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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Our Class Teachers are Mrs Wiltshire and Miss Steadman

Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Cooke

Year 3 Non-Negotiables for Writing, Reading and Maths

Welcome Meeting

Thank you all for the lovely cards and gifts. We hope you all have an amazing summer break and we look forward to see you in September!

The Enterprise Sale was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who bought one of Year 3s friendship bracelets!

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Head on down to the Enterprise Sale this Friday 19th July at 3:15pm.
Year 3 are selling handmade friendship bracelets.
Only £1 each or two for £1.50!
Don't miss out on this amazing offer!

Our fantastic work displayed on Open Evening. The class have been true CHAMPs this year!

Sports Week - the pupils have worked really hard this week and have loved completing the different sports activities. They have shown fantastic Olympic and Paralympic values and excellent CHAMP qualities. Well done Year 3!

The children have made dioramas of the rainforest. They were so creative and they look amazing!

Hazard Alley - we had so much fun on our trip and the children learned a lot about how to keep themselves and others safe. They came across different scenarios and practised calling 999 to get help in an emergency. We learned about road safety, water safety, hazards that are in the home, keeping safe online and much more!

Gadebridge Park - As part of Year 3’s Geography learning, the pupils took part in some fieldwork. Their research question was ‘How is our local park used?’ They completed tally charts, sketches and a questionnaire with members of the public. They noticed that the park is mainly used for walking and dog walking. Next week, the pupils are going to analyse their data and make posters to show their findings.

In Science our topic is plants. The pupils have been planting this week!

STOMP workshop. The children had so much fun learning and creating different routines.

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Community Day - The police visited the school with their vans, police cars and police dogs and the children got to explore these. We had so much fun!

World Book Day

Buddy reading with Nursery.

For World Book Week we read The Twits by Roald Dahl and used freeze frames to act out different scenes. They children were very confident and did a fantastic job.

A Date With a Duck - The ducklings visited Y3 and the children got to hold a duckling. They were very cute!

The children had lots of fun learning new skateboarding skills!

In English the children have been reading traditional tales and fairytales. They wrote fantastic descriptions of settings and characters from these!

Thank you for our lovely Christmas gifts we are very grateful! smiley

We made our own calendars for the new year. Our theme was 'Seasons'. The children decorated the trees with their fingerprints, using different colours to represent the four seasons in the year.

D&T: On Friday we learned about different types of kites and the parts of a kite. We then had a go at designing and making our own kites and tested them outside - they worked really well!

Year 3 had a fantastic GOAL day this week. They explored the school woodland through the perspective of wildlife and used a map to mark out any assets or barriers their creature might find. We also played ‘hot seating’ and answered questions in character of the animal that they chose. For Maths, the children solved 'Nature Equations' using sticks, stones and leaves. They were were busy!

For anti bullying week, we drew pictures of people we can tell if we see or experience bullying.

In We Write the children invented a potion and wrote instructions about how to make them. They did a fantastic job!

In Friday’s assembly we celebrated Harvest Assembly.

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This week we celebrated Harvest Festival. We sang a song called the Harvest Samba and the children gave a confident performance in assembly.

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We had such a fantastic trip to Hudnall Park. We completed a lot of different art activities, including making sculptures in the woods, soil painting and colour mixing.

Our Art focus this term is ‘Growing Artists’. We have been learning how to enhance our work through, tone, shading and texture. We created this art by texture rubbing, using a variety of resources chosen from around the classroom.

For Roald Dahl Day we read ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and it inspired us to invent our own sweets. The children then wrote a description of these. They did a fantastic job!

The children have made such a great start to Year 3! It has been lovely to get to know them all and they have settled into the new term nicely. We are looking forward to a fantastic year of learning!

Our Learning Journey 2022-2023

Happy Summer Holidays. What a fantastic year we have had in Year 3. I have been extremely impressed with all the children this year and hope everyone has an enjoyable and relaxing summer break. Thank you all for your kinds words in the cards and for your very generous gifts.

In history this week we have been learning about bronze Age monuments such as at Stonehenge or Merrivale. We were inspired to create our own biscuit Stonehenge.

This week we were treated to a visit from a selection of owls. The pupils really enjoyed learning about the different types of owls, seeing the owls fly around the hall, having their pictures taken with the owls and even getting to help out in the display.

Year 3 have enjoyed learning about Ada Lovelace as part of our Women in History Day. The pupils found out all about her life and achievements and created these fact files about her.

This week Year 3 have continued with their learning about plants. Our sunflowers have been getting bigger and outgrown their pots so we have been transferring them to bigger ones. We look forward to seeing them after half-term.

Year 3 present Mario and Luigi’s Italian Restaurant. Located in the Year 3 classroom.

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Come and enjoy freshly made Pizza and Pasta for only £1.

A Date with a Duck - This week we were treated to a visit from the ducklings. The children enjoyed seeing them run around on the floor before each getting the chance to have a cuddle with one. Below are the pictures of the children with the ducklings.

This week the children of Year 3 and 4 treated us to a fantastic performance of Jack and the Beanstalk. All the children in Year 3 were extremely confident and performed the songs beautifully. They had worked very hard to learn the words and actions and I am very proud of their performance.

This week in Science we have been learning all about light and reflection. We had to create secret messages using mirror writing and also follow a trail whilst only looking at our mirrors.

Year 3 have been enjoying Book Week where they have been exploring the book 'The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. They also looked fantastic in all their different costumes for World book Day and have enjoyed their Buddy Reading with different classes. Below are a selection of photos from the week,

This week Year 3 had great fun during our GOAL Day. We created journey stories in English, completed a Maths treasure hunt and work as a team to create dens in the woodland area. All the children showed CHAMP qualities all day.

This week in Literacy we have been creating twisted fairy tales. This is where we rewrite a traditional fairy tale from a different perspective. Some of our stories include 'The Gingerbread House and the Children', 'The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood' and 'The Beanstalk and the Boy'. The children have then used a computer to create a booklet version of their stories which you can see below.

This week we had great fun as part of our Volcano Day. We learnt all about how volcanoes are created and how they erupt. We work in groups to create our own paper mache volcanoes and then erupted them using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. We also had a fire pit and created some volcano inspired art.

KS2 Lantern Festival

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Skipping Workshop - The children in Year 3 had great fun this week trying different skipping tricks. We learnt how to do cross-overs, long rope and even some partner skipping.

Decorating the Tree assembly - Today we had a fantastic assembly where we put our decorations on the school tree and sang Rocking Around the Christmas Tree. The children were very confident and did a fantastic job. Below are some pictures and a video of the performance.

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Here is a picture of the decorated Christmas tree.

Here are some pictures of the children with their fantastic tree decorations.

Circus Skills - This week we were visited by a circus performer who wowed us with his fantastic skills. We then really enjoyed getting to try some of the different circus skills ourselves. Below are some pictures from the day.

Circus skills video

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Victorian Day - The pupils had a fantastic day on Thursday when they were transported back in time to experience life in a Victorian school. The children looked fantastic in their outfits and enjoyed taking part in different Victorian lessons and learning about games that Victorian children played.

The pupils in Year 3 really enjoyed performing the Harvest Samba to the school this morning. They sang with great confidence and enthusiasm.

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This week the children had a fantastic trip to Hudnall Park. I was very proud of all the children’s enthusiasm and engagement on the trip. We had a brilliant time. Below are a few photos from the day.

This week the children have been learning all about shapes in Maths. They had great fun creating different 3D shapes using spaghetti and marshmallows. You can see a few pictures below.

This week the children have been paying their respects to Queen Elizabeth II by creating portraits of her for a school display. The children did 3 draft drawing before their final one and each time they were given ideas for how they could make their drawing even better.

Our Learning Journey 2021-2022

In English, we have been learning about free verse poetry. We looked at the poem “The Magic Box” by Kit Wright. Here is our performance of the poem.

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Celebration Evening- we had a lovely evening celebrating the wonderful work that the pupils have done.

In Science, we have been learning about plants. We went on a tree hunt around our school to try and identify the different species of trees. We created a tally chart with our results.

Stone Age Day- we had lots of fun during Stone Age day. We made wooden jewellery, completed cave paintings using charcoal, built shelters, practised our archery hunting skills and even got to light our own fire!

Sports Week: We have had a fantastic time during sports week. The pupils have taken part in lots of different activities including: throwing events, archery, goalball, biathlon, rhythmic gymnastics and hurdles. The pupils have been really Motivated and Perseverant- it's been lovely to see their fantastic sportsmanship and team spirit!

Sports Day- Here are some pictures of us competing during sports day. We took part in flat races, a relay race and a middle distance race. We had lots of fun cheering on our House teams!

Year 3 had great fun exploring water during Science day. They were challenged with transporting water across the playground using a variety of items. They showed great teamwork and resilience during this task. They also created posters showing what they had learnt about the Water Cycle.

