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Welcome to Reception Class!

Our Class Teachers are Mrs Watson and Mrs Scanzi

Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Hale, Miss Christie and Ms Field

Non- Negotiables for Reception

Parent Partnership on Tapestry

Pronunciation of sounds


Our story for this week was 'Superheroes don't get Scared ......or do they?' We found out that even the strongest and bravest hero can sometimes feel afraid. We have been setting our own personal goals to work on as part of our topic 'Going for Goals'. Today we made fruit kebabs, selecting our favourite fruits and learning to prepare it, practising our slicing and cutting skills. Have a look at the photos below!

We have had a fantastic start to the new term. Our new topic has a superhero theme. We have been designing superheroes and thinking about which superhero powers we would like to possess. We have shared a range of stories about 'Supertato' and discussed why we need to eat vegetables to stay healthy. This week the children enjoyed creating their own potato shape prints. On Friday we made some delicious vegetable soup, with the children learning to wash and chop the vegetables. Have a look at these amazing pictures of the class busy preparing the vegetables to make what turned out to be a delicious soup!

We used our story of the week 'One Snowy Night' by Nick Butterworth to initiate play and talk all themed around winter. In maths this week the children have been learning about addition and writing some addition number sentences. They have learnt what the + and = symbols mean and practised using them in number sentences. We have been very busy practising for our Christmas Nativity play and did a dress run for the whole school today! We hope to see you at one of the performances on Monday 9th or Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am.

Our story this week was the traditional tale 'The Gingerbread Man'. The children loved weighing and mixing up the ingredients followed by rolling and cutting out their gingerbread man to go in the oven. The next day they decorated their gingerbread men with icing and using currants for the eyes and the buttons.

Reception class singing: "Incy Wincy Spider"

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This week we shared the Nativity story and linked it to our Christmas play which we have been very busy rehearsing. The children enjoyed talking about events in the story and learning the names of the main characters. We have carried on with our nursery rhyme theme and linked the rhymes to our exploring time - singing 'Miss Polly' (hospital role play) and Humpty Dumpty (build a strong wall for Humpty to sit on)! In maths we have been focussing on sorting, exploring capacity and comparing weights using the balances.

We have had a very busy week in Reception class! The children were so proud to share lots of their learning in our Celebration Evening on Thursday. If you couldn't attend, I have attached some of the displays of the children's work for you to have a look at. We had such an exciting time when we had Ash (a Guinness Book of Records holder of 4 records) in to show the class some amazing new football skills. We started with a whole school assembly, followed by a special work shop for Reception class in the hall.

This week we have been reading the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'. The children have enjoyed acting out the story and have been very busy in the construction area building a house for grandma to live in! As it was Bonfire Night this week the children went outside to create their splatter paintings to show their fireworks exploding in their chosen colours.

Our Harvest Assembly Performance

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This week we shared the story 'The Little Acorn'. Continuing with our autumn theme we used paint to handprint our colourful autumn trees. Also, we learnt about the festival of Diwali, creating Diva lamps and lots of colourful patterns. We used stick puppets to retell the story of Diwali.

Our book of the week was ‘The Leaf Thief’. We went into the woods to look for signs of autumn and collected lots of leaves, conkers and acorns. The children enjoyed proudly parading around the hall in assembly showing off their forest crowns. We also planted our plants in the ‘Kindness’ garden using lots of different types of plants.

We shared the story 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy. Daddy Bear was finding it very hard to get to sleep in this story! The children made bears of different sizes out of playdough and built some interesting beds for Daddy Bear to sleep in. We had some fun getting outside and exploring lots of the children working together to build a pretend camp fire with sticks, stones and leaves.

We enjoyed sharing the story ‘Mouse House’ by John Burningham this week. It’s a story about a family of mice who have to find somewhere else to live after being discovered by the humans. The children have been creating new homes for the mice using lots of different building materials, as well as making their own mice out of Playdough.

This week our Book of the Week was ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell. The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing the story, as well as learning about the purpose of a front cover and the role of an author. The book inspired some fantastic art work in which the children painted the owl babies using a range of tools such as sponges, paint brushes and their fingers! They were very pleased with the end result!

Our first PE lesson! This week we were learning how to move a ball in different ways. We moved the ball using different parts of the body and balanced the ball on different parts of our body. It was great fun!

Reception Class have had an amazing first week at school! We have been so impressed by the way they have settled into routines and always tried their best. We think they are all Reception Superstars!

Come and buy Reception’s delicious chocolate crispy cakes on Friday! Only 50p!

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We read 'Handa's Surprise' this week and the pupils had the opportunity to try all the delicious tropical fruits that Handa put in her basket to take to her friend. Many children liked the creamy, green avocado, the smooth mango and the juicy pineapple!

We had lots of fun during sports week this week. The pupils had an opportunity to participate in different olympic and paralympic style events - goalball, football, long jump, hurdles, javelin and of course the running races. Well done Reception!

