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Nursery Teacher - Mrs B Speer


"My favourite children's book is Hairy Mclary from Donaldson's Dairy."


"If I could have any super power it would be to Fly so that I could visit family easily."


"If I could be any animal it would be a Lion - Queen of the Jungle!"



Teaching Assistant - Mrs C Hale


"My favourite children's book is 'Can't you Sleep Little Bear' by Martin Waddell because I like the way Big bear is sensitive to Little bears needs when he is frightened of the dark and perseveres to find a solution to help him."


" I think I would pick flying as my super power. I would really enjoy how free I would feel and knowing I would have the ability to go almost anywhere. Also, I would love to see the world from a new perspective."


"I would like to be an elephant as they are highly sensitive and caring, have sophisticated memories, strong, very intelligent, confident and calm. All attributes I would like to be gifted with."




Teaching Assistant - Mrs L Walker


"My favourite book is The Tiger Who Came To Tea" 


"My super powers would be to be able to fly, no more planes, cars or trains you could fly everywhere. Imagine how many places you could go."


"My favourite animal is an elephant, so caring and intelligent." 


