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Welcome to Reception Class!

Our Class Teachers are Mrs Watson and Mrs Blackledge

Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Hale and Miss Christie

Non- Negotiables for Reception

Parent Partnership on Tapestry

Pronunciation of sounds


Come and buy Reception’s delicious chocolate crispy cakes on Friday! Only 50p!

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We read 'Handa's Surprise' this week and the pupils had the opportunity to try all the delicious tropical fruits that Handa put in her basket to take to her friend. Many children liked the creamy, green avocado, the smooth mango and the juicy pineapple!

We had lots of fun during sports week this week. The pupils had an opportunity to participate in different olympic and paralympic style events - goalball, football, long jump, hurdles, javelin and of course the running races. Well done Reception!

In PE this week we have been practising our running skills in preparation for Sports Day. We are very excited to take part in the races!

We went for a minibeast hunt in the Gade Valley woods this week! We were lucky and found lots of minibeasts, including ants, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, worms, flies and slugs. The children used some tick lists to check off what we found and we practised describing their features.

This week Reception class spent lots of time outdoors. We practised part whole models using chalk, watered the seeds we planted, worked as a team to make a water channelling system and cooked up some delicious treats in the mud kitchen!

We had lots of fun doing the STOMP workshop! The pupils learnt to rhythmically clap and stomp, following patterns. The children did some group performances at the end.

This week we have planted some marigold seeds. We used compost and watered the seed. We look forward to watching our seeds grow over the next few weeks!

Thank you so much for coming to watch our assembly! The children were amazing and we are so proud of them.

Today we took part in a music workshop led by Hertfordshire Music Service. We had a great time learning about different musical instruments such as the guitar and steel drum. Whilst playing games we found out about low and high pitched sounds. It was great fun!

The children were delighted to hold the ducklings! It has been fantastic for them to experience the ducklings hatching from the eggs and then watching them grow.

Today we have been celebrating World Book Day! The children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book characters. They all looked fantastic! A big thank you to all the parents for your effort with the costumes.

This week the children have been writing about their half term holiday. They listened carefully to the sounds in words to help them spell and tried their best to form letters correctly. We were really proud of their writing!

The children learnt how to make pancakes this week as part of their Pancake Day celebrations. They mixed the ingredients together, cooked their pancakes on the stove and even tried flipping them! After adding the toppings, the children enjoyed their delicious pancakes! They practised using their writing skills to write down the ingredients they used to make their pancakes.

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating their own Chinese New Year dragons and lanterns. They practised skills such as colouring, folding, cutting, sticking and using tape to attach different parts. They are really proud of their creations!

Our book of the week has been ‘The Knight who wouldn’t fight’. The children were inspired to write their own dragon stories with some fantastic illustrations. They worked very hard on their writing.

The children were excited to make fruit skewers this week as part of our topic ‘Looking After Ourselves’. They learnt about the importance of eating fruit to help keep our bodies healthy.

As part of our learning around the book 'Supertato', we made vegetable soup. The children were very attentive and perseverant whilst learning how to peel and cut the vegetables safely. They really enjoyed the activity and the soup they made was delicious!

This week our book of the week was 'Supertato'. The children created their own superhero vegetables using a variety of different materials. There were fantastic discussions between the children and it was great to see them sharing ideas. They are really excited to bring their superhero vegetables home with them soon!

Our 'Book of the Week' was Stick Man so Reception class headed into the woods to find a perfect stick to make their own stick person with. All the children enjoyed being creative, adding tissue paper, pipe cleaners, stickers and googly eyes on to their stick person. The children will bring their stick people home next week.

This week we have been learning all about winter! We talked about what kind of weather we could expect in winter, such as snow. The children then made these lovely snowmen by using glue, crayons and cotton wool. We shared them in sharing assembly.

In Reception class this week we made our Christmas tree decorations. The children really enjoyed getting their pine cone all glittery. Now they are proudly displayed on our school Christmas tree.

Our 'Book of the Week' was 'The Gingerbread Man', so of course we had to bake our very own gingerbread men! Thankfully they didn't run away when we got them out of the oven. The children had great fun making and decorating them and probably even more fun eating them.

