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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Our Class Teacher is Mr Hakner

Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Bankole and Mrs Stanyon


Year 5 Non-Negotiables for Writing, Reading and Maths

Year 5 Welcome Meeting

Scones Vs Scones - Join us this Friday on the top playground and try our delicious cream teas

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As part of our science learning, 10 pupils from Year 5 went to a science fair to share their learning with other schools as well as getting to opportunity to take part in different science investigations. All the pupils did a brilliant job of sharing our learning and really enjoyed the activities.

The pupils had a brilliant time at Phasel's Wood were they completed four activities: Human Hungry Hippos, High Ropes, Cresta Run and Air Rifle Shooting. All the pupils showed great CHAMP qualities throughout the day.

In Maths this week, we have been learning all about fractions. We have learnt how to find equivalent fractions as we as how to add, subtract, times and divide fractions.

This half-term we have been looking after and growing butterflies. We have watched them grow from tiny caterpillars into butterflies and released them earlier this morning.

This week we have continued with our learning about Macbeth. We have used our debate that we did last week to create discussion texts.

This week it was nice to enjoy some of the sunny weather and take our learning outside. The pupils in Year 5 worked in groups to come up with arguments for a debate about our story 'Macbeth'. They were really motivated and persuasive when delivering their arguments.

This week the pupils really enjoyed our STOMP workshop. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn about the dances and rhythms from the Westend show STOMP. All the pupils worked really hard learning and creating dance routines which they performed to the school in assembly. Below are some pictures of the day.

What a busy week we have had at school this week. The pupils had a visit from the ducklings on Monday and got a chance to hold them if they wanted to (pictures below). We have also celebrated World Book Day. Thank you for all your support; the children looked fantastic. To finish the week we have also had our Police Community Day to conclude the children's work as mini-police.

As part of our D.T. topic, the pupils have been exploring Marble Run. They enjoyed creating different routes for the marbles to follow and will use what they have learnt to design and crate their own Marble Run creations.

This week, Year 5 have great fun during our skateboarding sessions. The pupils leant a range of skills and tricks and showed great perseverance and determination. Below is a selection of pictures from our session.

This week in Science the pupils have been investigating water-resistance. They used Playdoh to create different shapes and test which ones fell the fastest through water. They discovered that thinner, more streamline, shapes moved faster through the water because there was less water-resistance working on them.

This week the pupils in Year 5 have been continuing with there mini policing project. The class are really enjoying learning all about policing and how to be good members of the community. Below is a picture of the class wearing the mini police uniform.

This week in Science we have been learning about how our ideas about the solar system has changed from a Geocentric understanding to a Heliocentric model. The children took on the roles of famous scientists throughout history to act out how our knowledge has changed.

This week the pupils in Year 5 have been creating recipes for potions inspired by halloween.

Year 5 really enjoyed performing their harvest song to the tune of Shotgun by George Ezra

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Year 5 enjoyed singing Cauliflowers Fluffy with the rest of the school for our Harvest assembly.

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This week the pupils in Year 5 really enjoy performing the song Livin’ on a prayer by Bon Jovi that they have been learning as part of their music lessons.

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This week the pupils really enjoyed our learning on Roald Dahl Day where we created descriptions for The Chocolate Room from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, drew Willy Wonka in the style of Quentin Blake and learnt a song from Matilda the Musical which we performed to the rest of the school.

What a brilliant start to Year 5 the pupils have made this week! I have been very impressed with their hard work and understanding and I am looking forward to the year ahead.

What a FANTASTIC year we have had in Year 5! I have been so impressed with the pupils CHAMP skills and their enthusiasm for learning. Everyday they make me proud to be their teacher. I wanted to wish you all an enjoyable and relaxing summer holiday, where I hope you make some incredible memories with your families and friends. Thank you so much for all your support, kind words and very generous gifts- it was a privilege to teach this class again! Have a brilliant summer holiday and see you in September! 

Marble Runs- we designed, made and tested out our own marble runs. We had to be Perseverant to overcome any issues that arose during the testing. We are really proud of our finished marble runs!

