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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Our Class Teacher is Mr Hakner

Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Bankole


Year 5 Non-Negotiables for Writing, Reading and Maths

Half-Termly Curriculum Letters

Year 5 Welcome Meeting


This week, the pupils took part in our Spring GOAL Day. We had great fun completing a range of activities including orienteering acctivities linked to P.E. an Maths; blindfolded tasks linked to English, and Geography tasks involving studying the River Gade

This week the pupils in Year 5 began their exciting Mini-Police sessions. All the pupils were really motivated to learn about Mini-Policing and especially enjoyed trying on their new uniforms!

As we come to the end of our first term in Year 5, I would like to say how fantastic the pupils have been and how hard they have worked. They have really enjoyed this weeks festivities including our carol concert, the pantomimes and the Christmas lunch. Thank you to everyone for my generous gifts and I hope you all have an enjoyable Christmas break.

In Year 5 this week, we have been completing our space art with Mrs Russ. We had to be really attentive when adding detail and texture to our work. Here are a selection of pictures of our work.

This week we have been exploring angles. The pupils worked with their partner to investigate the size of internal angles in different polygons.

This week we had our GOAL Day. It was real cold but lots of fun! As part of our GOAL Day we tried the new orienteering App. We had to find the different locations on the App and then complete the task at each one. We had great fun watching our tasks back in the classroom.

This week Year 5 had great fun learning to do tricks and flicks as part of a Football Freestyle Session. All the pupils showed great determination and perseverance to complete a variety of skills and also enjoyed watching Ash performing his tricks in assembly.

This week Year 5 have been creating pictures inspired by fireworks night. The pupils use chalk and pastels to create fireworks being reflected in a lake.

Year 5 have been learning to sing Cauliflowers Fluffy with Year 6 as part of our Harvest Assembly. The pupils did a fantastic job and you can watch their performance below.

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As part of our DT topic, the pupils in Year 5 have been trying a range of seasonal foods. They enjoyed comparing the different tastes and textures and sharing their opinion on each one.

This week, Year 5 really enjoyed our GOAL Day. We learnt all about the art of Kandinsky and Andy Goldsworthy and were inspired to create our own work. We also used our English and Maths skills to create nature alliteration and work out the age and height of different trees.

This week the class really enjoyed their Buddy Reading session with Year1. All the pupils demonstrated their CHAMP skills and worked really well with the younger children.

This week the pupils have been learning about the force of friction as part of our science lessons. They were exploring which surfaces had the most friction by seeing how far a toy car rolled along it.

Welcome to Year 5. The pupils have made a great start to the year and I am looking forward to all the learning ahead.


Scones Vs Scones - Join us this Friday on the top playground and try our delicious cream teas

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As part of our science learning, 10 pupils from Year 5 went to a science fair to share their learning with other schools as well as getting to opportunity to take part in different science investigations. All the pupils did a brilliant job of sharing our learning and really enjoyed the activities.

The pupils had a brilliant time at Phasel's Wood were they completed four activities: Human Hungry Hippos, High Ropes, Cresta Run and Air Rifle Shooting. All the pupils showed great CHAMP qualities throughout the day.

In Maths this week, we have been learning all about fractions. We have learnt how to find equivalent fractions as we as how to add, subtract, times and divide fractions.

This half-term we have been looking after and growing butterflies. We have watched them grow from tiny caterpillars into butterflies and released them earlier this morning.

This week we have continued with our learning about Macbeth. We have used our debate that we did last week to create discussion texts.

This week it was nice to enjoy some of the sunny weather and take our learning outside. The pupils in Year 5 worked in groups to come up with arguments for a debate about our story 'Macbeth'. They were really motivated and persuasive when delivering their arguments.

This week the pupils really enjoyed our STOMP workshop. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn about the dances and rhythms from the Westend show STOMP. All the pupils worked really hard learning and creating dance routines which they performed to the school in assembly. Below are some pictures of the day.

What a busy week we have had at school this week. The pupils had a visit from the ducklings on Monday and got a chance to hold them if they wanted to (pictures below). We have also celebrated World Book Day. Thank you for all your support; the children looked fantastic. To finish the week we have also had our Police Community Day to conclude the children's work as mini-police.

As part of our D.T. topic, the pupils have been exploring Marble Run. They enjoyed creating different routes for the marbles to follow and will use what they have learnt to design and crate their own Marble Run creations.

This week, Year 5 have great fun during our skateboarding sessions. The pupils leant a range of skills and tricks and showed great perseverance and determination. Below is a selection of pictures from our session.

This week in Science the pupils have been investigating water-resistance. They used Playdoh to create different shapes and test which ones fell the fastest through water. They discovered that thinner, more streamline, shapes moved faster through the water because there was less water-resistance working on them.

This week the pupils in Year 5 have been continuing with there mini policing project. The class are really enjoying learning all about policing and how to be good members of the community. Below is a picture of the class wearing the mini police uniform.

This week in Science we have been learning about how our ideas about the solar system has changed from a Geocentric understanding to a Heliocentric model. The children took on the roles of famous scientists throughout history to act out how our knowledge has changed.

This week the pupils in Year 5 have been creating recipes for potions inspired by halloween.

Year 5 really enjoyed performing their harvest song to the tune of Shotgun by George Ezra

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Year 5 enjoyed singing Cauliflowers Fluffy with the rest of the school for our Harvest assembly.

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This week the pupils in Year 5 really enjoy performing the song Livin’ on a prayer by Bon Jovi that they have been learning as part of their music lessons.

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This week the pupils really enjoyed our learning on Roald Dahl Day where we created descriptions for The Chocolate Room from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, drew Willy Wonka in the style of Quentin Blake and learnt a song from Matilda the Musical which we performed to the rest of the school.

What a brilliant start to Year 5 the pupils have made this week! I have been very impressed with their hard work and understanding and I am looking forward to the year ahead.

Sports Week 2018

We have loved watching the chicks hatch and grow.

During our topic work we have been learning about the life of Tutankhamun. We created our own death masks.

We helped raise money for Cancer Research by making Easter hats.

We had a great day taking part in the KNex challenge. We had to build a moving crane.

Our new topic in Computing is Geometric Art. We have been experimenting with 2D shapes.

Maths Week

Buddy Reading with Reception and Year 6