In PE this week we have been practising our running skills in preparation for Sports Day. We are very excited to take part in the races!

We went for a minibeast hunt in the Gade Valley woods this week! We were lucky and found lots of minibeasts, including ants, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, worms, flies and slugs. The children used some tick lists to check off what we found and we practised describing their features.

This week Reception class spent lots of time outdoors. We practised part whole models using chalk, watered the seeds we planted, worked as a team to make a water channelling system and cooked up some delicious treats in the mud kitchen!

We had lots of fun doing the STOMP workshop! The pupils learnt to rhythmically clap and stomp, following patterns. The children did some group performances at the end.

This week we have planted some marigold seeds. We used compost and watered the seed. We look forward to watching our seeds grow over the next few weeks!

Thank you so much for coming to watch our assembly! The children were amazing and we are so proud of them.

Today we took part in a music workshop led by Hertfordshire Music Service. We had a great time learning about different musical instruments such as the guitar and steel drum. Whilst playing games we found out about low and high pitched sounds. It was great fun!

The children were delighted to hold the ducklings! It has been fantastic for them to experience the ducklings hatching from the eggs and then watching them grow.

Today we have been celebrating World Book Day! The children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book characters. They all looked fantastic! A big thank you to all the parents for your effort with the costumes.

This week the children have been writing about their half term holiday. They listened carefully to the sounds in words to help them spell and tried their best to form letters correctly. We were really proud of their writing!

The children learnt how to make pancakes this week as part of their Pancake Day celebrations. They mixed the ingredients together, cooked their pancakes on the stove and even tried flipping them! After adding the toppings, the children enjoyed their delicious pancakes! They practised using their writing skills to write down the ingredients they used to make their pancakes.

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating their own Chinese New Year dragons and lanterns. They practised skills such as colouring, folding, cutting, sticking and using tape to attach different parts. They are really proud of their creations!

Our book of the week has been ‘The Knight who wouldn’t fight’. The children were inspired to write their own dragon stories with some fantastic illustrations. They worked very hard on their writing.

The children were excited to make fruit skewers this week as part of our topic ‘Looking After Ourselves’. They learnt about the importance of eating fruit to help keep our bodies healthy.

As part of our learning around the book 'Supertato', we made vegetable soup. The children were very attentive and perseverant whilst learning how to peel and cut the vegetables safely. They really enjoyed the activity and the soup they made was delicious!

This week our book of the week was 'Supertato'. The children created their own superhero vegetables using a variety of different materials. There were fantastic discussions between the children and it was great to see them sharing ideas. They are really excited to bring their superhero vegetables home with them soon!

Our 'Book of the Week' was Stick Man so Reception class headed into the woods to find a perfect stick to make their own stick person with. All the children enjoyed being creative, adding tissue paper, pipe cleaners, stickers and googly eyes on to their stick person. The children will bring their stick people home next week.

This week we have been learning all about winter! We talked about what kind of weather we could expect in winter, such as snow. The children then made these lovely snowmen by using glue, crayons and cotton wool. We shared them in sharing assembly.

In Reception class this week we made our Christmas tree decorations. The children really enjoyed getting their pine cone all glittery. Now they are proudly displayed on our school Christmas tree.

Our 'Book of the Week' was 'The Gingerbread Man', so of course we had to bake our very own gingerbread men! Thankfully they didn't run away when we got them out of the oven. The children had great fun making and decorating them and probably even more fun eating them.

This week was our Autumn celebration evening. It was lovely to be able to display all the children's learning since starting Reception. If you were unable to attend, please see some pictures of our table-top displays below.

This week in reception we have been learning all about Bonfire Night. The children made some fireworks pictures to celebrate.

Please watch our whole school sing 'Cauliflowers Fluffy'

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Our book of the week has been 'Rosie's Walk', and within the book Rosie the hen walks past a windmill. The children have really enjoyed crafting windmills from junk modelling equipment, using lollipop sticks as the sails and thinking about how to attach them to their windmill. We learnt about the purpose of windmills and how they can grind grain into flour.

Our book of the week has been 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy. The children have really enjoyed role-playing this story, pretending to be one of the three bears and using the story and the role play masks as props. The children have also enjoyed exploring outdoors, participating in lots of water play and painting.

Our book of the week this week has been 'Mouse House' by John Burningham. The children were introduced to a little mouse friend called 'Mick' who needed a home in the classroom. The children loved making him a soft, comfortable home. We also made some play dough mice.

The children have had lots of fun painting pictures of the 'Owl Babies' this week. They were very proud to share their hard work in sharing assembly.

This week in Reception we have been learning our morning routines. The children have worked really hard in busy fingers and have now got their first piece of work up on our WOW wall.

We really enjoyed our first week in Reception! The children have done so well, learning lots of different things such as classroom routines, the names of their teachers as well as the names of their classmates. The children played lots of games and enjoyed exploring time.
