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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Our Class Teacher is Mr van der Westhuyzen

Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Chapman.

Year 6 Non-Negotiables for Writing, Reading and Maths

Year 6 Welcome Meeting

Are you up for the challenge? Come to the Year 6 stall at the Enterprise Sale!

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In Geography this week, the pupils have been learning to understand the impact climate change can have on the global population.

This week, the pupils have been very active during Sports Week! We have completed several sporting activities, including sports day, which the class have really enjoyed!

Activities Week has been fantastic! The pupils enjoyed a trip to the Harry Potter Studios, Phasels Wood, Ashridge and a two night camp-out on the school field. Thanks for a really fun week Year 6!

In Geography this week, the pupils have been learning about the growth of the population over time. They have been learning to create and interpret line graphs.

In Art this week, Year 6 created super sculptures out of clay. Well done Year 6!

This week, the pupils have enjoyed finishing their felt phone cases in DT. Don’t they look fabulous! Well done for being so perseverant Year 6!

This week, the pupils really enjoyed a fantastic STOMP dance workshop. They learned a set routine from the show and created their own dances. The class were extremely motivated and attentive! Well done Year 6!

This week, the pupils have enjoyed beginning to learn about the Shang Dynasty. They have been learning to describe the historical significance of the bones bought by Wang Yirong.

This week, Year 6 enjoyed creating algorithms and programming using Scratch. The pupils created their own falling sprite games and included timers and score boards.

Last Friday, the pupils enjoyed a fantastic afternoon with some of our local Police officers. The pupils were able to look at and climb in several Police vehicles. We also met several working Police dogs. This was a fantastic experience!

We really enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day! Don't we look fabulous! Well done for being so creative Year 6!

This week, the class have really enjoyed having the ducklings in school. It has been amazing to watch the eggs hatch and the ducklings grow!

The pupils recently took part in a super skateboarding workshop! They learned how to balance, push-off and turn. They even started to learn a few tricks! Well done for being so motivated and perseverant Year 6!

Year 6 had a great time at the Dacorum sports hall athletics competition. The team spirit demonstrated by the class was fantastic! Well done Gade Valley!

Our class really enjoyed buddy reading with Year 1! National Story Telling Week has been great!

Year 6 have been enjoying National Storytelling Week! They have been doing so well with their reading. Look at all the books they have read!

This week, the pupils have been writing persuasive letters. They have been very attentive and motivated! Well done Year 6!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Year 6 enjoyed making pretzels today as part of their final cooking lesson in D&T. They look delicious! Well done Year 6

This week, the class worked as a team to cook a stir fry as part of their D&T unit. The pupils put a lot of effort and worked well together to prepare, cook and taste their meal. They used all of their CHAMP skills effectively! Well done Year 6!

This week, the class enjoyed creating Christmas decorations for our 'Dressing the Tree' assembly. The pupils put a lot of effort into making their decorations and used all of their CHAMP skills to good effect! Well done Year 6!

Year 6 are fantastic writers! Look at their amazing work!

For Children in Need this year, staff were involved in a special 'Pie Assembly'! There were several different challenges and Year 6 enjoyed them all! It is fantastic to be able to support such a super charity!

Look at our fantastic art work! Year 6 have been using different tools to explore different effects. They have used the works of Mayan artists as inspiration. Well done Year 6!

For WeWrite this week, the pupils wrote instructions for how to carve a pumpkin! They included lots of detail to make them easy to follow. Well done Year 6!

Year 5 and 6 Harvest Song

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Our whole school Harvest song!

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This week, Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic trip to Hudnall Park. The pupils completed a variety of problem solving activities which helped to develop their teamwork skills. Well done Year 6!

In English this week, we have been learning about fantasy stories. The pupils will be writing their own version of 'No other country' by Shaun Tan.

In Art this week, the pupils have been experimenting wih a range of drawing tools. They have also been exploring the work of Diego Riviera and have tried to create an image in his style of work.

In Maths this week, the pupils have been learning about mental addition strategies and column addition with 5-digit numbers and decimals. I have been so pleased with their level of accuracy and with the presentation of their work! Well done Year 6!

This week, for Roald Dahl Day, the pupils wrote character descriptions. They described one of the giants from ‘The BFG’. Fleshlumpeater is certainly one of Roald Dahl’s more gruesome characters!

Good Luck England! Enjoy the Rugby World Cup everyone!

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Our Learning Journey 2022/23

In Music, the pupils really enjoyed making harmonicas. The sound they make is surprisingly loud and effective!

Today, we enjoyed a fantastic owl assembly. We learned several interesting facts about owls and watched them fly in our school hall! The owls were amazing!

Sports Week has been amazing! The pupils have really enjoyed all the activities we have completed. Well done to all the Hedgehogs for winning this year!

Just a few photos from Activities Week - there will be more to come next week at our class assembly!

Year 6 are looking forward to seeing you at ‘The Perfect Pancake Parlour’!

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The week, as part of our celebrations for Coronation Week, the pupils created nature crowns. They used several different types of plants to create their crowns. We think they would suit the King quite well!

This week, the pupils really enjoyed meeting and holding the ducklings! The pupils watched the eggs hatch and have enjoyed seeing the four ducklings grow.

This week, the pupils have started to design their own games in Scratch. They have been using their programming skills to create algorithms for making their sprites move. They have also created algorithms for a score feature and a timer.

This half-term, the pupils have worked together to create their own dance routine. The pupils worked on including changes in level, direction and speed.

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On Thursday this week, the Year 6 pupils enjoyed a fantastic assembly and workshop led by Bart Gee. Bart came to speak to the pupils about how he overcomes the challenges of his disability. Bart spoke about how even if something is hard, difficult or challenging, it is still possible to achieve a goal by working hard and being perseverant. Bart was incredibly inspiring!

We have really enjoyed reading the book ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy. We have created some artwork in the style of the author. Here is a range of work - from our first attempt, to our final versions.

We really enjoyed Book Week and World Book Day! We dressed up for World Book Day and came to school dressed as some of our favourite book characters!

As part of our ‘Viewpoints’ unit, the pupils learned about one point perspective. We have studied the work of LS Lowry, David Hockney and Vincent Van Gogh. The pupils used these works to develop their drawing and painting skills.

This week, our class took part in an Indoor Athletics competition at JFK secondary school. The pupils competed against several other schools in multiple track and field events. The class represented their school really well and displayed excellent sportsmanship! Well done Year 6!

As part of their work in Maths, the pupils have been revising equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. They created fantastic posters to help them remember all these facts!

This week, the pupils have been designing gymnastics sequences in P.E. They have worked hard to include balances and rolls in their routines.

This week, the pupils took part in a fantastic First Aid workshop. They learned about CPR, the recovery position, DR ABC and how to use an automated defibrillator.

In Science, the pupils have made seasonal light displays. They created their own eye-catching art work and designed a working electrical circuit which included a switch.

KS2 Lantern Festival

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Last week, we took part in a fantastic skipping workshop. We learned several new skills and challenged ourselves to learn more complicated skipping activities! We really enjoyed this experience!

As part of our ‘Dressing the Tree’ assembly, we sang ‘Come and join the Celebration’ with Year 5. We really enjoyed decorating the tree and counting down to the grand switching on of the lights!

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Doesn’t our Gade Valley Christmas tree look wonderful?

We are really proud of our origami stained-glass inspired Christmas decorations!

The circus skills workshop run by Lucas Jet was incredible! We enjoyed a performance, by Lucas, in the morning and learned some circus skills in his workshop in the afternoon. It was a fantastic experience!

Thank you to all families who attended our Celebration Evening! It was great to see you. For those unable to come, here are some photos of our classroom...enjoy!

This week, the pupils have finished their ‘Dig for Victory’ posters. This art work links to our previous learning about World War Two! Don’t they look eye-catching!

This week, we have been writing explanation texts using our experiences at Hudnall Park as inspiration. We are really proud of our writing!

This week, in our Harvest Assembly, we sang ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’. We hope you enjoy our singing! Happy Harvest and happy half-term everyone!