In History, our new topic is The Stone Age. We thought about what we already know, what we think happened and wrote questions that we want to find out about.

Year 3 Jubilee Assembly

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We learned about events that happened to the Queen between 1982 and 1992.

The Commonwealth country that we learned about was New Zealand. We learned about Queen Elizabeth's 10 visits to New Zealand and the Maori ceremonies. We looked at Maori art and then created our own.

GOAL Day- For our Goal Day, we created 3D Rainforests. We used a range of leaves from around the school grounds to make the background. Then we went into our woodland area to collect sticks, leaves and flowers, we used these to make a Rainforest animal. We also had the opportunity to meet Stitch the snake, who we learned all about from one of our pupils.

In D&T, we have been learning about juggling balls. We tie dyed the fabric that we will be making our juggling balls from. We had to choose the pattern of tie dye and the colours we were using.

A Date with a Duck- we have had a fantastic time with the ducklings, seeing them hatch from eggs to watching them swim for the first time. We really enjoyed having a cuddle with them, they even started to look at the camera for the photos!

Science- our new science topic is Plants. We have planted sunflower seeds, cress and broad beans. We have learned about what plants need to grow and we will care for our seeds using this knowledge.

Goldilocks and The Three Bears- We really enjoyed supporting Year 4 in the performances!

GOAL Day- on our GOAL day we used our Science knowledge on light to create shadows of different animals using only our hands. Then we worked with a partner to create our own shadows. We went on a minibeast hunt in our woodlands and found lots of insects in their natural habitat. In the afternoon, we learned about the Viking Runes. We had a go at writing our names as well as the Viking Gods and Goddesses.

Roald Dahl Museum- on Wednesday we went to the Roald Dahl Museum. We enjoyed learning about Roald Dahl’s life. We also took part in a workshop about creating characters in the style that Roald Dahl created his characters.

In Science, we are learning about light. We were carrying out an investigation to test how reflective a range of materials are.

World Book Day- On World Book Day, we had lots of fun dressing up as our favourite book character. We were even taught by Mr and Mrs Twit!

In English, we have been learning about play scripts. We have read different scripts, identified the key features and had a go at acting out a scene from “Horrid Henry”. We had to follow the stage directions and read our lines correctly.

For Internet Safety Week, we have been learning about “All Fun and Games? Exploring respect and relationships online”. We created our own cyber superheroes to help keep everyone safe online and make sure they are respectful to others.

In Maths this week we have been learning about angles. We went on an angle investigation to see what angles we could find outside. We learned about right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles.

For National Storytelling Week, we read the story “I’ll Take you to Mrs Cole”. We were inspired by the dungeon so wrote a description about our own dark and dismal dungeon.

On Wednesday, Andrew Masters came in to visit us. He gave us our own Children's Bible and taught us how to read it and shared his favourite stories from the Bible.

In PE, we have been learning different types of rolls for gymnastics.

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Merry Christmas from Miss Kavanagh, Mrs O’Beirne and all of Year 3!

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Our Calendars- we used watercolours to create our calendar pictures.

In computing, we have been learning about animations. We created our own moving pictures by making a flip book dancing animation. Here is one in motion!

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Christmas Decorations- for our decorations this year, we were inspired by the Victorians. We sewed a Christmas tree by joining 2 pieces of felt together using a running stitch. We added some filling to make our Christmas tree's padded. We then attached a button and ribbon.

Science- in Science, we were carrying out an investigation to measure the effect of friction on different surfaces. We used our Maths skills to help us with measuring distance.

History- We had a Victorian Day where we learned all about school life during the Victorian Era. We had Victorian lessons and got to experience what the teachers were like too!

Here we are showing our new skipping skills!

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On Wednesday 3rd November, we took part in a Diwali Dance Workshop. Here is our final performance!

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In PSHE, we have been learning about ‘Being Me in My World’. We created our class charter thinking about our rights, responsibilities, consequences and rewards.

In French, we have been learning to have conversations. We been learning french greetings and how to ask questions and answer them.

In English, we have been writing our own Fables. We used Aesop's Fables and War and Peas by Michael Foreman to inspire us. We created our own books; designing the front cover, illustrating the story, writing a blurb as well as being authors of the fables.

Hudnall Park- We took part in lots of activities based on rocks and soils. We learned all about how rocks are formed, tested the hardness of rocks and drew rocks using a viewer. We also went on an invertebrate hunt and found out how soil is made. We used the soil to create pictures. We had so much fun!

