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Our Learning in the Summer term

In Year 5, the pupils have been exploring our Microbits. They have been programming a range of different activities on their Microbit including writing their names and using them as a pedometer. 

Year 2's Kadinsky music

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Year 2's Rhythm Music

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In Year 2, the pupils have been exploring Chrome Music Lab. They have created their own music using the range of programmes in the Music Lab.

In Year 5, the pupils have been developing their programming skills on Scratch. They designed their own game and were able to debug any issues that arose.

In Year 3,  the pupils designed and created invitations using desktop publishing.

Our learning in the Autumn Term

In Nursery, the pupils have been exploring interactive games using the Interactive Whiteboard.

In Year 1, the pupils have been learning to use different tools to create a piece of art. The pupils had to make lines and use primary colours to fill in the shapes.

In Year 2, the pupils have been learning to take pictures on the IPads. They have learned how to capture a range of images, focusing on the lighting, object shape and whether to take a landscape or portrait picture. 


In Year 3, the pupils have created Stop-Frame Animations using the Imotion app on the IPads. 

Learning in Summer Term 2023

Year 5 have been learning about Vector Drawings. The pupils have designed and created their own vector drawing, using a range of skills including creating backgrounds and only using 2D shapes. 

Year 5 have been learning about E-Safety. The pupils created information leaflets about keeping safe online, what to do if they are worried about anything that they see online and who can help the pupils with any online issues.

Learning in Spring Term 2023

Year 5 have been learning about Programming. The pupils have designed and created their own game on Scratch which uses repetition count-control and infinite loops. 

The Nursery children enjoyed using the Interactive Whiteboard to play some maths games.

Year 3 have been learning about Branching Databases. They have created their own branching database using dinosaurs. 

Learning in Autumn Term 2022

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Year 3 have been learning about animations. The pupils have learned about stop-frame animations and used different software to create their own moving stick figure. 

Year 2 have been learning about different technology that can be used to take photographs. The pupils learned about taking photographs in both landscape and portrait settings and when these would be most beneficial. They then put what they had learnt into practise and took their own photographs.  


Year 4 have been creating their own podcasts. To record audio themselves, the pupils used Audacity to produce a podcast, which included editing their work, adding multiple tracks, and saving the audio files. 

Our Learning Journey 2021-2022

Learning in Spring 

In Year 1, the pupils were learning about programming. They identified what each bee-bot command does and used that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs. Pupils were also introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms.

In Year 2, the pupils have been learning to recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs and have been capturing, editing, and improving photos. 

In Year 3, the pupils have been learning programming. They designed a sequence of instructions and then wrote wrote a program on Scratch to make their own piano that could play music. The pupils also learned how to detect and correct errors in algorithms. 

In Year 4, the pupils have been learning about data handling. They used hardware to collect data and also learnt how to present and analyse data using Excel.

In Year 6, as part of Safer Internet day 2022, the pupils thought about maintaining respectful relationships online. We looked at the context of gaming and created ‘Gaming Guides’ – characters who would provide gamers with tips for communicating appropriately within games. We also created our own games in Scratch. We created scoring, timers and programmed various features to engage players in our games!

Learning in Autumn 2

In Nursery, the pupils have been learning to explore real technological toys in their play. 

In Year 2, the pupils have been  learning about information technology. After finding out what information technology is, they sorted items into those that are information technology and those that are not. They also learnt how to open a file on the computer, and then moved and resized images whilst sorting them according to their purpose.

Year 3

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In Year 3, the pupils have used a range of techniques to create a stop-frame animation. They then recorded this on the Ipads. 

Year 5

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In Year 5, the pupils have been learning how to create short videos by working in pairs or groups.They have developed their skills of capturing, editing, and manipulating videos. 

In Year 6, the pupils have been learning about web page creation. As part of this unit, they have learned about the various features of websites.

Learning in Autumn 1

In Year 1, the pupils have been practising their skills when using the Ipads. They have been perseverant when learning new programmes. 

In Year 2, the pupils have been learning how to use a keyboard to type.

In Year 3, the pupils have been working on developing their basic skills. They are able to save documents to their own folders. Pupils can also change the font type and size, as well as inserting borders around their work. They have been really perseverant when improving the speed and accuracy of their typing. In computing lessons, the pupils have been learning all about how devices work and thinking about how digital devices are all connected within our school. 

In Year 4, the pupils have been learning about how information is passed through routers when using the internet. 

In Year 5, the pupils  have been learning about sharing information. They have learned about how systems work. The pupils have explored how a bicycle is an example of a system and everything connects together for the bike to work.  The pupils also looked at Amazon warehouses and the systems involved from ordering to collection and then designed a teddy bear with an internal system.

In Year 6, the pupils have used and further developed their word-processing skills in Microsoft Word. In this piece of work, the children had to create an eye-catching layout using background graphics, borders, text boxes and fills. This work linked to their PSHCE unit – ‘Being me in my World’.

2020-21 Our Learning Journey

Computing in our school

Computing around our School

Useful Computing Websites BBC Computing website The National Museum of Computing (National Association of Advisors for Computers in Education) Computing at School  National crime agency with a focus on online protection