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In RE this half-term, we have been learning about what the church is. This week, we have investigated the role of the church in the local community.

We had a fantastic time at Hudnall Park! The pupils enjoyed the opportunity to take part in problem solving, orienteering and shelter building activities! They all developed their teamwork skills-well done Year 6!

This week, we have made some super progress in Maths. We have been learning how to add and subtract whole and decimal numbers using a range of strategies. It has been great to see the pupils confidence develop over the sequence of lessons! Well done Year 6!

The camp-out experience was fantastic fun! The pupils took part in a range of activities which helped them to develop their teamwork skills. We also focussed on kindness and being inclusive! We had a super adventure!

As part of our new PSHCE unit 'Being me in my World', we set goals for the year ahead. We designed colourful bunting to inspire us to achieve our goals. We ensured that our goals were achievable and could be completed this academic year.

Our Learning Journey 2021/2022

Thank you everyone who came to Open Evening this year! We really enjoyed showing off our work! As you can see, we have been very busy this year!

This week, we enjoyed a brilliant trip to the Hertfordshire Food and Farming Day! We learned about healthy eating, where our food comes from and how it is grown.

We had a fantastic time on Sports Day! Well done to the Foxes who won this year!

As part of our Science GOAL day, we took part in the Water-Aid challenge! We needed to move 10 litres of water over 50 metres using a box of everyday resources. We managed to keep 3 litres!

As part of our celebrations for the Queens’s Platinum Jubilee, we had a whole school picnic on the school field. We also learned about a Commonwealth country(South Africa) and investigated key events from the Queen’s 70 year reign!

We had a fantastic time during our Year 6 Camp-Out Experience! The children really enjoyed the trip to Ashridge and wholeheartedly embraced all the opportunities on offer. We created some fantastic memories!

We had a fantastic time at Harry Potter Studios! It was fantastic to be fully immersed in the wizarding world! The children really enjoyed their writing workshop where they learned about story writing and looked at play-scripts from the films!

Over the last two weeks, we have really enjoyed having the ducklings in school! The pupils watched as the eggs hatched and have helped to look after the ducklings. We held the ducklings and even watched them have a bath! This has been a fantastic experience and has been enjoyed by all!

In RE, we have been learning about how different religions express their faith through art.

We started our GOAL day by learning about the mean, mode, median and range. The sticks we collected were measured using tape measures and we performed a range of calculations to find the statistics we needed!

Our GOAL day continued with us making Harry Potter inspired broom sticks. We read the description of Harry’s Nimbus Two-thousand and then wrote descriptions of our own. We focussed on using powerful vocabulary and complex sentence structures.

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Our final GOAL day activity involved us having to work out how much water, and how many spoons of hot chocolate we needed, in order to make a cup for each person in our class. As Mr West lit the fire, we created a list of powerful vocabulary and some complex sentences to describe the flames! The hot chocolate was delicious!

In Art, we have been learning to draw birds. We have been focusing on drawing in as much detail as possible. In our next lesson, we will be creating clay models of our birds.

This week, we took part in the 2022 K’Nex Challenge. A local STEM ambassador visited our school and challenged us to build bridges. It was a fantastic challenge! Molly and Heidi were judged to have the most impressive bridge and were our winners!

We dressed up for World Book Day! Don't we look fantastic!

On World Book day, our whole school looked at the book 'Sharing a Shell' by Julia Donaldson. We created a playscript of the story and then used Scratch to recreate the opening scene of the book. We programmed some of the characters to move and speak! World Book day was fantastic!

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We have been finishing off our ‘Felt Phone Case’ unit in DT. We have learned several new skills and are very proud of what we have achieved!

As part of Safer Internet Day 2022, we thought about maintaining respectful relationships online. We looked at the context of gaming and created ‘Gaming Guides’ - characters who would provide gamers with tips for communicating appropriately within games.

In Art, we have been learning about perspective. We were inspired by the work of Vincent Van Gogh, David Hockney and LS Lowry. We created paintings in the style of these fantastic artists!

