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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Our Class Teacher is Miss Kavanagh.

Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Reeve.

Year 2 Non-negotiables for Writing, Reading and Maths

Year 2 Welcome Meeting

Year 2’s Sprinkletastic Marshmallows

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Celebration Evening- we are really proud of all our work this year and enjoyed celebrating it with everyone!

GOAL Day- on our GOAL day, we completed a Maths Trail where we had to find different objects and follow the mathematical instructions of what to do with them. Then we had to get a Maths challenge card to solve. After, we went on a mini-beast hunt in the woods. Finally we made our 3D maps using natural resources to represent the outside areas such as woods and field.

In PE we have been using our kicking and fielding skills. We have worked together as a team.

Sports Day- we had a great time on Sports Day! Every one tried their best and represented their house group with great enthusiasm and pride.

Sports Week- this week, we have taken part in a range of different sports. All the pupils in year 2 have shown fantastic Olympic and Paralympic values as well as using all of their CHAMP skills.

In English, we have been reading “ The Lion Inside” by Rachel Bright. We have completed lots of work on the story including: describing the mouse, describing the lion and writing about our favourite part of the story.

Art- in Art we have designed and created clay house tiles. We had to include windows and doors as well as using a range of clay techniques including joining and pattern making. We were really Perseverant and are very proud of our finished tiles!

Making our clay house tiles

Geography- in Geography we went into the woods to complete some field research. Our enquiry question was: “Why are natural habitats special?” We investigated which plants and animals were in the woods.

Art- our new art topic is all about clay. We practised moulding different shapes using salt dough. We learned to flatten, shape, mark and model.

STOMP Workshop- we had lots of fun taking part in the STOMP workshop. We had to show all of our CHAMP skills!


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D&T: Under the Sea bunting. We made our own under the sea bunting. We had to follow the design criteria and we learned how to use a running stitch to join our pieces of material together. We also used a hot glue gun to attach other material to our bunting. We showed fantastic CHAMP skills!

Our visit to Hertfordshire Zoo

We had a fantastic day at Hertfordshire Zoo. We saw lots of different animals and had a special talk about penguins. In the afternoon, we enjoyed a walk around the dinosaur trail!

World Book Day 2024

A Date with a Duck- we were really excited to hold our ducklings that we hatched!

P.S.H.C.E- We were set a challenge in groups to make imaginary birds for ‘A Garden of Dreams and Goals’. We needed to work cooperatively to create our dream birds.

In English, we have written non- chronological report about sharks. We used books and the internet to research about shark’s senses. We then used our research to write our own reports.

Scooter Workshop- we had a fantastic time during our scooter workshop. We learned how to ride the scooters safely, use the brakes, steer around cones and we even got to try different tricks!

GOAL day- for our GOAL day we were inspired by National Storytelling Week. We used the story of “The 3 Little Pigs”. We created the characters using natural resources, then we made the houses. Finally we re-told the story in our outdoor theatre.

Maths- in Maths this week we have been using our knowledge of place value to add and subtract 2 two-digit numbers.

Under the Ocean Shape poems- we have been reading “Commotion in the Ocean” by Giles Andreae. We wrote our own shape poems about an under the sea creature.

Art- Telling a Story. In this unit of work, we designed and made our own concertina books based on the story: Goldilocks and the 3 bears. We had to use all of our mark making skills to create texture and include a moveable character.

How Percy Saved Christmas: A Festive Tale

Dressing the Tree- we made Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer decorations. We had to paint antlers and the head, then we attached the antlers, eyes and of course his red nose! We’re really proud of our decorations.

In PE, we have been playing Target Games. We have used our skills at throwing and catching to play a range of different target games. We have really enjoyed challenging ourselves with hitting different targets using a range of equipment.

Our GOAL Day

Our GOAL Day- we had a fantastic day (even though it rained all day!) we collected different coloured leaves to make our own fire picture. We went for a walk around our woods as well as creating artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. We finished the day, drying out with a hot chocolate!

Our Harvest song with Year 1- Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

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Whole school Harvest Festival song- Cauliflowers Fluffy

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In Science, we have been learning about what animals need to survive. We created a factfile about budgies.

In Maths, we have been learning about 2D shapes. We created pictures using different 2D shapes and made them into “ Shape World”

In English, we have been reading "The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. We wrote our own stories about a Colour Monster. The pupils were Perseverant and Motivated when writing their own stories and are really proud of their books.

Roald Dahl Day- we had a lovely afternoon with Year 1 celebrating Roald Dahl day. We completed lots of different activities linked to the story “The BFG”.

Our Learning Journey 2022/2023

To celebrate the end of Year 2, we went outside with Year 1 and had some very yummy rocket lollies! Year 2, thank you for an amazing year, you are going to be fabulous Year 3 pupils!

Today, we learnt about Bastille Day for our French WOW Day. We completed a range of activities including: learning a French song, counting to 20 in French, the money used in France, basic greetings, and we even finished the afternoon off by creating Henri Matisse inspired artwork.

In science, we have been conducting an experiment. We learnt about what plants need to grow and have set up an experiment testing this out. We have 5 plant pots; one with all of the things needed to grow; one without water; one without soil; one without light; and one without the right temperature.

This week in Geography we have continued learning about human and physical geographical features. In today's lesson we looked specifically at the features in South America!

Sports Day! We are very proud of all of the effort Year 2 put into their races today, well done!

During our Art Wow afternoon, Year 2 leant about Martin Ridley and created their own watercolour masterpieces based on his work and the owls from this morning.

This week in Art, we started our new topic of Printing. We created a copy of Andy Warhol's work 'Flowers'.

We had a fantastic time at our class party this afternoon celebrating the end of our quizzes! We danced, sang, and ate lots of yummy sweet treats! Have a lovely half term, we can't wait to see you soon!

Today, Year 2 have been editing and publishing their newspaper reports based on the book 'The Enormous Turnip'. They have been very perseverant.

Two's Tasty Treats!

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Year 2's Enterprise stall is called "Two's Tasty Treats"! Please come and visit us on Friday 19th May 2023!

We had a fantastic time with Year 1 at the Radlett Centre watching the Smeds and the Smoos!

We were very lucky and held the ducklings this afternoon. The class (and the ducklings!) were very excited.

In DT this half term, we will be creating our own animal faces using fabric and connecting it with the running stitch. This week, we experimented by creating different types of fur through twisting, bending and stretching.

To start our new topic of 'Living Things - Animals' in Science we played a game where we had to organise different things into the categories 'non-living' and 'living' by running to each side of the playground.

We LOVED making our chocolate nests. Here is a picture of us enjoying them and watching a film as a treat!

We had lots of fun making our salads! Here is how they turned out:

Our topic this half term in Computing was 'digital data'. The pupils successfully logged onto the computers, searched for the website, and created their own pictograms with their own data. I am very proud of what they have achieved so far in Computing!

For Science Week 2023, we created a paper bird. We were not allowed to use any adhesives and could only use 4 bits of paper. We had to work with a partner to create our birds. Here is a picture of all of our class birds together:

This week in PSHCE we have furthered our understanding of different emotions. We looked at a range of different scenarios and acted these out. Then, the rest of the class had to guess how our characters were feeling based off of their facial expressions and body language.

The Smeds and The Smoos GOAL Day! We had lots of fun today completing a range of fun activities including decorating biscuits, making aliens, making robots, painting, using glitter salt dough and alien imaginative play.

World Book Day! We had an amazing day today completing a range of activities such as designing and making a planet and making a salt-dough alien. Here is a picture of us in our costumes during our version of a 'Bedtime Story'.

In one of our Maths lessons this week, we completed a carousel of activities based on using timers. We timed ourselves writing our names, jumping on the spot, rolling a number 6 on a dice and colouring in a clock. We also completed some tally questions to test our new knowledge.

In our PSHCE lesson today we focused on teamwork and achieving one common goal. We worked in groups to create a bird to live in our 'Dream Relaxation Garden'. We were helpful when working with our friends and perseverant when we faced challenges.

During our GOAL Day we had lots of fun building bug homes, making our names out of sticks and leaves, playing on the trim trail and drinking hot chocolate. We are very tired from all of our outdoor activities but we can't wait for the next GOAL Day!

In Maths today, we were learning about halving numbers. We used blocks to split numbers 10 - 40 into two equal groups. Then, as a class we sorted out the numbers into if they could be shared equally in half or not.

In PSHCE, we have been looking at achieving goals when working as part of a team. To test our teamwork skills we created a marshmallow tower in a group of 4.

This week in Science, we went on a hunt around the school to investigate the local habitats. We tried finding some living creatures and spoke about their homes.

In Art this week, we have started our unit on weaving. We learnt the process of weaving and had a go of our own. Here are some pictures of the process:

Today in Science, we have been learning about John McAdam and macadamisation. We learnt interesting facts about his life and then used hot seating to think more deeply about the work he did. We had lots of fun using drama today.

Singing Little Donkey!

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Dressing the Tree!

We were very lucky and took part in a Skipping Workshop this morning. We persevered and learnt forwards skipping, backwards skipping, and cross over skipping. We also had a turn at running into a large skipping rope and doing tricks. We had lots of fun!

In Art, we created collages based on The Great Fire of London. We are very proud of what we have achieved today.

We lad lots of fun this morning in our Circus Skills workshop with Lucas Jet. We learnt lots of new tricks and were very perseverant. We are very proud of ourselves.

In Maths yesterday, we were pretending to be robots. We had to tell a partner how to move around the room using language related to position, direction, and movement. The pupils all made excellent robots.

Year 2 had an amazing GOAL day today and worked extremely hard when completing the activities. We built our own mini-campfires, a natural firework display using sticks, twigs, leaves, and mud, and did some outdoor painting and chalk work. We were also very lucky and Mr Barron came and built us a fire so we could toast marshmallows and make smores. To end the afternoon we sat in the forest area and drank some hot chocolate with marshmallows.

In Computing, we played photography bingo. The children worked in partners to take pictures of a range of different scenes and objects, including a building, a person, a close-up of an object, an action shot, a selfie, and something in the distance. We had lots of fun taking photos and discussing what makes a good picture.

Harvest Festival- Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

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Today in Science, we started our new topic 'Everyday Materials'. We discussed the uses of different materials and went on a hunt to see what materials we could find around the school.

In PSHCE this week, we spoke about using a Growth Mindset approach to help us persevere through challenges. We created a class flag with lots of different phrases to remind us to stay positive.

On Monday, we went to Hudnall Park and had a fantastic time. We did a range of activities and the pupils enjoyed investigating the different areas. We started off the day by playing hide and seek after making a trail for another group to find and then we went on a scavenger hunt to find some shapes around the site. We hope you enjoy looking at the pictures. .

Today in English, we took part in some drama and role-playing activities to help us understand our new focus text 'The Pirates Next Door'. We had lots of fun pretending to be pirates and acting out different scenes from the story.

In Maths this week, we have been learning our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. We discussed how we can use our addition facts to help us with our subtraction. Today, we used multilink to help us visualise the sums we were completing. Here are some pictures of us working with our learning partners.

This week in PSHCE, we were learning about being helpful, resilient and caring towards ourselves and our peers. We spoke about how we could work together to be a team and support one another. We also had to order a range of pictures from most to least important. Here are some pictures of us completing our activities.