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Science- The Big Biscuit Dunking Challenge! We tested 2 different biscuits: shortbread and rich tea. We kept our test fair by using the same temperature water and dunking the biscuits for the same amount of time each go. The winner was: Rich Tea!

In Art, we have been learning about retrofuturism. We have created a planning page on what we think will be on earth in 50 years. We thought about what the cars would look like, people, buildings and plants.

Sports Week 2023- we had a fantastic sports week taking part in lots of different sports including: throwing events, goal ball, rhythmic gymnastics, aquathlon and running events. We had to show great CHAMP skills as well as the Olympic and Paralympic values.

For Women in History day, we learned about Emmeline Pankhurst. We learned about her life, her political career, her key achievements and her impact on today’s society.

Year 5’s Marvellous Marshmallows

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Making our Marvellous Marshmallows!

Distraction Workshop- We took part in a workshop run by Hertfordshire County Council where they learned about distractions when crossing the road especially when using a mobile phone. They learned to use: Stop Look, Listen and Think.

Coronation Tea Party- We had such fun at our tea party. We really enjoyed performing a may pole dance for everyone!

Coronation Week- We had a great time celebrating King Charles' coronation. We completed a range of activities including: a portrait of King Charles, designing a school coat of arms, designing our own carriage and making a nature crown.

A Date with a Duck- we have had a FANTASTIC time with the ducklings! It's been amazing to see them hatch and grow as well as being able to have cuddles!

D&T: In D&T, we made tortilla pizzas. We have been learning about seasonal foods and used this to help choose our ingredients. We used lots of cooking skills to create our final dish including: chopping, dicing, mashing, grating and grilling. We had to be really Perseverant and Attentive, especially when chopping and dicing the vegetables. We really enjoyed eating our pizza's!

Inspirational speaker: Bart Gee- on Thursday we had an assembly and workshop with the inspirational Bart Gee. He spoke to us about how he overcomes the challenges of his disability. Bart taught us that even if something is hard, difficult or challenging it is still possible!

Science- for British Science Week 2023, we were challenged to make our own 3D bird out of paper. We worked in pairs and had to create our own birds by folding the paper into different shapes. We really enjoyed making them and are proud of our finished birds.

PE: In PE, we have been learning to use the Maypole. Here is a video of one of the dances that we have learned. We had to be really Perseverant, work as a team and be Confident with the ribbons.

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Book Week- We looked at the book: The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy. We were inspired by the positive messages in the story and created our own positive posters in the same style. We really enjoyed reading and discussing the story as well as it inspiring us in our own learning.

World Book Day- we had a fantastic day celebrating our favourite book characters!

English and Geography- we wrote explanation texts about Mountains. We had to use our learning in Geography as well as a range of sources to create our explanation texts.

Art- in Art, we created our own mountain range pictures. We had to focus on the background using different pencils to create the different tones.

Science- In Science, we have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes. We did an experiment to see which solids dissolved in water.

GOAL Day- for our GOAL day, we learned about Mountains. We created our own “Mud Mountains” with different layers to show different types of mountains. We had lots of fun and got very muddy!

First Aid Training- We had a fantastic workshop where we learned what first aid is, recovery position, CPR and DR ABC. We had lots of fun by doing CPR on our own dolls!

KS2 Lantern Festival

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Our readings for the Lantern Festival

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Our Calendars- we used water colours to show the 4 seasons. We had to show the changes of a tree during the year as well as creating a background colour.

Skipping Workshop- we worked with a partner to butterfly skip. We had to be really Perseverant and Helpful to our partner.

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In our 'Dressing the Tree' assembly, we sang 'Come and Join the Celebration' with Year 6. We really enjoyed decorating the tree and the grand switch on of the Christmas lights!

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Our Fantastic Gade Valley Christmas Tree!

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer- For our Christmas decorations we first painted triangles using brown paint, we tried to create the texture of fur by dabbing the paint on. Then we added, horns and a red nose. Finally, we attached the eyes, making sure that you could see the white behind the pupils.

P.S.H.C.E: In PSHCE we have been learning about bullying and how we can stop it. We created our own snakes and ladders style game using a scenario and the advice we would give to stop the bullying.

