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Maths at Gade Valley Primary School

Maths Subject Leader : Mr Gerard van der Westhuyzen

Curriculum Aims

At Gade Valley, we pride ourselves on preparing our pupils, in the best possible way, for their next step in education. Maths – as a subject – is at the forefront of this. We believe that pupils should have the opportunity to master mathematical concepts which will help them throughout their education and in their lives beyond school.

We aim to achieve this by:

  • Having the expectation that all pupils can succeed in Maths.
  • Giving pupils a secure and sustainable understanding of mathematical concepts by developing consistent models and approaches throughout our school.
  • Ensuring that pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics (arithmetic), including through varied and frequent practise with increasingly complex problems (reasoning) over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Giving the pupils opportunity to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • Providing opportunity for pupils to apply their understanding of maths to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
  • Giving pupils regular opportunity to develop their understanding of mathematical vocabulary so that they are able to engage effectively with the curriculum as a whole. 


How We Teach Maths

As Maths is so important, we teach it in two discrete sessions each day. The first forty minute session is focused on teaching new skills : at Gade Valley we believe that pupils need to have a secure understanding of the core methods of Maths before they can move on to applying them in different contexts. In order to ensure effective progression and coverage throughout the school, we use the the excellent Abacus Maths scheme to structure the sequence of learning in these lessons. Teachers also make use of a wide range of resources which they use to scaffold learning and to support pupils. For example, Base 10, number squares, number lines, number frames, 2D and 3D shapes and place value cards.  


The second session of each day is ‘Take 5’. Teachers strategically choose a maximum of five key mathematical concepts for their pupils to revise and revisit. The learning in these sessions is based on ‘non-negotiables’ which all pupils are required to be able to achieve by the end of each academic year. These sessions are fast-paced and fun! 

All Maths lessons incorporate the 'Gade Valley Principles of Teaching and Learning' which we have devised as a staff. These principles guide teachers towards ensuring that the maximum learning potential of each session is realised each and every day. They include areas such as challenge, assessment for learning and learning behaviours. 


In order to ensure that our pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education and so that they know their timestables confidently, every child in Year 2 and Key Stage Two has access, at home and at school, to the Timestables Rockstars online learning platform. Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Our children really enjoy the “Rockstars” aspect of this program! Classes compete against one another to collect the most correct answers -  each weeks results are announced in Sharing Assembly on a Friday.


Each year, we hold several enrichment days in which children develop their understanding of Maths in the world around them. The aim of these days is to broaden children’s mathematical horizons. For example, classes have designed and made a class product which they have then sold to parents after school. Pupils were able to experience what it is like to work to a budget, manage a 'float', give change to customers and work out total profit. 


Early Years Foundation Stage:

Teaching in the Early Years Foundation Stage is underpinned by the Characteristics of Effective Learning. Teaching ensures that through child-initiated provision and daily experiences our children are confident when counting with numbers to 20, solving problems and using mathematical language to describe characteristics of number and objects. We support our learners in being critical thinkers and strive to ensure our setting is full of mathematical opportunities for children to explore, sort, compare, count, calculate and describe.


Key Stage 1:

Teaching throughout Key Stage One ensures that pupils are confident to manipulate numbers up to 100. The Key Stage One curriculum builds on the knowledge, skills and vocabulary taught in EYFS and provides opportunities for pupils to develop their competency in place value and the four operations. A high focus is placed on concrete, pictorial and mental strategies to equip pupils with a readiness for more abstract concepts to be introduced in Key Stage Two. Teachers model correct mathematical vocabulary and pupils are expected to use this vocabulary to articulate their ideas.


Key Stage 2:

Teaching throughout Key Stage Two builds on the solid foundations of the previous key stage. Pupils are introduced to formal calculation methods in Year Three and these are developed and built on each year in line with age related expectations. The frequent opportunities to reason and problem solve in real life contexts, provided by teachers, develop the pupils conceptual understanding and prepares them for the statutory end of key stage assessments.



Summative assessment takes place at the end of each term and pupils progress and attainment is discussed with senior leaders in pupil progress meetings. Formative assessment takes place on a daily basis and teachers adjust planning accordingly to meet the needs of their class.

Key Information for 2024/25

Up to September 2024, the following measurable impact includes:

  • The percentage of pupils, in Year 6, achieving the expected standard is 10% higher than the national average. 
  • The percentage of pupils, in Year 6, achieving greater depth increased pleasingly- by 17% this academic year. 
  • Maths lessons have been observed in Year 1 and Year 2 by the Headteacher and subject leader. Teachers are using the 'Gade Valley Principles of Teaching and Learning'  and pupils are challenged effectively. Teachers effectively address misconceptions and adapt their sequence of learning, when necessary, to ensure that their class has fully understood a concept before moving on.
  • Teachers and teaching assistants provide daily recap/extension sessions for PPG pupils. These sessions are purposeful and are improving pupils confidence and accuracy. 
  • Maths books have been scrutinised but the Senior Leadership team. Pupils have made a good start to the year. Teachers give high quality feedback through weekly 'Green for Growth' activities and in Key Stage Two, pupils complete a 'Weekly Evaluation' which provides children with a chance to reflect on their learning and to ask for assistance should they require it. Pupils who require assistance are then taught - usually through a personalised 1:1 intervention session - by the teaching assistant in their class.
  • Pupil voice, completed in December 2024, shows :
  • The vast majority of pupils enjoy Maths lessons.
  • The overwhelming majority of pupils feel the teachers' explanations are clear and easy to follow.
  • The overwhelming majority of pupils say that their teacher encourages them to participate in Maths lessons.
  • The vast majority of pupils stated they know if they have done something well in Maths and that their teachers' feedback helps their learning to improve.
To see our learning in Maths, please visit the Maths page on the 'Curriculum Blogs' section.