we have been reading the story Olga da Polga by Michael Bond. We used non-fiction books to find facts about guinea pigs, made a fact poster, we used adjectives, verbs and adverbs to describe her, we used alliteration to describe what food she eats and we wrote a farewell letter from the other guinea pigs to help her with her move to her new home.

Well done for receiving your certificates this week and the Wonka bar.

In Art, we went outside to do observational drawings of plants.

Well done to the children who received their certificates this week and for winning the Wonka.

Today the weather was so nice so we completed our maths outside. We had to find 2-digit numbers, write numbers, use rulers and cubes to measure objects, puzzles and capacity.

In maths, we have been learning about capacity. We had to find empty, half-full and full. We also made magic potions and had to see how many millilitres each potion was.

Well done to the children who received their certificates this week for reading, handwriting, CHAMP and 100 house points.

In English, we re-wrote the Tiger Who came Tea. In Maths, we made sandwiches to show half and quarter.

We decided to have a go at writing our own version of the Tiger Who Came to Tea at home. We had a penguin, dragon and rabbit instead of a tiger.

We enjoyed having our tea party. We ate our sandwiches, we had cakes and biscuits.

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Well done to children who received their certificates this week.

We had great fun making our pizzas today and are looking forward to eating them. We talked about the ingredients and where they came from.

In English, we wrote a shopping list and a set of instructions for our pizzas.

In Maths, we have been learning to identify different coins.

In DT, we learnt about levers and pivots. We drew and beanstalk and made the giant or Jack look like they were coming down the beanstalk.

In Geography, we went on a walk to look at our local area. We drew what we could see. We also talked about if it was a physical or human feature.

Well done to the children for receiving their certificates this week.

In DT, we are learning about moving pictures. We drew the scenery and the characters. We then used a lollipop stick to move our character along.

Well done to the children who received their certificates this week.

In Art, we have been learning about the artist Lowry. We mixed white and black together to make grey. We then painted the background on fabric.

In English, we re-wrote the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We made our story into a beanstalk.

Well done to the children for receiving certificates for handwriting, CHAMP and reading.

Today we started our KS1 gardening project! You may remember that we were inspired to improve an area of our school grounds after reading the story ‘The Secret Sky Garden’. We bought some plants and compost with the money you kindly donated. We can’t wait to see them grow!

To celebrate Earth Day, each child at Gade Valley has planted a sunflower seed. In Year 1, we also made Earth chimes, made mud cakes, did some digging and made camps.

In Science, we are growing runner beans.

We learnt about road safety. We listened to a story and learnt the Green Cross Code.

We went outside to practise how to keep safe near to a road.

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In PSHCE, we drew a picture of our friend. We then wrote words that describe what qualities they have.

Well done to the children who received certificates for CHAMP of the week, handwriting and reading

In English, we have been learning to sequence the days of the week. We also used words to show past tense.

In PSHCE, we are learning about different families. We drew who were in our family and then wrote about how being in a family makes us feel.

In Geography, we were learning about different types of homes. We drew what our homes look like and wrote some facts about them.

Spring Term 2

Look who received a certificate this week!

In History, we have been learning about inspirational woman. We looked at Mae Jemison, Mary Anning and Amelia Earhart.

Well done for receiving CHAMP of the week, Handwriting and Reading certificates.

In DT, we have been designing and then flying our kites because in the book the ‘Secret Sky Garden,’ Funni and Zoo like flying their kites

Lets Go Fly Our Kites!

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In English, we have been reading the ‘Secret Sky Garden.’ Funni has a special place so we wrote where our special place is.

In PSHE, we have been learning about the importance of being healthy and what we can do to help ourselves.

Spring Term 2. 
It has been a productive first week back and we have had lots of fun learning about our environment. 

Reading certificates.

Look who received their certificates.

We made a persuasive video to encourage people to pick up litter.

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In English, we made persuasive posters to explain why it is important to pick up litter.

Merry Christmas from Year 1.

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In PE, the children received certificates for taking part in DSSN cross country and mini Olympic festivals. The girls came first for cross country and received some lovely medals.

Look has received CHAMP of the week, handwriting, the Wonka bar and 100 read certificates.

Well done to the children who have received a certificate for 100% attendance.

In RE, we have been learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas.

In Art, we have been learning how to apply colour using different tools. We first used a paint brush and water colours. Next, we used cotton buds to show the different colours of the seasons and finally, we used pencils to draw a tree, cut it out using scissors and then stuck it on to the piece of paper using glue. The end result was our season picture.

Look who received this weeks certificates for reading, handwriting and CHAMP.

In English, we read the story ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes.’ We discussed how he would have felt, we wrote questions to find out his favourite colour, season and pattern, we wrote a list to show the clothes we have designed him. Finally, we wrote him a letter to explain how we helped him.

Well done to the children who received this weeks certificates for reading, handwriting and CHAMP.

We have been getting ready for Christmas.

Well done to the children who received a certificate for handwriting, CHAMP of the Week and reading 50 reads.

In Geography, we have been using the iPads to find facts about the North Pole.

In English, we have been writing our letters to Santa.

We walked to the postbox. We heard the jingle of the bell as we posted our letters.

Look who received the Handwriting and CHAMP certificate this week and have read 50 times. Well done to you all.

In Geography, we have been learning about our wonderful weather. We have been comparing the differences between a hot and cold country. We are looking at the Arctic and Jamaica.

In Science, we having been investigating the changes that occur to our environment during the season of autumn.

In PSHE, we have been talking about the importance of being kind. We said we need to listen, be helpful, play nicely and take turns. Finally, we drew ourselves in the I to show we are the I in KIND.

We have been writing sentences using our spellings.

Look at our display with our lovely books we made.

In English, we read the story ‘ Lost and Found.’ We re-wrote the story, we made front covers and were illustrators.

Well done to the children who received certificates for reading 50 times, handwriting, CHAMP of the week and the Wonka bar.

In Phonics, we have been learning about vowels and consonants. We have been writing CVC and CCVC words. We have been using chalk and large pieces of paper with pens.

In Maths, we have been learning about time. We made clocks and we played “What’s the Time Mr Wolf.’

Friday 6th November: Well done to the children who received certificates for reading 50 times, handwriting, CHAMP of the week and the Wonka bar for reading 5 times at home.

English: Our fantastic work on fireworks.

Maths: We have been learning about 2D shapes. We made pictures using the different shapes.

A lovely message from one of the children.

In English, we have been reading Oliver’s Vegetables. We learnt about bossy words and used them to help us write instructions for vegetable soup. We then made our own soup.

Friday 23rd October: Look who received the certificate for handwriting, CHAMP of the week, 50 Reads and the Wonka bar.

In Art, we have been learning about Henri Matisse. He drew a portrait of a ‘Women in a Hat’ so we decided to draw ‘Mrs Burtt in a Hat.’ We used pastels to add colour, just like Henri Matisse.

Look at our fantastic artwork. I hope you can see the likeness.

Friday 16th October: Congratulations to the children who received CHAMP of the week certificate and the handwriting certificate.

Having fun at our disco.

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We have had lots of fun learning this week. In Science, we made glasses. In English, we used the iPads to help with our spelling,. In Art, we mixed colours to show primary and secondary colours and finally we completed lots of activities when the sports people came.

Our Class Assembly.

Please watch the 5 different clips to see what we have been learning in our class. 

English and History.

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Brain Break.

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Friday 9th October: Congratulations to the children for receiving the handwriting certificate and CHAMP of the week for being perseverant.

In English and History we have been learning about old and new toys.

We made new bunting for our houses: Squirrels, Red Kites, Badgers, Hedgehogs and Foxes.

Friday 2nd October: Well done to the children for receiving the handwriting certificate, CHAMP certificate for being motivated and for winning the Wonka bar.

In art we have been learning about the artist ‘Henri Matisse.’ We created our own pieces of artwork.

Look at our fantastic sentences. We have remembered capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

We have been using different equipment to practise our numbers, shapes and patterns.

Friday 25th September: Well done for receiving Handwriting certificate, CHAMP of the week, the Wonka bar and reading bingo certificate.

Congratulations for receiving CHAMP of the week. the Handwriting certificate and the Wonka bar.

Today we practised our spellings and wrote a sentence using one of the words.

We have been learning to share our toys, use our imagination, make rockets using different materials, write and draw pictures to our family and friends.

We have been having lots of fun with numbers this week.

                 Our Learning Journey 2019/2020

We have been learning the ‘Waggle dance.’ Bees do this to show other bees where the best flowers are.

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PE: Rhythmic dance, using ribbons.

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In Maths, we used 2D shapes to make our mummy’s, flowers and bumble bees.

In Art, we painted pictures of our amazing mummy’s.

We made homes to attract bees into our garden.

In Maths, we have been learning about money. We went to Pruden’s Bakery to buy either a gingerbread man or a teddy bear biscuit. We had to use different coins to pay for them.

We have been making bumblebees using wool - linked to English and Science.

We had fun guessing each others characters on World Book Day.

In History, we have been learning about who invented the traffic lights.

In Science and outside learning we made a bug house in the Year 1 garden. Over the weeks we are going to observe how many different bugs it attracts.

In maths, we have been practising adding and subtracting, number bonds, repeating patterns and sequencing numbers.

In English, we have been practising our spellings, writing sentences, reading books, completing puzzles and practising our phonics.

In history, we have been learning about the Wright brothers. We made and tested our aeroplanes, some flew better than others.

Big Birdwatch Day.

Big Birdwatch Day: We enjoyed the cross-curricular learning that took place throughout the day.

In English we have been using the book The Room on the Broom to make rhyming sentences and magic spells. To end the week, we went to the Radlett Centre to watch the show.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Day: We made our own sweet and chocolate machines.

In PSHE, we have identified our dreams and goals.

In Maths, we have been ordering numbers, understanding the value of a number and partitioning numbers.

Thank you to Tony and his family for bringing in a lucky red envelope for each of the children. We would like to wish you a Happy New Year.

In History and DT, we learnt about Leonardo Da Vinci, he invented the parachute. We designed our parachute, made it and then tested it.

In English, we acted out a familiar story.

In maths this week we have been using different equipment to help us with adding and taking away.

We having been re-writing the story ‘Lost and Found.’ We had to use openers, time words and adjectives. We were also the illustrators.

In Maths, we have been using rulers to measure different objects around the classroom.

We had great fun at our skipping workshop.

We had great fun completing different activities for Take One Country.

In Science, we had to make a house using different materials. It had to be waterproof and wind proof. We worked as a group, we tested them and then evaluated what had happened.

In English we wrote adjectives to describe the vegetables and wrote instructions. In DT we chopped, made soup and then ate it. Some of us didn't like it, some of us liked it but some of us LOVED it.

Buddy Reading with Year 3

Look at the 100 square we made as a class. We can't wait to use it in maths.

Growth Mindset Day.

 We have been very busy in our first few weeks in Year 1. 

This week we have been reading 'The Three Little Pigs.' On Monday we acted out the story using different facial expressions, voices and body actions. We had great fun!

Andy Goldsworthy art. We made sculptures using stones.

In maths and computing we have been learning positional language and testing algorithms and de-bugging B-bots.

In science we have been testing materials for a boat for pirates to set sail in.

In English we found adjectives to describe Elmer, in maths we made repeating patterns and in DT we made Elmers.