Circus Skills Workshop- we had a fantastic time in our circus skills workshop where we learned to: spin plates, juggle, use flower sticks and diablos. We found it challenging but really enjoyed it especially learning new skills!

In English, we are learning about descriptive writing. We wrote descriptions about “The Firebird”. We had to use the 5 senses in our descriptions, we then typed them on the computer and added an illustration.

History- in History, we have been learning about Ancient Egyptian Inventions and Achievements. We created informative posters and leaflets describing the different with inventions- we were surprised that we still use the inventions today!

Our Harvest performance- Cauliflowers Fluffy

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Hudnall Park- we had a fantastic time on our trip to Hudnall Park. We took part in 3 different art activities including; creating sculptures inspired by Andy Goldsworthy, painting with mud and using watercolours to create secondary colours from primary colours. We even got to see the herd of deer.

Ancient Egypt Day

Ancient Egypt Day- we had lots of fun on our Ancient Egypt day. We made our own cartouches where we wrote in hieroglyphics. Then we made necklaces and used an eagle emblem. Finally, we created artwork using oil pastels and shading.

In PSHCE, we have been discussing our goals for the year. We picked one goal and then thought about what we need to do to achieve it.

In English, we have been inspired by our Ancient Egypt history topic. We wrote diary entries as if we were slaves to the pharaoh. We really enjoyed writing them and were Motivated and Confident when using all the key features in our own work.

Our Queen Elizabeth portraits- we were Perseverant and Motivated when drawing our portraits.

We have had a fantastic start to Year 5! In Maths we have been learning about place value in 5 digit numbers: writing as words, in digits, comparing them and ordering them.

Our Learning Journey 2021/2022

Sport's Week: We enjoyed taking part in a wide variety of sporting events this week. We have shown all of our CHAMP skills throughout the week..

Science Goal Day: this week, we enjoyed taken part in the Water Aid Challenge. We worked as team to form a line and travel 10 litres of water across the playground, using different materials. We had to ensure we saved as much water as we could.

PSHCE: This week we have been thinking about the different qualities of what makes a good friend.

Jubilee Day: The children studied the commonwealth country, Australia, particularly focussing on aboriginal art. They enjoyed planning and creating their own inspired pieces.

Science: The children enjoyed conducting an investigation about friction as part of learning the Forces unit. The children worked well together in groups, demonstrating which material they think makes the best brake pad.

GOAL day: The children were very active and did lots of work on trees, including calculating how old a tree is, how to identify oak trees as well as planting trees on the school ground. They finished the day with a camp fire.

Ducklings - The class holding the ducklings that came to visit us over the last couple of weeks.

D&T: We have designed and made marble runs. It was very challenging but the children persevered and the end results were fantastic!

GOAL day: Despite the weather, we had a fantastic day of learning outdoors. We visited the River Gade and explored the features of the river. We drew a section of the river when we got back to school and labelled the different parts. For Maths, we revised angles and properties of shapes, and created pictures with different angles and shapes in using natural resources. As well as that, we also created spelling games outside to practise the curriculum spelling words. It was lots of fun!

This week the children took part in a KNEX challenge where they had to use their problem solving skills to build a bridge that moves. All of the children displayed fantastic CHAMP skills and showed fantastic teamwork and communication skills. Their finished pieces were brilliant and the children were very proud of what they had achieved.

Book Week: We have had so much fun during Book Week. We read The Witches by Roald Dahl and did lots of exciting work on that in English. On World Book Day the children had fantastic costumes and lots of fun showing them off in assembly. We read the book 'Sharing A Shell' and completed English and Art activities based on the book.

The children practised their cooking skills by making pizzas. We decorated them to make fun faces using the vegetables we chopped.

We had so much fun at the cinema. The film was fantastic and the class represented the school wonderfully.

In Science we were separating mixtures using different processes.

Our mountains research.

Computing: the children have been so confident typing in algorithms to a computer program to write letters and numbers. Sometimes we had to debug our codes if it didn't quite work!

