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Our learning in the Autumn term

Year 6 have been thinking about their goals and what they hope to achieve by the end of the year.

Year 3 have been learning how to deal with conflict and bullying. The pupils have been acting out different scenarios and discussing how we can resolve these issues.

This term the Nursery children have been exploring different emotions, how they feel and what they might look like.

Our learning in the Spring term

Our learning across the school focused on resilience.

Autumn term

Friendship Friday


During Anti-bullying Week, we focused our learning on making and keeping friends. Here's a selection of our work from around the school:

In Year 6, as part of the ‘Being me in my World’ and ‘Celebrating Difference’ units, the pupils have created a learning charter and thought about how they can build strong friendships.

Learning in Spring

A police officer visited Reception class as part of the pupils' learning about people who help us.

Year 2 learnt how to cooperate with a partner whilst making a dream bird. Inside their dream birds, they wrote their dreams for the future.

Year 4 thought about their dreams and goals in PSHCE. They created their own targets and thought about how to overcome setbacks along the way.  

Year 6 have made posters encouraging us to Keep Healthy.

Learning in Autumn 


Nursery have been learning about their family. The pupils have also been learning to recognise how they are unique and to describe themselves in positive terms. 

Nursery have been learning to take off their shoes and socks and put them back on independently.

In the unit ‘Celebrating Difference’, Year 2 have been learning how friends can be different from each other but can still be friends. They discussed how every individual is unique and that differences should be celebrated.

In Year 3, they have been celebrating their families. The pupils know why families are important and how everybody’s families are different and unique.

Year 4 have been celebrating differences in PSHCE. The pupils thought about the importance of celebrating and respecting people’s differences.

Year 5 have been learning about direct and indirect bullying and how to deal with bullying. They created a board game to show this. If you land on a snake you have to make a bad choice to deal with the bullying so move down the board; if you land on a ladder you have chosen a good strategy and move up the board.

Learning in Autumn 1

In Reception, the pupils have been taking part in lots of circle times and games aimed at getting to know all our new friends in class! The pupils discussed big feelings they may have around starting school and how to deal with them. Together, the pupils created a lovely display and talked about how each and every one of us can make Gade Valley a happy place to be for ourselves and others.

As part of the unit ‘Being me in my World’, Years 2, 3 and 6 have created a class learning charter. In these, the pupils have been learning about how rewards and consequences stem from choices and thought about their own rights,  responsibilities, consequences and rewards.

In Year 5, the pupils have created personal goals and how they will achieve these. They also had a growth mindset day with Doodlebug where the pupils learned key growth mindset statements and why it is important to have a growth mindset.

2020-21 Our learning journey

Road Safety Workshop. After we went outside to practise keeping safe.

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Year 1

Still image for this video

Relationships: In Year 1, the pupils drew pictures of their friends and wrote words to describe the qualities they have which makes them a good friend.

Healthy Me.

Autumn 2020: Look at the lovely activities the pupils completed around the school to celebrate Well-kindness Day.

Spring 2: Whole school sports relief - 500 miles around our track

Spring 2: Year 1 visited the local shops. We went to the bakery to buy a biscuit using coins we had been learning about in Maths.

Spring 1: As a school we joined in with the Big School's Bird watch. All classes went out into the school grounds and recorded how many birds they could see. It was lovely to see all the cross-curricular learning that took place throughout the day.

Spring 2020: In Year 1 we made bears to show the many steps we need to make to achieve our ‘Dreams and Goals.’ We made medals when we had reached them.

Spring 1 2020: In reception they were drawing pictures to show how they were feeling. Some wrote the word and some also explained what made them feel that way.

Spring 1 2020: Year 2 shared their 'Dreams and Goals' to the whole school in their PSHE assembly.

Spring term 1 2020: Look around the school for our ‘Make it Happen!’ Displays. They are showing our dreams and goals for each half term.

Autumn term 2 2019: PSHE around our school.

Summer term 2019: Whole School PSHE Challenge: Children had to work in teams and make a boat. We then went to Gadebridge Park to sail them on the river. We then had a picnic and got to play. We all had so much fun! Well done to the winning teams.

PSHE around our school in the autumn term.