Our Growth Mindset workshop with Doodlebug. We had lots of fun and learned about the skills we need to have a growth mindset!

In English, we have been reading “The Diary of a Killer Cat”. We used to inspire us to create our own naughty animal and write a diary entry from their perspective.

In Art, we have started our new topic based on insects. We used our observational skills to draw either a dragonfly or a ladybird. We could only use pencil in our sketches.

We have been thinking about friendships and what qualities a good friend should have. We wrote a “Friendship Recipes”.

This is Year 3!

WOW what a fantastic start to Year 3! The children have all worked really hard and we’ve had lots of fun getting to know each other! Here are some pictures of our outdoor art, the children had to create an animal using different materials around the woods.

Our Learning Journey 2020/2021

Year 3 you have been fantastic learning CHAMPs this year, have a lovely summer holiday. We will miss you!

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In D&T, we have been growing our own strawberries and tomatoes. We made strawberry smoothies and tomato bruschetta. They were delicious!

History- In history we are learning about The Stone Age. We created our own version made out of biscuits!

Sports Week- we had a wonderful week taking part in lots of different sports. The children showed great sportsmanship and fantastic CHAMP skills.

Sports Day 2021- Year 3 Flat Races

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Year 3 Relay Race- Fantastic Teamwork!

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Year 3- Middle Distance Race

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Art & History: we were inspired by Stone Age cave paintings. We created our own using charcoal, we worked on creating different shades and tones using different techniques.

History- On Tuesday, we visited Chiltern Open Air Museum, where we took part in a Stone Age Workshop. We made fire, created our own pigments to draw with, built a waterproof shelter using leather and sticks and got to have a go at being hunters and throwing axes.

In English, we are reading the story: Ug Boy Genius of the Stone Age. We looked at the anachronisms that Raymond Briggs used in the story. We then created our own Stone Age game and wrote instructions on how to play it.

In Science, we were learning about different trees and how we can name them. We went around the school grounds collecting leaves and naming them.

In D&T, we made 3D Rainforests. We had to design, make and evaluate our models. We included the 4 layers of the Rainforest and we had to include animals in their correct habitat.

In English, we have been writing non-chronological reports about Rainforest animals. We started by collecting research, writing the report and then making sure that we included all the key layout features.

In geography, we have been learning about Rainforests and in English we have been looking at shape poetry. We wrote our own shape poems about snakes.

In Maths, we have been learning about equivalent fractions. We learned how to use a fraction wall to help us find equivalent fractions as well as calculating it using multiplication.

In English, we have been learning about persuasive writing. We wrote letters to the Government to stop deforestation of the world’s Rainforests.

In Geography, we are learning about Rainforests. We have learned about the different layers of a Rainforest and the animals that live there. We have created our own Rainforest diagrams on the playground and designed our own display in the classroom.

Earth Day- for Earth Day we planted Sunflower seeds which we will grow in class and then plant around the school. We also created posters to show people what they can do to protect the Earth.

In PE, we have been learning Archery.

In RE, we have been learning about “The Story of Mary Jones”. We illustrated the different key parts of the story.

Volcano Day- on Monday we had Volcano Day, we made 3D volcanoes, had a fire in the woods and completed artwork inspired by Volcano explosions.

In Science this week, Mrs Steadman set us a challenge. We had to make a stick insect out of paper but we couldn’t use any glue or sellotape to stick it together!

This week in English, we have been reading “The Secret Sky Garden”. We explored the effects of littering on the environment and created informative posters about littering.

In D&T we have been designing and making our own kites. We could choose which shape we wanted our kite to be and what design we wanted. We had to select the correct equipment and use exact measurements.

Our song in the Nativity performance- O Little Town of Bethlehem

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In Art, we created our own artwork inspired by William Morris (a Victorian artist)

In RE we have been learning about the Nativity. We created our own Angel Gabriel’s, we learned what Angel Gabriel told Mary.

Victorian Day: On Monday, we had a Victorian Day. We learned about what children learned at school, the games they played and the punishments!

In PSHE, we have been focusing on how we can be a good friend to others.

We have been writing our own version of “The Tortoise and The Hare” fable. We have worked really hard on our handwriting this week!

In English, we have been reading the book “War and Peas” by Michael Foreman. We created our own imaginary land filled with all our favourite things!

Year 3's Class Assembly

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In Geography, we have been learning about our world. We learned about Northern and Southern Hemispheres, the Equator, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. We labelled them on a world map.

In Science, we have been learning about Rocks and Soils. We made our own fossils.

In guided reading we are reading James and the Giant Peach. We used the characters from the story and created our own work linked with our Art topic of insects.

Our Art topic is Insects. This is our collaborative bee!

In English we looked at the book “Here We Are” by Oliver Jeffers. We thought about how special the world is and how unique everyone is. We wrote a poem about our favourite pace in the whole wide world.

We have had a fantastic start to Year 3! In Maths this week we have been learning about number bonds. We are really confident with all our number bonds to 100!

Our Learning Journey 2019/2020

Kites- we had a really fun day making our own kites. We had to design the kite first, then make it ensuring that it was strong enough to fly. We then flew our kites and evaluated them .

PE- in PE we have been learning different types of dance. Here is our first attempt at Greek dancing

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World Book Day- here we are dressed as our favourite book character

Book Week- during book week we themed our work on books about ducks. We read Super Duck by Jez Alborough. Then we wrote our own Super Duck books using the techniques that Jez Alborough uses we illustrated and published our books- here we are showing the page that we are most proud of.

The Roald Dahl Museum- we had a fantastic time at the Roald Dahl Museum where we found out about his childhood, his early life and his inspiration for his books. We also took part in a workshop about creating our own characters based on the methods that Roald Dahl used when he created his characters (we got to dress up as the characters too!)

Big Bird Watch- on the big bird watch day we went outside to see which birds we could see. In total we saw 23 birds, the most exciting was the 3 Red Kites that were flying around. We then created shape poems about birds.

Cooking and Nutrition day- For cooking and nutrition day we learned about reading food labels, salt content and sugar content. We were very surprised about the amount of sugar that we should eat in a day and how much sugar is actually in different foods. We compared 2 breakfast bars: one had natural sugars and the other had added sugar. We got to share our new knowledge with Reception.

In English, we have been reading :"I'll take you to Mrs Cole!" By Michael Foreman

We have written our own setting description about the dark and dismal dungeon which was inspired by the dungeon setting in "I'll take you to Mrs Cole!"

In Maths this week, we have been learning about fractions. We have been adding fractions together which equal one whole and adding/subtracting fractions with the same denominator.

Volcano Day- We had a really fun (and messy!) day making our own 3D volcanoes, experiencing a camp fire and creating art work inspired by volcanic eruptions.

French- our new topic is Les Animaux

Christmas Traditions- we have been learning about different Christmas traditions. We found out that lots of Christmas traditions started in the Victorian Times.

Our Kite Designs- in D&T we are designing our own kites. We enjoyed learning about the different parts of the kites, different shapes and designing our own.

The Victorians- we put the key events of the Victorian era into chronological order.

Outdoor Learning- During outdoor Maths this week, we were creating our own pictures. We had to try and make them symmetrical.

Our instructions on "How to trap a Dragon".

Children In Need- for Children In Need we made Rocky Road cakes with Year 4.

Skipping Workshop- we had a lot of fun learning to skip. We also got to have a go at skipping with a partner, we had to be perseverant and helpful!

Take One Country- we have had a fantastic time learning all about the country China. We created fact files as well as designing and making trinket boxes.

Change 4 Life sports festival- we did a range of different activities including: basketball skills, throwing, catching and archery

Buddy Reading with Year 1

We are reading "War and Peas" by Michael Foreman. We created our own imaginary worlds inspired by the Greedy King's country in the story.

Our Cupcake Poems inspired by Michael Rosen's "Chocolate Cake" poem

Growth Mindset- For Growth Mindset day we were learning about our brains. When you try hard to learn something new, connections grow from neurons and attach to other neurons. Then your brain can send messages faster, making part of your brain bigger and stronger. Making mistakes really helps you learn, because your brain keeps trying new things and stretching until you figure out the answer to your problem.You are shaping a more elastic brain when you learn new things that build on what you already know.

We learned about our own neurons in our brain. We thought about our "Strong, Nearly and Not Yet" Neurons.

Our Science topic is Rocks and Soils- we have been learning about the different types of rocks and we even made our own using chocolate!

English- In English we have been reading "The Day I swapped my Dad for Two Goldfish". We described an illustration from the book.

Year 6 were teaching us all about Light, which is their Science topic- we enjoyed learning lots from them and found it very interesting!

Maths- In Maths we have been learning about place value.
