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Our learning in the Summer Term

Year 6 - The pupils in Year 6 have been focusing on the Shang Dynasty this term. They have created timelines of the history of the Shang Dynasty , as well as explored pictures of artefacts and drawn their own historical conclusions from them.

Year 5 - The pupils in Year 5 have been learning all about the history of Hemel Hempstead. They completed their learning by taking a tour of the local area to spot some evidence of Hemel Hempstead's past.

Year 4 - In Year 4 the pupils have been learning about the Roman Empire. They have researched key figures from the Roman times as well has explored a range of artefacts to see what they can deduce from them.

Year 2 - In Year 2, the pupils have been focusing on their topic 'History Makers'. They have explore various notable figures including Florence Nightingale and Mary Anning and thought about what it means to be a history maker.

Year 1 - The pupils in Year 1 have been focusing on famous explorers including Ranulph Fiennes, Amy Johnson and Neil Armstrong.

Our learning in the Autumn term

Year 6

Year 6 have been learning about the Battle of Britain and have been analysing historical evidence about why it was an important moment in History.

Year 5

Year 5 have enjoyed learning all about the Trojan Horse in History this term. They have analysed a range of written, pictorial and archaeological evidence relating to the story of the Trojan Horse and then had to make their own judgement about whether the story was historical fact, legend or myth.

Year 3

Year 3 have been learning all about the Stone Age. They have explored this era of pre-history and investigated a range of artefacts to help them understand how we know about events from this period.

Year 2


Our learning in the Summer term

Year 2

Year 2 have been learning about the important role that animals played during World War I. They have enjoyed exploring the jobs of pigeons, horses and even fireflies. 

Year 3

The pupils in Year 3 have enjoyed learning all about the Stone Age. They have investigated misconceptions about the Stone Age as well as used their own historical understanding to identify artefacts. 

Year 4

Year 4 have been learning all about the Roman Empire. They have explored the impact that the Roman's had in Britain as well as investigating significant people during the Roman Empire such as Boudicca. 

Year 5

Year 5 have really enjoyed their history topic of the British Empire. They have learnt about how the empire grew and shrank and the significance of the commonwealth. They have also explored the effect the empire had on people living in different countries. 

Year 6

In Year 6, the pupils have been learning about the Maya. They have investigated what we can learn from Mayan cities and have also found out about significant events during the time of the Maya.

Our Learning in the Autumn Term

Year 1 have been learning about the History of toys. They have been exploring a range of toys that their parents and grandparents used to play with.

Year 2 have been enjoying learning about The Great Fire of London. They also explored the Gunpowder plot around fireworks night.

Year 3 have been learning all about The Victorians. They really enjoyed their Victorian Day where they got to dress up and experience what a Victorian school would have been like.

The pupils in Year 4 have been learning all about the Ancient Greek civilization. They have explored Greek myths as well as learnt about the spread of the empire and the Olympic games.

In Year 5 the pupils have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians. They have explore the Great pyramids, mummification and even had an Egyptian Day at school.

The Pupils in Year 6 have been learning about World War 2. They have explored the key events from the war and also thought about what life as an evacuee was like. They created their own 'Dig for victory' inspired posters.

Learning in Spring Term

In Year 1, pupils were answering questions to find out what they knew and didn’t know about inventors.

Year 2 have been learning about significant individuals. They found out lots of information about the nurses Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. Year 2 have been learning about significant individuals. They found out lots of information about the nurses Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell.

Year 4 have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots. They created a map of the different kingdoms as well as learnt about Anglo-Saxon settlements.

In Year 6, the pupils have been learning about the Maya civilisation. The pupils explored several interesting aspects of this civilisation, including: Mayan gods, the Mayan number system and Mayan food.

Learning in Autumn 2

Nursery have been learning about animals that lived in the past.

This term, Year 2 learnt all about the Great Fire of London. They talked, wrote and drew things from the past. Additionally, they used role play to communicate their knowledge about the past. Here are some photos of their diaries about the Great Fire of London, written from the perspective of the eyewitness, Samuel Pepys.

In Year 3, they have been learning about the Victorians. They had a Victorian Day where the pupils experienced what life was like for a Victorian child. They can place the Victorians onto a timeline as well as sequence events during this time period. The pupils were able to use a range of sources and compare the lives of children in the Victorian times to their lives today.

Year 4 have been learning about the Ancient Greeks. They have written and designed their own stories based on Greek myths as well as created booklets using their historical skills and knowledge such as interpreting artefacts and creating timelines.

Year 5 have been learning about leisure and entertainment in the 20th century. The class learned how football, cinema, music and holidays had changed over this period of time.  

In Year 6, the pupils enjoyed learning about the role of women during World War Two and about rationing. They compared what they each now in an average week to what they might have been able to each during World War Two. As well as this, the pupils also learned about key events in World War Two and sequenced them on a timeline.

Learning in Autumn 1

In Year 1, they have been learning about different toys from the past. Here they have sorted pictures of old and new toys. They were identifying similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.

Year 2 have been learning about the Great Fire of London. They have completed lots of cross curricular learning and have recounted the events that happened. They also have compared similarities and differences between the past and present in this work.

Year 3 pupils have been learning about The Victorians. They constructed informed responses about an aspect of life for Victorian children by having a Victorian day pretending they were children in a Victorian school. They compared this to life today and asked valid questions about change and cause during this era.

In Year 4 the pupils have been writing Greek myths as part of their learning on the Ancient Greeks. They used a range of sources to learn about the past and used the appropriate historical vocabulary in their work.

In Year 5, pupils have been learning about Ancient Egypt. They had an Ancient Egypt day where the pupils dressed up as Egyptians and learned about lots of different things including hieroglyphics, gods and goddesses and important pharaohs. They also placed key events on a timeline and have written diary entries pretending to be an Egyptian building the pyramids.

As part of their learning on World War Two, the Year 6 children took part in an evacuee day and they presented their learning through written accounts. They wrote letters from the point of view of an evacuee and were really proud of their cross-curricular writing! 

History Learning Journey 2020-2021

Y4 Anglo-Saxons

History in our school

Work from around the classes during the Spring Term.

Some of the work completed in History lessons druing the Autumn term.