A great start to the new term! In PSHCE our topic is ‘Dreams and Goals’. We wrote about our dreams on a dream jar and then looked at different jobs ordering them from what the children thought were most important to least important in our pairs. Then we matched the salaries with the job.

Thank you for all our lovely Christmas presents. We hope that you have a lovely Christmas break and we wish you a happy new year! smiley

Merry Christmas from Y5!

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In R.E we learned about the advent wreath.

Our fantastic Christmas decorations on the beautiful Christmas tree!

In English the children have worked hard to write descriptive dialogues.

PSCHE - we made board games to show good ways and bad ways to deal with bullying. If you land on a snake then you have done the wrong thing and have to moved down. If you land on a ladder you did the right thing and move up!

Our Diwali dance workshop was fantastic! The children picked up the dance so quickly and did a great job performing it.

Diwali cinquains and Rangoli multiplication.

Diwali hands with Henna designs

We had so much fun on Ancient Egypt day! We made cartouches, Egyptian necklaces and oil pastel scenes.

At Hudnall Park we did lots of fun art activities! We made sculptures, went on a colour hunt in the woods and practised mixing colours. It was lots of fun!

This week we had a growth mindset workshop. We had to use our growth mindset to draw a picture. We learnt that it’s ok to make mistakes, to never give up and always try our best.

In English we have written diary entries about building the pyramids in Ancient Egypt.

In Art we made papyrus paper and drew Egyptian tomb paintings onto them.

It was lovely weather on Tuesday so we took our English lesson outside! We performed pieces of drama pretending to be pharaohs in Ancient Egypt and people building the pyramids.

Wow what a fantastic start to Year 5. The children have worked really hard and it’s been great to get to know each other! Here are just some of the brilliant pieces of work we’ve completed this week.

Our Learning Journey 2020-2021

Thank you so much for the lovely gifts and for all your support this year parents! Well done to all the children who have worked so hard. smiley

Well done for being great learning CHAMPs! Have a fantastic summer!

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Our book is set in the Victorian era so we studied a famous Victorian artist William Morris. We created wallpaper art inspired by his work. They are fantastic and the children are very proud of their work.

In Maths we went on a treasure hunt! We had to solve the word problems and then find the answers somewhere around the school.

On PowerPoint we created a balanced argument about one of the characters from Street Child. We confidently shared our arguments to the class.

Sports Week was so much fun. We had fantastic CHAMP skills and showed lots of Olympic and Paralympic values. Thank you to Jensen for taking some lovely pictures!

Middle distance

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Relay race

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Race 3

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Race 2

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Race 1

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Our book Street Child is set in the Victorian era. The character Jim is sent to a workhouse. We have created some beautiful reports about the workhouse. We tried so hard with the presentation!

It was such lovely weather we had our English lesson outside! We used drama and freeze frames to recreate scenes from the book Street Child.

We made factor bugs and wrote the factors of a number on the insect’s legs.

Here’s a sneak peak of our documentary ‘Life’. We pretended to be presenters and talked about the life cycle of different living things.

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Another sneak peak..l

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Planning a suspense story.

Some of our marble runs in action!

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Non-chronological reports about our favourite games.

Earth Day 2021 - The whole school planted sunflowers.

Labelling the map of Europe using an atlas.

Growing sunflowers for Earth Day.

In Science we had to hunt for the definitions for different parts of a flower.

Growing flowers has inspired our art! We tried to use a style from an artist using focal points.

In The Secret Sky Garden, Funni grows plants to improve the environment. We are growing our own plants too!

Labelling the features of a river. We used lots of different materials to make our river and had to find the source, mouth, tributaries and meanders.

Our mindfulness rainbow!

We have had a great first day back at school! We are working on some collaborative art.

Our published stories. We worked so hard on these.

Year 5 singing Silent Night for the nativity. They did a fantastic job!

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Roman Mosaics

Colouring by rounding.

The beautiful Christmas tree with our fantastic reindeer decorations on it!

Our stories are fantastic!

Making games on Scratch.

The Roman Army. We learnt about their armour, formations and what life was like as a Roman soldier.

