We're really looking forward to seeing our Gade Valley family again when school fully reopens on the 8th March. However, we are also aware that this could be an anxious time for some children, so take a look at this advice to support your child's return to school:
Here's the latest newsletter from Dacorum DSPL - they are currently working to organise transition webinars to support you during this time (more information will be posted here soon):
Thursday 4th February is Time to Talk Day.
Youngminds.org.uk suggest having a 20 minute conversation about mental health with your child.
Here’s some conversation starters you could use:
How are you and your child getting on with the home learning? Hopefully, it's going well and your child is learning lots. However, if you find that it is a bit of a struggle to get your child to do the home learning, then you might find it helpful to plan the day. Keeping a consistent routine and setting goals for the day can help behaviour.
The checklist below might help you with setting routines - you can use it to plan the day with your child.
If you need any support, please contact your child's teacher. You can also email me at senco@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk
Happy New Year, I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
This page will be used for sharing information from our school's partners about how you can access support during this lockdown. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's wellbeing and needs please do not hesitate to contact me at senco@gadevalley.herts.sch.uk
Mrs Steadman
Gade Schools Family Support
Our Family Support Worker is Carolyn Black and she is available if you need her help or support. The website can be found at http://www.gadeschoolsfamilysupport.co.uk
Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL)
Dacorum DSPL offers a range of provision and support services to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, aged 0-25. You can find them at http://www.dacorumdspl.org.uk
Here is the latest brochure for parents and carers from DSPL: