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Our learning in the Autumn term

Year 6

Year 6 have been learning about the Americas and have been comparing physical and human geography in their local area.

Year 5

Year 5 have been enjoying learning all about mountains in Geography. They have explored where mountain ranges are in the UK and Europe, how mountains are formed and the different features of a mountain.

Year 3

Year 3 have been developing their ability to read maps and atlases in Geography this term. They have explored the United Kingdom and are able to name the different countries and capital cities from it.

Year 2

In Year 2 the children have been learning about the different continents and oceans of the world. They have used atlases to find the continents and identify some countries from each one. 


Our Learning in the Summer Term

In Year 2, the pupils have been exploring human and physical geography. They have learnt about the different types of human and physical geography and explored the local area to find examples.

Year 3 have enjoyed learning all about rainforests. They have explored the location of rainforests around the world and why they can be found close to the equator. The children have also learnt about the different layers in the rainforests and the treats that rainforests face.

The pupils in Year 4 have been learning all about the water cycle. They have explored the different terminology and investigated why the water cycle is so important. They have created diagrams on paper plates explaining the processes in the water cycle.

The pupils in Year 5 have been busy learning all about rivers and mountains. They have built on their knowledge of the water cycle to explore the significance of river and mountains for wildlife and eco-systems. They have also learnt about the different features of rivers and mountains and demonstrated their knowledge by creating these informative posters.

Our Learning in the Autumn Term

The pupils in Year 1 have been learning about weather. They have kept a weather diary to explore local weather and have also compared weather from different countries.

In Year 2, the children have been developing their map reading skills. They have been learning about the different oceans and continents of the world.

The Pupils in Year 3 have been learning to read different types of maps. They have explored various atlases to locate different cities, countries and continents. They have also created their own sketch maps of the school.

Year 4 have been learning about different countries in their topic of 'Around the World'. They have explored lines of latitude and longitude and also learnt about time zones.

Learning in Spring term

Year 2 have been comparing the United Kingdom to Kenya. They have been locating the countries on a map, identifying the continents they are on and comparing features such as climate. They have created their own fact books about each one.

Year 3 have been busy learning about Volcanoes. They have identified some of the major volcanoes in the world and even had their own ‘Wow Day’ where they had a fire pit, learnt about the parts of a volcano and even created their own model volcanoes.

Year 4 have had fun learning all about the Water Cycle. They have learnt about the importance of the Water Cycle as well as the different processes within it and recreated these processes through practical experiments.

Y5 have also been learning about Rivers. They learned about the features of a river and drew and labelled their own rivers. As part of their GOAL day, they visited the River Gade in Gadebridge Park and identified some of the features there.

Year 5 have been enjoying learning about mountains. They have identifies the features of mountains and used their atlas skills to locate some of the biggest mountain ranges in the world.

Year 6 have been developing their map reading abilities. They have been identifying symbols found on Ordinance Survey maps as well as using compass directions to plan routes.

Learning in Autumn 2

Year 6

In Year 6, the pupils have been using atlases to locate and label various countries involved in World War Two.

Year 1 - Weather

Year 1 have been busy learning about the weather in geography. They created their own weather diaries to keep a record of local weather patterns.


Nursery have been enjoying learning about their local environment this half-term. They have been exploring the woodland in the school grounds.

Learning in Autumn 1

Year 2 - Outdoor learning at Hudnall Park

During their trip to Hudnall Park, Year 2 learnt how to use simple compass directions whilst describing the location of features and routes on a map. They created this display to show all the learning they had done.

Year 3 - The World

Year 3 have been learning about the world. They have used atlases to identify the Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn and the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Year 4 - Around the World

Year 4 have been building on the knowledge they gained in Year 3 when using atlases. They have been identifying the different hemispheres, the artic and antarctic circle as well as using lines of latitude and longitude to locate countries. 

Hundall Park - Year 4 and 6

Year 4 and 6 have been developing their geography skills whilst at Hudnall park. Both classes learnt how to use a compass with Year 6 using bearing to help them complete an orienteering course.

Learning in 2020-21

Geography in the Summer term 2021

Y2 Commotion in the Ocean

Take One Country - Facts about our countries:

Work from the Spring Term from around the school.

Some pictures of Geography work completed during the Autumn term.