Firework poems!

We have drawn factor rainbows to find factors of numbers systematically.

Space art - we have started sketching and shading the planets.

French comic strips:

Year 5's Class Assembly

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Egyptian day was great fun. Look at our amazing art!

Everyone worked so hard on their Egyptian themed art!

Our amazing writing!

Our Egyptian writing. We worked so hard on these!

Our collaborative mindfulness art.

Our drama lesson was so fun! We pretended to be pharaohs to help us write a diary entry.

We have learnt lots about how society was organised in Ancient Egypt.

We are reading diary entries from Ancient Egypt this week. They’re really interesting!

The children have made a fantastic start! We have been using different methods to add and subtract numbers.

Our Learning Journey 2019/2020

We took part in a Knex challenge. We had to build a windmill.

In D&T we are making marble runs. So far we have been practising how to make a strong base.

In P.E. we have been practising the Hakka.

We have lots of fun at Kidzania! We learnt lots about different jobs!

Bird Watching Day - We spotted and recorded lots of different species of birds around the school grounds. We thought about how we could help protect birds.

For Cooking and Nutrition Day, we completed a Pizza Project! We designed pizzas and their packaging and evaluated pizzas that we made!

For Charlie and the Chocolate Factory day, we 'performance read' extracts from the book. We had to use good expression and pace!

We were motivated to convert units of measurements in Maths!

In Science our new topic is Forces. We made parachutes and tested them out.

Our new Geography topic is Magnificent Mountains. We have done some research and located famous mountains on a map.

We are reading Kensuke's Kingdom. We have made predictions on the book and thought about the theme of sailing around the world.

We tried hard in P.E. this week. Our new topic is Gymnastics.

Look at our tomb art this week! We based it on tomb paintings found inside the pyramids!

Our fractions work this week:

Our newspaper articles:

We have finished our Tutunkhamun masks! We were really persevering with them and they look fantastic!

We are enjoying writing newspaper reports about Tutunkhamun's discovery. We have also revised formal language to help us with this.

We have been learning about fractions in maths.

We have worked hard to create travel brochures about Australia as part of Take One Country.

Our trinkets for Take One Country look fantastic!

We enjoyed our skipping workshop!

We enjoyed buddy reading with Year 2!

We had an Ancient Egyptian day! Here are some pictures from the day - it was fantastic!

In R.E. we have learnt lots about communities and those we are part of.

We have learnt lots about pharaohs and Egyptian gods!

In Science, we have been learning about Space. Here are some of our posters we have made.

We are writing non-chronological reports about Ancient Egypt. Here are some of these so far:

In Maths, we have been working really hard on converting time and solving word problems using time:

We have been writing diary entries based on life as a slave in Ancient Egypt times. Here are some examples:

In PSHE, we been learning about healthy eating, sleeping and exercise to improve our wellbeing. Nuffield Health have ran some fantastic workshops with the children!

For Roald Dahl day, Year 5 and 6 watched Mr Barron taste some of the food from The Twits Cafe! He tasted some dishes inspired by 'The Wormy Spaghetti' from The Twits. This inspired the children to write their own menus!

We have been learning about the hierachy of society in Ancient Egypt. In English, we used drama to perform the role of a pharaoh and that of a slave.

We have been training to become Playground Leaders this week!

Our Learning Journey 2018-19

We are selling tea light candles and holders as part of Enterprise Project!

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It was great to celebrate all of our learning this year at Open Evening! Here is some of our work!

We had Marvin Ambrosius visit the class to run a fitness session. He spoke to us about healthy eating and the importance of regular exercise, We had lots of fun!

We had a great time during Sports Week especially Sports Day. Here are some of the photos from the day:

Yorkshire Bank visited us and ran a workshop using money. We talked about terms like profit, break even and fixed variable costs. The children had to plan a party for guests and make a profit. It was lots of fun!

In P.S.H.E we have been focussing on strategies to mend friendships if we fall out. We made posters to remind ourselves of our top tips!

This term we will be reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. So far we have been comparing characters and events and how they change. We have also focussed on the recounts in the text and edited and improved the use of pronouns used.