In Science, we have been learning about microorganisms. We identified helpful and harmful effects of microorganisms and conducted an investigation about the conditions that cause mould to grow quickly or slowly on bread.

Geography - As part of our work in our 'Marvellous Maps' unit, the pupils have been learning to identify symbols on Ordnance Survey maps. They have also learned about the eight compass points and how to use 4 and 6-figure grid references.

PE - In their gymnastics sessions, the pupils have been learning to create and perform sequences. They have been learning how to combine and link actions to form longer sequences.

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DT - This half-term, the pupils will be using their sewing skills to create a felt mobile phone case. In this piece of work, the pupils researched various designs and thought about the design criteria for their own phone case.

Our Performance! Well done Year 6!

History and Art: Dig for Victory Posters!

Our Christmas Decorations!

English - Our persuasive letters to Mr Barron!

Computing - identying features of a website

Our Explanation Texts

Diwali Dance Workshop : Bhangra Dancing!

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World War Two - Evacuee Letters

A fantastic day out at Hudnall Park!

Growth Mindset Day with Doodlebug!

We Love Reading : our new reading displays!

Camp Out Photos : Clothes Designers!

Camp Out Photos : Putting up our tents!

Camp Out Photos : The Egg Challenge!

A fantastic start!

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You fit right in!

This is Me!

PSHE : Setting goals for the year ahead...

Our Learning Journey 2020/2021

Welcome Video

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Goodbye and Good Luck Year 6!

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Year 6 Camp Out!

Sports Day - Race 1

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Sports Day - Race 2

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Sports Day - Race 3

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Sports Day - Relay Race

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Sports Day - Middle Distance Race

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Birds in Space!

PSHE - We are all connected!

Sky Garden Update!

Our new English displays!

A selection of work from our English unit: The Day of Ahmed’s Secret

Earth Day : planting sunflower seeds!

Mr Barron has been persuaded! Check out the progress on our school allotment!

Our Secret Sky Garden Display - Will Mr Barron be persuaded?

Persuasive Letters : Please Mr Barron, can we create a whole school allotment?

Our Indoor and Outdoor Sky Garden! We were inspired by Funni to create our own sky gardens!

RE : The Christmas Story

PSHE : United against Bullying!

Persuasive Letters : Should school be open on a Saturday?

No Other Country: Fantasy Stories

World War Two Display

DT : Benches... Look what we made!

Class Assembly Part 1

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Class Assembly Part 2

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Class Assembly Part 3

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Class Assembly Part 4

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Mindfulness : Collaborative Colouring

Short Story Summaries

Goal Bunting!

Here We Are : Letters and Poems

We read ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers as we returned to school. We used this fantastic book as inspiration to write letters to a special person in our lives. We also created list poems about our experience of sky-gazing. It’s great to be back!


Our Learning Journey 2019/2020

English writing - The Monster!

The Day of Ahmed’s Secret: Our Introductions...

RSPB Bird Watching Day!

On Thursday, we spent time surveying the local bird population. We then drew some of the birds we had seen using skills we had developed in our Art unit. 

For 'Cooking and nutrition Day' we were tasked with creating a healthy, savoury meal. 

We made a vegetable stir fry. It was delicious!

Art : Drawing Feathers

In Art this week, we have been learning to draw detail. We focussed on developing our use of line and tone to recreate photographs of feathers. 
Today we had a visit from ‘Legal Eagles’. 
We learned about how a Magistrates Court worked and took part in a mock trial.

DT - Our Final Products!

Persuasive Writing : Our Working Wall

Dressing the Tree : Christmas decorations!

World War Two Display

Take One Country - South Africa Display

Growth Mindset Day: Marginal Gains

World War Two - Henry Moore Research

It's about Mindset!


Spellings : Given out on a Friday for a test on the following Friday.

Maths, English and Timestables : Given out on a Friday. Please hand in by the following Wednesday. 

Reading : It is important that a range of texts are read at home. Whilst reading with your child, I would encourage you to draw attention to: punctuation, grammar, sentence structures, vocabulary choices and the organisation of writing.