This week was our Autumn celebration evening. It was lovely to be able to display all the children's learning since starting Reception. If you were unable to attend, please see some pictures of our table-top displays below.

This week in reception we have been learning all about Bonfire Night. The children made some fireworks pictures to celebrate.

Please watch our whole school sing 'Cauliflowers Fluffy'

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Our book of the week has been 'Rosie's Walk', and within the book Rosie the hen walks past a windmill. The children have really enjoyed crafting windmills from junk modelling equipment, using lollipop sticks as the sails and thinking about how to attach them to their windmill. We learnt about the purpose of windmills and how they can grind grain into flour.

Our book of the week has been 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy. The children have really enjoyed role-playing this story, pretending to be one of the three bears and using the story and the role play masks as props. The children have also enjoyed exploring outdoors, participating in lots of water play and painting.

Our book of the week this week has been 'Mouse House' by John Burningham. The children were introduced to a little mouse friend called 'Mick' who needed a home in the classroom. The children loved making him a soft, comfortable home. We also made some play dough mice.

The children have had lots of fun painting pictures of the 'Owl Babies' this week. They were very proud to share their hard work in sharing assembly.

This week in Reception we have been learning our morning routines. The children have worked really hard in busy fingers and have now got their first piece of work up on our WOW wall.

We really enjoyed our first week in Reception! The children have done so well, learning lots of different things such as classroom routines, the names of their teachers as well as the names of their classmates. The children played lots of games and enjoyed exploring time.

Learning Journey 2022-23

Thank you for attending open evening last night, it was lovely to celebrate the children's hard work this year.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to see our class assembly this week, we hope you enjoyed it! We wanted to give you a closer look at some of our fantastic animal pictures from Kenya, Australia, Antarctica and Brazil.

The children have all really enjoyed sports week this week! All the pupils have tried lots of different events, such as football, goalball, javelin, hurdles, races and relay races. We have been learning all about Olympic and Paralympic values and how to be sporting, supporting our own house whilst still celebrating other houses achievements. We're all very proud of the children for their hard work and effort this week.

This week in Reception our book of the week has been 'Oliver's Fruit Salad' and the children have been practising naming different fruits and vegetables and learning all about healthy eating. We were also very lucky to watch an assembly all about owls. The children learnt the names of different owls, such as an Eagle Owl and a Barn Owl. We watched the birds fly around the hall and learnt how important it is to keep our environment clean and tidy so that there is no litter in any wild bird's habitat.


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We've had some lovely sunshine towards the end of this week and the children have been keenly observing their grass head caterpillars growing. We have made sure that they are getting plenty of sunlight and the pupils have enjoyed watering them alongside other plants in our reception garden. Hopefully these caterpillars will become even more green and fuzzy soon!

This week in Reception we have been learning all about caterpillars. Our book of the week was 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. The children enjoyed retelling the story, remembering the repeated phrases. We also made some fantastic grass head hungry caterpillars this week. The pupils carefully added soil and grass seed into tights and used elastics to make a caterpillar shape. We are so excited to watch them grow, making sure to water them and leave them in the sunlight.

Tat Cafe- Enterprise TV advert

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Reception class created a TV advert for the Enterprise sale on Friday 19th May at 3:10pm. They will be selling temporary tattoos, hot chocolates with toppings and other treats.
We look forward to seeing you there!

We have had a lovely time learning all about penguins this week. Our book of the week was 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. The pupils wanted to learn all about penguins so we researched them together. The children learnt that the tallest penguin is the Emperor penguin, they eat fish, they live in Antarctica and they have no teeth! We also made some fantastic penguin art and posters.

This week in Reception class we have been learning all about the King's Coronation. The children have learnt the name of the King and all the important jobs a King has. The children have enjoyed making bunting, writing a shopping list for a tea party, making crowns and building castles.

The children loved holding the ducklings this week. We also did some wonderful sentence writing about the ducklings - all the pupils are doing so well remembering their finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

It was lovely to welcome the children back this week for the Summer term. The children were incredibly excited by the arrival of the ducklings and we went to visit them a few times throughout the week. We also celebrated Earth day 2023 today. We read the story 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' and talked about ways we can protect the planet, by recycling, planting plants and trees and preserving energy.

