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Attendance Information

School Opening Times

At the beginning of the day, at 8.40am, the gates will open and pupils will be able to walk straight in to their classrooms. Pupils can arrive anytime between 8.40am and 8.55am. The gates will be locked shortly after 8.55am and any pupils who are arriving late need to enter the school via the office. Between 8.40am and 8.55am, pupils will complete early morning activities.


For Nursery children, the school day begins at 8.45am and ends at 11.45am (15 hours per week).

For Nursery children – 30 hours per week option - the school day begins at 8.45am and ends at 2.45pm


Early Bird Club starts from 8.00am until 8.40am.  Pupils will need to enter the club via the Reception class garden and into the school hall.


Night Owls Club starts from 3.15pm – the pupils will be registered with the club staff.  The club is located in the school dining hall and outside area.  Pupils can be collected from the club at any time, up to 5.00pm from the door to the left of the school office (dining room door).


Fixed Penalty Notices

In order to reduce unauthorised absences, the Governors of Gade Valley Primary School will be issuing Fixed Penalty Notices from the 1st September 2019, under the following criteria:


  • A penalty notice will be issued with regard to unauthorised absence if a pupil fails to attend school as required without a genuine explanation. A pupil’s absence must have been unauthorised for at least 15 sessions (one session is half day either am or pm) in the previous and/or current term.

    Penalty notices will involve a parent paying a fine of £60 if paid within 21 days, or £120 if paid within 28 days.


  • Failure to pay the fine within 28 days will result in either a prosecution for the offence to which the notice applies, or withdrawal of the notice (limited circumstances apply). Prosecution will be taken by the Local Authority under the Education Act 1996, section 444.


  • The issuing of penalty notices will comply with the code of conduct and practice as determined by the Local Authority



Infectious Disease Protocol


The school will follow the Infectious Disease Protocol from Public Health – Health Protection in Education and Childcare settings, Chapter 3.

If your child has been sick or has an upset tummy, we ask that they remain at home for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness.


If your child has been prescribed medicine that needs to be administered during the school day, please come to the school office where a first aider will be called to complete a medicine authority form with you.


Inhalers - Our first aider will meet with you to discuss useage of the inhaler.  We request that one in date inhaler must always be available in school.


If your child has any other medical needs please inform us, so that we can work with you and your child.