We've been adding and subtracting amounts of money using mental methods. Here are some examples:

We have researched Mountains in Computing and produced a factfile for our Topic work on mountains.

We had a great time at Whipsnade Zoo - we especially enjoyed the Tiger and Giraffe educations sessions. We are writing reports about the animals we learnt about.

For Book Week, we read the Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The children designed their own iron giant and wrote character descriptions. We also wrote newspaper reports based on a chapter. We enjoyed dressing up as book characters for World Book Day - our costumes were great!

We enjoyed buddy reading with Reception class as part of Book Week!

PSHE - As part of handwashing week, we created posters to remind others about the importance of handwashing and included key facts about bacteria and germs.

P.E - the children have started learning country dance and using the maypole.

Maths - we have learnt lots of different multiplication and division strategies.

Persuasive writing - here are some examples of our persuasive writing on the topic 'Homework should be banned in schools'.

We have started our new topic - Mountains. As a class, we thought about what we know, think and wonder about mountains. We then located some famous mountains and found them on a map. We started to find some facts about them.

The children have enjoyed playing Tag Rugby this half term!

Some children competed in a dodge ball competition against other schools - we came third! Well done to those who participated.

In English, we have been writing mystery and suspense stories based on the book Short! Here are some examples. We also wrote a diary entry from the perspective from a main character from The WaterTower.

As part of National Storytelling Week, the children used drama to perform their mystery and suspense stories. We also enjoyed telling our stories to Year 3!

We have been learning a range of mathematical skills and facts in maths - we've looked at adding decimals, finding multiples and factors and converting units of measurement

Our new topic is Rivers. We have thought about what we would like to learn about rivers, how they are formed, famous UK rivers and labelled features of a river.

The children have enjoyed rehearsing for the Christmas Carol concert! They have worked hard to practise their narrations, freeze frames and songs!

Maths - here are some examples of strategies we have learnt to solve calculations.

English- here are some examples of our Recounts, Explanations and Poetry.

Science- we have been learning about Space

In Topic, we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. Here is some of our learning so far. We have also produced Egyptian art.

Our Learning Journey from Last Year

In PE this term we have been learning to play Hockey. We used all our new skills to play a class tournament.

Cavendish Sports Festival

Sports Week 2018

We have loved watching the chicks hatch and grow.

We have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. We continued a story about being shipwrecked on a desert island. Scanning the horizon, Michael looked for signs of a storm. Since his carefully created shelter had been torn apart like tissue paper by the vicious winds and thumping rain of the tropical storm, he had become watchful. But today, something else was there...

This week we were visited by the Yorkshire Building Society. We worked in teams and used all our Maths skills to complete a Money Minds activity using a budget to arrange a holiday for a family.

We had some expert basketball coaching thanks to Michael from Hemel Storm.

During our topic work we have been learning about the life of Tutankhamun. We created our own death masks.

We having been writing to Phasels Wood to say thank you for an amazing trip.

We had an amazing 3 days in Phasels Wood challenging ourselves to complete a range of different activities. We loved every minute.

We helped raise money for Cancer Research by making Easter hats.

We enjoyed learning to ride our bikes safely.

We made our volcanoes and then used science to make them erupt.

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We've been writing instructions - How to make a volcano.

Our Displays

We had a great day taking part in the KNex challenge. We had to build a moving crane.

We've been practising our netball skills.

Celebrating world Book Day

Our new topic in Computing is Geometric Art. We have been experimenting with 2D shapes.

In Science we have been investigating how to separate materials.

We are making moving toys using cams.

In Science we have been investigating which materials disolve.

Tag Rugby

We started the Spring term by making a New Year's Resolution.

Christmas decorations ready for the tree.

Rememberance Sunday

Maths Week

We've had a busy first half term in Year 5.  We've started our new topic about the Ancient Greeks by making Greek theatre masks, we've been trained as play leaders for Keystage 1 and we had a fantastic Science week experimenting with optical illusions, static electricity and stabbing potatoes with straws.

Play Leading

Buddy Reading with Reception and Year 6