Reception have enjoyed lots of Easter activities this week, including going on an Easter egg hunt, making chocolate nests and making an Easter basket. We also had a visit from Officer Cara. The children were very engaged when listening to Officer Cara and loved looking at the different items in her police belt. Mrs Watson was arrested but the children kindly agreed that she should be set free, and used the special key to unlock the handcuffs!

We have had lots of amazing visitors this week in Reception class. Dominic's Dad kindly offered to talk to the children all about life as a police officer. The children had lots of fun asking questions about policing and looking at different parts of an officers uniform. On Thursday an inspirational speaker, Bart Gee, spoke to all the children in the school about how to overcome difficulties and how nothing is impossible. Lastly, we had a Road Safety talk where the children learnt how important it is to stop, look and listen and to always hold an adult's hand when near roads. Reception class created some amazing road safety posters and enjoyed practising using crossings on the playground, with Ms Field acting as a lollypop lady!

We had a wonderful time using the maypole in PE this week. The children danced to the music and performed using the ribbons and had lots of fun.

In Reception we are continuing to learn about 'People who help us'. Our topic has been postal workers and the children have enjoyed our role play post office, using envelopes, stamps and a post box to post letters. In maths, we have explored measures such as weight, using balancing scales to compare objects and using the vocabulary heavy and light. We have also learnt about length, height and capacity. It was fun measuring the capacity of containers using water in the classroom! We continue to revise our Phase 3 sounds and tricky words - please use the tricky words sheet sent home last week to practise at home too.

We have had an amazing week in Reception celebrating World Book Day! It has been lovely seeing Reception mix with lots of different children during buddy reading, where the older classes are invited to read to the younger children. We have been making bookmarks, designing book covers and of course reading lots of stories! The best part of the week was dressing up and the children especially enjoyed parading their outfit during our special assembly to celebrate World Book Day.

In Reception this week the children really enjoyed making pancakes! The pupils learnt that pancake day is called Shrove Tuesday and it marks the last day before Lent begins. The children were interested to learn that Lent is a time when Christian people give up something as a reminder of how Jesus went without when he was in the desert. The children had lots of fun mixing ingredients to make pancake batter and adding some toppings on their choice. The best part, according to the children, was eating the pancakes!

This week we have been reading 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. We hope you enjoy our retelling of the story below. In phonics we learnt the final Phase 3 sounds 'air', 'ure' and 'er' and in maths we have learnt all about doubling. We hope all of our Reception families have a wonderful half term!

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We have been learning all about birds this week! To celebrate the RSPB Big Bird Watch 2023, as a class we looked at a range of non-fiction books and researched lots of different British birds. We looked at photographs and videos of birds such as magpies, robins, red kites, kingfishers, blue tits and more. The children have drawn pictures of birds, written descriptions of them and have also made some bird feeders. We made sure to use biodegradable materials! This week in phonics we have learnt the sounds ur, ow, oi and ear and in maths we learnt about odd and even numbers.

We have had a fantastic time in Reception class this week learning all about Chinese New Year. We learnt that it is the 'Year of the Rabbit' and had fun making bunny headbands. We looked at a map together to find China and learnt that the capital city of China is Beijing. The pupils learnt how to say hello in Chinese (Nǐ hǎo) and made some Chinese lanterns, which we shared in assembly today. In phonics we have learnt the sounds oo, ar and or and in maths we have practised sharing equally.

In Reception class this week, we have been celebrating ‘Winnie-the-Pooh Day’. The children have made honey sandwiches for a tea party and brought in their favourite teddy’s from home. They have written a list of ingredients that they used to make honey sandwiches. They made stick puppets, drew the characters from the story, used their phonics skills to label their work and used a variety of media to make honey pots and moving Eeyore’s. They are very proud of their work.

We have had a wonderful first week back at school.  The children have settled back into our daily routines and are working very hard.  Please can you remind your children to hand their reading books and records in if they need changing.  Can you ensure that reading books and records are in school everyday.

Our key text this week has been The Gruffalo, by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. The children have been developing their expressive arts and design skills. They have used a variety of media to create gruffalos, foxes, owls and snakes.

This week we performed the Nativity. Thank you to all parents and caregivers who came to see the show. The children performed incredibly well and we're all very proud of them!

Today Reception really enjoyed decorating the tree and performing 'Away in a Manger' in sharing assembly.

Away in a Manger

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We have been reading the story 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon this week. The children enjoyed talking about the story and made some lovely drawings of Beegu. We have also been working very hard on our Nativity performance - perhaps the children are singing the songs we have been practising at home? The pupils all got the opportunity this week to make a special Christmas Tree decoration this week - some very glittery, dazzling pinecones! The children are all looking forward to the dressing of the tree next week.

This week has been World Nursery Rhyme Week. We have enjoyed learning lots of different nursery rhymes and singing them together as a class. In phonics the children have learnt the sounds y, z, zz and qu. In maths we have been using positional language, the pupils particularly enjoyed creating an obstacle course and describing how to travel across the equipment using the different position words we have learnt. The highlight of our week was a visit from Lucas Jet. Reception loved his circus show and enjoyed learning some circus tricks in the workshop afterwards. Please see some photos below from the show and the workshop!

We have continued to learn about space this week and all the children greatly enjoyed our book of the week 'Aliens Love Underpants' by Claire Freedman. The children designed their own underpants, created some playdough aliens with googly eyes and made some 2D shape aliens too! In phonics we covered the sounds j,v,w and x and in maths we have learnt about repeating patterns. The children also learnt about Remembrance Day, creating some beautiful poppy artwork that is now on display in the main hall.

Our book of the week this week was 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy. The children have loved role playing the story using some props in our role play area. We have also been busy making stars, rockets and paper mache planets to decorate our new space station. This week we have learnt the sounds l, ll and ss and we have been reading and writing words that contain these sounds. We have also been celebrating bonfire night. The children have created some very beautiful fireworks pictures using paint and glitter. All pupils were very proud to show their lovely artwork during sharing assembly.

We have been celebrating the harvest this week. Thank you to all families who have donated food and goods, we have a fantastic collection that will go to those in need within the local community. The pupils have all done wonderfully in their first half term, this week we have worked hard on using the sounds we have learnt to read and write some simple words. We have learnt the new sounds h,b,f and ff. The children have enjoyed reading 'What the Ladybird Heard' by Julia Donaldson and got creative in the week making their own paper plate ladybird. Today in sharing assembly the children performed our class song 'Conkers'. The video is posted below, we hope you enjoy the perfomance!

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In Reception this week we have been reading 'Farmer Duck' by Martin Waddell. The children have really enjoyed reading and retelling the story. In phonics we have learnt the sounds ck, e, u and r. The children have worked really hard using the sounds they have learnt so far to read and write simple words. This week in maths we have practised comparing amounts and using the words more and less. The children then practised finding one more or one less than a given number up to 10.

In Reception this week we have been reading Rosie's Walk by Pat Hutchins. In phonics we have learnt the sounds g, o, c, k and have practised blending and segmenting simple 2 and 3 letter words. We have also created this lovely display to welcome people to our classroom. The pupils thought about ways we can make our classroom a happy environment. We wrote the children's suggestions down and created handprints to show that we agree to follow these rules.

This week in Reception we have been reading ‘Peace at Last’. We really enjoyed retelling the story, making lots of different sound effects. We hope you enjoy the recording we have made! In phonics we have been learning the sounds i, n, m and d. In maths we have been practising recognising and ordering numerals to 10, as well as counting objects accurately.

This week we have been reading the story 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell. The children enjoyed creating an owl babies painting using paintbrushes, pens and sponges. This week in phonics we have learnt the sounds s, a, t, p and we have practised forming the letters on our whiteboards. The children have worked extremely hard!

The children are settling in well to school. They have enjoyed a variety of activities and are establishing our daily routines. This week we have been celebrating the Queen's life by designing our own crowns and joining in with a whole school project of creating portraits of the Queen.
